MURDER USA; Mother and daughter shot dead just before noon, 11:50 in the morning. Capt. Jackson: “I am begging for help in taking these killers off the street, I am literally begging, help us”.
Baltimore City Police Chief TJ Smith: “We know the bad guys were targeting that house, but not targeting the two women.
“They don’t care, they will kill anybody on the way to get to the one they want to kill.”
“What concerns us as a city is that this ramps up street violence due to unhinged people seeking retaliation.” “We are talking about people being caught and convicted of using a gun in a felony and they need to go to prison for a long time for repeat offenders and proven it time and time again that are responsible, how many of these bad guys busted in a back door and decided to kill those they found in their way. We have seen this year in case of Thomas Branch.”
Baltimore City Police Capt. Jackson: ” It was May of 2015, another mother and a son were killed inside a home and now we are talking about a mother and a daughter (killed last week).”
“Somebody knows who they are, as a community, they are sleeping on someone’s couch, someone knows, help us.”
“We have to stop becoming numb to the violence, we have to have names.”
“We had a legislator who’s grandson was killed in Baltimore recently, say that had it not for this gun violence reaching to his own family, he would not have likely voted for this bill calling for mandatory minimums for use of a handgun in a crime.”
Last Wednesday, April 4, a mother and daughter killed in Baltimore City. Shanette Neal and Justice Allen inside their own home.
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