DWI HIT PARADE Maryland State Police reports DUI Arrests for the Annapolis Barrack March 29 – April 6, 2018; includes commercial dump truck operator cited for his 3rd DUI arrest in a big rig

Gov. Hogan reopening Annapolis Barrack of Maryland State Police

DWI HIT PARADE Maryland State Police reports DUI Arrests for the Annapolis Barrack March 29 – April 6, 2018; includes commercial dump truck operator cited for his 3rd DUI arrest in a big rig


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Alex Fischbach 26 Severna Park, MD 3/29/2018 @ 0103 Tfc. McInerney

Barry Quigley 52 Pasadena, MD 3/30/2018 @ 0317 Tfc. McInerney

Joseph Corria 47 Arnold, MD 4/1/2018 @ 0038 M/Tpr. Herndon

Shannon Burke 42 Edgewater, MD 4/1/2018 @ 0322 Tpr. Bandy

Robert Costa 52 Annapolis, MD 4/5/2018 @ 0302 Tpr. Barbiche

Michael Snider-Held 34 Annapolis, MD 4/5/2018 @ 0254 Cpl. Ellington

Antoin Green 41 Annapolis, MD 4/6/2018 @ 0244 TFC Holson

Commercial dump truck operator
cited for his 3rd DUI arrest in a big rig

Durran Leonardo Beasley, 56, of 8211 Rison Drive, Brandywine, Md., 3/30/2018 @ 1020 M/Tpr. Davis. Beasley was cited for DUI while operating a 1997 Kenwood Dump Truck while westbound on Sands Road west of Myles Drive. He was also cited for driving a commercial vehicle with a measurable amount of alcohol in his system, which carries a fine of $1,010.00. Beasley was also cited with a $90 fine for failing to have a valid medical examiners certificate in his possession. In addition to driving a dump truck while allegedly three sheets to the wind, this bozo was operating a truck that police cited for having brake linings that are inadequate with a fine of $540.00

On Feb. 6, 2017, Beasley was cited for operating his truck without insurance. The charge was dropped by Prince Georges County States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks.

On May 5, 2014, Beasley entered into a plea deal in Prince Georges District Court when cited for a series of violations. Beasley pleaded guilty to driving while suspended on Rt. 4 south of Dower House Road by a Maryland State Trooper with the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division. THE DEAL: No jail time and a find of $100.00. A citation for having bad tires was dropped by States Attorney Alsobrooks and Beasley entered a guilty plea to the brakes on his 1989 Freightliner truck being inoperative. THE DEAL: a fine of $200.00.

Beasley was cited while operating a truck on Rt. 210 at Old Fort Road on May 6, 2013, by Maryland State Trooper M. Kemp and also ticketed for low air warning device inoperative, which resulted in a guilty plea in a plea deal with Prince George’s County States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks on June 27, 2013. THE DEAL: a verdict of Probation Before Judgement along with two other defective equipment citations on the truck were merged with this citation and a total fine of $200 was assessed.

Beasley was arrested for DUI by Maryland State Trooper S. Weaver while operating a 1989 Freightliner truck southbound on I-270 at Hyattstown weight station facility on June 5, 2013, at 10:04 am. No jail time and the DUI charges were dropped by Montgomery County States Attorney John McCarthy on Dec. 5, 2013. THE DEAL: Beasley was fined $140 for having parts and accessories not in safe condition and brakes being out of adjustment.

Beasley was arrested for DUI, refusing to sign the citation as if he was in one of the Smokey and The Bandit movies, operating an uninsured vehicle, hit and run with a property damage collision on Sept. 14, 1998. In a plea deal in Prince Georges Circuit Court, Beasley entered a guilty plea on Jan. 7, 1999. Court records do not reveal any fine or jail sentence in the matter.

Maryland State Police and Charles County conducted this sobriety checkpoint on Rt. 228 in 2015.


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