Southern Md. Police Beat: DIRTBAG ROUNDUP – Thomas Carnell Smith III riding on the free bus provided by taxpayers relieved himself on the bus

St. Mary’s Transit bus doesn’t provide restrooms on the free buses. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Southern Md. Police Beat: DIRTBAG ROUNDUP – Thomas Carnell Smith III riding on the free bus provided by taxpayers relieved himself on the bus

Thomas Carnell Smith, 25, of Aquasco, Md., was arrested on an outstanding warrant for Failing to appear, Urine Defecate in Transit bus by St. Mary’s Sheriff Md. Dep. Henry.

LEONARDTOWN, MD. – The driver on the bus says move on back, move on back, move on back…wait….the driver on the bus says to get the hell off my bus, you idiot!

That was likely about the way it went down on March 16, 2018 when St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that Thomas Carnell Smith III of 17407 Eagle Harbor Lane, Aquasco, Md., was charged with urinating and or defecating on a St. Mary’s County transit bus, a free bus service for those living on welfare, a fixed income, without transportation which enables folks to move about to shopping or to doctors visits.

Smith, 25, of Aquasco, was arrested on an outstanding warrant for FTA/Urine/Defecate in Transit by St. Mary’s Sheriff Deputy Henry.

Apparently, Smith is not just an idiot who believes he is living in a third world country, though forced resettling of immigrants by the Obama Administration has turned many small towns in America into exactly that where defecating in the street is commonplace. Smith’s place of residence is a comfortable community of average income residents who would likely abhor his behavior.

Smith has a pending pot head citation in Calvert County, issued by Maryland State Trooper Kelly on March 6, 2018.

The alleged defecator extraordinaire has little use for bothering with obtaining a driver’s license and was issued three citations for driving while suspended and without a permit on May 5, 2016. With free attorney Lia Rettammel from the taxpayer-funded Public Defender’s Office, Smith went to Prince George’s Circuit Court on July 26, 2016 where seven counts of speeding, no permit, driving while suspended and all around failure to do good were dealt the typical fate of extreme leniency by Prince Georges States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks who talks big in front of TV cameras yet on a daily basis fails to hold Dirtbags like Smith accountable for violating traffic laws and endangering everyone else on the highway. THE DEAL: With a verdict of Probation Before Judgement, Prosecutor Alsobrooks exacted a guilty plea from Smith and he was sentenced to zero time and zero fine.

Angela Alsobrooks PG States Attorney

Alsobrooks is a Democratic candidate for Prince Georges County Executive where she can apply her talents to completing sending PG further into a quagmire of crime, murder, and drugs.

Smith was arrested in Anne Arundel Count by Anne Arundel Police Officer Linsenbigler on Dec. 31, 2015, and charged with operating a 1995 Honda on Rt. 2 northbound at Church Street without drivers permit. The tough-talking Republican States Attorney in Anne Arundel, Wes Adams, put the charge on the Stet Docket on June 6, 2016, with zero fine and zero time.

Smith was cited by Anne Arundel Officer Horne on June 8, 2015, and again, with a free attorney provided by taxpayers, apparently cowed the Anne Arundel States Attorney who failed to bother with the case and just dropped the charges on Sept. 9, 2015.


Wild Wings & Hobby Lobby Managers Clueless on Employee Training to prevent scams

Hobby Lobby con man cops looking for this guy’s name in $100 bill scam
TRUE CRIME – Audible edition perfect for commuting. A great way for illiterate drug dealers to keep up on the news.

CALIFORNIA, MD. – Does St. Mary’s County Maryland have some of the most inept retail store managers in the region or is one local con-man simply smarter than the store managers?

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department is seeking the identity of the individual pictured.  On April 16, 2018, the suspect entered Buffalo Wild Wings, located on Lexington Village Way, in Lexington Park, and presented the employee with a $100 bill to purchase a small item.

Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that while the employee was conducting the transaction, the suspect presented the employee with additional change, and was able to remove the $100 bill from the counter.  The suspect ultimately left the business with the initial $100 as well as change for the $100.

Police say that the suspect had also used this scam earlier the Hobby Lobby located about a mile north on Rt. 235 St. Mary’s County.

Buffalo Wild Wings Salaries

According to Google, the average salary for a general manager for Buffalo Wild Wings is $51,609 per year.

According to, the average Hobby Lobby salary ranges from approximately $18,922 per year for Cashier/Stocker to $67,030 per year for General Manager.

While most every restaurant location refuses to accept a $100 bill, or for that matter, even a $50, these two retailers either don’t have a policy or don’t train their staff accordingly. In any event, losses racked up by stores are passed along to customers in the pricing of goods, food, and services. At the very least, the bill offered of any denomination should be placed under the counter and away from the grabbing arm of the con-man.

Anyone with information on the identity of the suspect is asked to contact Dep. Tyler Payne at (301) 475-4200 extension *8010, or by email at

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