Southern Md Police Beat / Parking lot dirtbag at Walmart stole woman’s purse from her vehicle as she returned a shopping cart to a collection point in the lot

CALIFORNIA, MD. – Most thieves are cowards and pick their victims due to being targets of opportunity and perceived to be weak and unprotected. Much like a fox making an easy meal of a small rabbit, a criminal preyed on a woman who was alone in the parking lot of the Walmart located on Rt. 235 in California, Md.
Police say that when the shopper finished loading her bags of purchases into her vehicle in the Walmart parking lot, she turned her back long enough to push her shopping cart over to a collection point for carts in the lot.
When the shopper did so, a thief grabbed the opportunity to steal her purse from her car and take off on a stolen debit card shopping trip at the Wawa located a few blocks away at the intersection of Rt. 235 and Rt. 4.
St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that deputies are seeking the identity of the person shown in photos below who used the stolen debit card to obtain various purchases including gift cards.
Anyone with information about the identity of the suspect is asked to contact Corporal Austin Schultz at (301) 475-4200 extension *1953, or by email at Austin.Schultz@stmarysmd.com.
Win cash from Crime Solvers by being the first one to turn in this dirtbag and contact Crime Solvers at (301) 475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for an award of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in St. Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or indictment.
Donell Martin sought to answer drug charge, skipped court

LEONARDTOWN, MD. – Tim Cameron, the Sheriff of St. Mary’s County, issued a breath-taking press release about a suspect wanted for ESCAPE. In reality, the suspect didn’t escape but was let loose free as a bird by the Alice in Wonderland Judiciary of Maryland which allows accused criminals to simply promise to show up in court. An actual ESCAPE would involve sheets tied to the bars of the windows of a jail cell, overpowering a guard or drilling out of the wall of the St. Mary’s County Jail, otherwise known as the Hotel St. Mary’s.
It just wasn’t an escape.
Sheriff Cameron reported under the headline of “Wanted for Escape- Donell Eugene Martin” that the department is seeking the whereabouts of Donell Eugene Martin. Martin, of 22009 Valley Drive Estates, Apt. 231, Lexington Park, Md., has an active warrant for failing to appear in District Court for drug charges on April 3, 2018. Martin was arrested on Feb. 13, 2018, by Maryland State Trooper David Coppedge and a District Court Commissioner let Martin free on unsecured personal bond of $2,500. The taxpayers are providing Martin with a free attorney if he ever shows up again for trial.
The police might not be out looking for Martin had not St. Mary’s States Attorney Richard Fritz not given him a sweet plea deal on March 21, 2017, when in St. Mary’s District Court, Martin entered a guilty plea to second-degree assault. THE DEAL: a sentence of 180 days in jail with 170 days suspended and probation, which has now been violated.
Even though Martin was already on probation, on Aug. 25, 2017, Fritz agreed to allow a verdict of Probation Before Judgement when Martin entered a guilty plea to driving a vehicle on a highway without a driver’s permit. THE DEAL: Martin was sentenced to 20 days in jail with all 20 days suspended.
When brought to court on Dec. 19, 2014, on the same charge of failing to have a permit, Fritz put the charge on the Stet Docket, meaning Martin had to be a law-abiding citizen for one year of his life or the charge would be brought back for trial.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Donell Eugene Martin is asked to contact Detective Melissa Hulse at (301) 475-4200 extension *1996, or by email at melissa.hulse@stmarysmd.com.
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