Turmoil at the Top! St. Mary’s Sheriff Narco Boss Capt. Dan Alioto Booted
By Ken Rossignol
(MAY 21, 2017)
The top narcotics boss in the Southern Maryland region, St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Captain Daniel Alioto is being forced to take an early-out retirement. The departure was sudden for the one person believed by many to be elevated to the post of assistant sheriff and in the top position to replace Sheriff Tim Cameron, either in the next election by ousting his boss or running for office upon Cameron taking a high-level job with his friend, the new Assistant Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein.
Alioto’s exit from the St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Department, according to sources close to the turmoil in Leonardtown, is due to discrepancies between what he said about an official investigation and facts revealed by evidence revealed either by body camera obtained during discovery in court procedures or through orders given by him to massage the truth.
Either way, it’s curtains for his career with his agency and perhaps with any other.
Alioto was set to replace recently retired Major John Horne as the Assistant Sheriff, but Cameron instead picked the least qualified of his staff for the job, Michael Merican, who’s drunken dalliances at beach resort bars resulted in a legal brouhaha that is still costing taxpayer’s big dollars in legal bills.
A female employee of the county jail, of which Merican was the Head Jailer, or Commander, of the Detention Center, reportedly smacked Merican in an Ocean City bar for a crude remark. The exchange was away from work and during the middle of extreme fraternizing, mixed with excessive alcohol and likely some frisky and raunchy remarks and viola, the brave Capt. Merican sobered up the next day and likely wondered how he got a black eye, then recall kicked in, and he made a morning after report to his boss, the Sheriff, about bad conduct on the part of the insubordinate employee. Everything, maybe even the bar-hopping, was being paid for by the taxpayers as the Correctional Association had the luxury of Merican as a top official.
Now that Merican is in the top job next to Cameron, and the question of Alioto not being in the post of Assistant Sheriff is explained, the long line of Chief Deputies or top commanders of the St. Mary’s Sheriff’s department either going to jail or being threatened with firing in order to get them out continues.
One chief deputy went to prison after he was convicted in the 1970’s of extorting contractors doing business with the Sheriff’s Department.
Captain Crook’ Steven Doolan was insulated from going to jail due to his wife being the campaign treasurer for St. Mary’s States Attorney Richard Fritz.
Captain Doolan played the numbers game.
The game he played was puffing up the dollar value of a truckload of building materials taken in a raid on drug dealer Wendell Ford’s property, putting it at $80,000. When the State Prosecutor poked around, the loot that Doolan gave away to deputies, perhaps even Alioto according to one source, and to Doolan himself, as well as to Doolan’s best friend and to Doolan’s stepson – all that stuff was just worn out and damaged drywall, nothing any good and, now you know how Doolan played the numbers game. The State Prosecutor issued a report, which St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron promised would be made public, but never did. Cameron had Alioto tell THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY that the report had been lost in the Sheriff’s Department and the State Prosecutor’s Office had been requested to send a copy. The copy has never been provided for review.
However, the Sheriff’s Department loses lots of stuff. They lost a boatload of guns and drugs stored as evidence according to several audits in recent years during Cameron’s stint as Sheriff.
Copies of audits for the years 2007 thru 2017 will be requested from Cameron in a Public Information Act request, and the results will be shared with readers.
The last time THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY asked for information from Cameron he was kind enough to provide the Social Security numbers for himself and all 350 plus employees of his agency. Instead of selling them to the Russians, all those numbers were simply returned.
As for the bozos boozing in a police car in Easton, Md., last fall when Correctional Officer Gogul and Corporal Matt Rogers were sent to train on how to be funeral escorts, both are now gone. Rogers resigned rather than be fired for lying about being in the police car and allowing Gogul to drive while intoxicated and the pair crashed into a Dunkin’ Donuts. Gogul may have been canned, but Sheriff Cameron has not replied to several requests for comment on any of this, but he did confirm after the Easton incident that both employees had been suspended. Alioto has not responded to requests for comment. If either man does respond, those comments will be reviewed with readers, as well.
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