PRINCE GEORGES POLICE BEAT: Fairmont Heights High Track Coach Charles Wolford charged with sex abuse of student
UPPER MARLBORO, MD. – The track coach at Fairmont Heights High School, who also is a teacher’s aide at the Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary has been charged with three charges of sex abuse of a student, according to PG County Police Chief Hank Stawinski.
Chief Stawinski announced the arrest on April 25, 2018, one day after he said detectives met with Charles Maurice Wolford, of 1612 Willowbrook Court, Hyattsville, Md., and began to investigate the alleged sex abuse of a student that he coaches on the track team at Fairmont.
According to Stawinski, Wolford is twenty-three years old, has been employed by the school system in Prince Georges County, Md., for four years and has no prior criminal history.
The student that was involved with Wolford is 16 years of age and Wolford had care and control over the student, said the chief.
Wolford is currently in the PG County Jail on charges placed by Detective Quarles of sex abuse of a minor, second-degree assault, and fourth-degree sex offense with a person over which the adult has authority.
As a former student of Fairmont Heights, I have personally witnessed the success of the track team throughout the years. Fairmont Heights track team has been struggling with funding in order to provide the boys and girls of the team with uniforms, proper training equipment and paying for track meets.
As some of you may not know, track teams have to pay for most of the track meets they go to, unlike other sports. One meet, in particular, is the Penn Relays (Philadelphia, PA) which takes place in April. This is a nationally televised event which showcases athletes of all ages including professional track and field athletes.
Recently in February, the Fairmont Heights Boys Indoor team won the 1A State Championship. In order for them to continue their success, they need your help in any way possible. This would mean so much not only to me but to the coaches and the boy and girls of the team. Thank you in advance!
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