MURDER USA: James Gross charged with filling house full of lead in a drive-by shooting; missed people, ventilated house

MURDER USA: James Gross charged with filling house full of lead in drive-by shooting; missed people, ventilated house

LUSBY, MD. – A man who shot up a home in the Chesapeake Ranch Estates took off and fled back to his lair in Long Beach where he was later arrested, was identified by the victims, reports police.

 Calvert Sheriff’s Captain David Payne reports that on February 10, 2019, at approximately 12:51 a.m. members of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to a residence in Lusby, Maryland for the report of a drive-by shooting.


James Walter Gross Jr., of 5002 Long Beach Road, St. Leonard, Md., was named by the caller and a lookout was given for the suspect and the vehicle he was operating. Once on scene responding deputies located several gunshot holes in the front of the residence. 

     Detective Livingston responded to the scene and began conducting his investigation. The victim walked Det. Livingston to her bedroom where he located a bullet lodged in a closet door. The victims were interviewed and after obtaining statements from them Det. Livingston was able to confirm the suspect was James Gross of Long Beach, St. Leonard MD.

     Calvert County Sheriff’s Office patrol units responded to James Gross’ address at approximately 4:56 a.m. and placed him under arrest for his involvement in the shooting incident. James Gross was processed accordingly and awaited his appearance before a District Court Commissioner where he was ordered held without bond.

Taxpayers will be delighted to learn that funds from the public treasury will go to providing a free attorney for the defense of James Gross in these charges.

James Walter Gross is charged with:

  • Two counts of felony attempted first-degree murder
  • Felony attempted second-degree murder
  • Three counts of felony first-degree assault
  • Five counts of reckless endangerment
  • Use of a firearm in a violent crime
  • THE CHESAPEAKE TALES & SCALES - Short Story collection by Lenny Rudow, Beth McCoy, Capt. Larry Jarboe, John Peterson, Mel Brokenshire, Mark Robbins, Stephen Gore Uhler, Patty Muchow, Ed Laney & Ken Rossignol in Kindle, paperback and Audible


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