EDITORIAL OPINION: Go back to work, practice good habits of health that have been advised for the past 100 years and tell the overbearing pompous politicians and media jackals to take a hike

The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 

The First Amendment means that if Congress can’t do it, neither can a pea-pickin’ Governor. Tell your Governor to stuff it and go back about your work, your life, your business and do so safely.


CAUTION: Graphic language being used in this video to describe the a$$holes who are playing God with your life and occupy public offices from Mayor to Governor. Proceed as an adult.


As of May 6, 2020, 22% (6,268/28,163) of all of the virus cases in Maryland have occurred in senior care facilities, including staff and residents. Of the total deaths in the state, 60% (804/1,338) have occurred in senior care facilities.

Of the total state-wide cases for people age 60+ years old, 51% (4,342/8,515) are in senior care facilities. Of the total deaths for people age 60+ years old, 71% (793/1,117) are in senior care facilities.

If on March 5, instead of waiting until April 7, Hogan had ordered stringent measures to protect the staff and the residents in senior care facilities, the number of cases and deaths could have been significantly lower. Instead, Hogan closed the public schools where the threat was the very least of all age groups; age 19 and younger only 4% of cases and no deaths. This is what comes of being led foolishly by computer models rather than using known data and common sense.

How can anyone believe that washing your car is unsafe? Will anyone get within six feet of you as you sit in your car going through a carwash that is not already a member of your household? If you are using a hand-wand to wash it yourself, who will come near you? Giving politicians and bozos in Annapolis the power to make these decisions is like letting children play with firearms.


COVID-19 Governor’s Executive Order Violation

(Waldorf, Maryland) – On 4-24-2020, the Maryland State Police La Plata Barrack received a citizen complaint by phone stating that the Sparkle Car Wash located at 3380 Leonardtown Road, Waldorf, Md., was still open for business contrary to Governor Hogan’s Executive Order.
Troopers have responded to the same business days prior for the same complaint and notified the business owner, Muhammad Usman Arsad of Alexandria VA, in person; that operating the car wash was a direct violation of Governor Hogan’s Executive Order and that he needed to close the car wash immediately.
Shortly after receiving the citizen complaint, troopers responded to the Sparkle Car Wash again and observed the car wash open for business and being patronized by citizens. Contact was made with
Arsad by the responding troopers who again; told Arsad that he must close the car wash portion of his business. Subsequently, Arsad was charged criminally for willfully violating the Governor’s Executive Order; a misdemeanor offense that carries a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and up to 1 year in jail.
Under Governor Hogan’s Executive Order, all car washes are considered non-essential businesses and must remain closed until the order to remain closed is rescinded. This Executive Order to close car washes includes automatic drive-through, touchless, and manual self-service car washes.
Anyone violating this Executive Order is subject to criminal prosecution.

But, while Maryland State Police was locking up this terrorist, 36 people died at the county-operated nursing home in LaPlata. 

There are more than 2600 small businesses in Charles County and only about two dozen Maryland State Troopers to arrest business owners who decide to open against the unconstitutional actions of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan

In Charles County, more than 2,600 private-sector small businesses employ more than 34,000 people and pay more than $1.28 billion in payroll. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and allow residents to live, work and spend in Charles County. – Charles County Economic Development

The same bozos that ordered carwashes in Maryland to be closed allowed a convicted child killer to live next to an elementary school playground in Waldorf – see more:

DEATH VALLEY: Charles County Operated Sagepoint Nursing Marks 35 Deaths Due to Chinese Virus while three others have none or few


The United States Public Health Service Issues Statement on Oct. 15, 1918, To Causes of Disease. This advice is not entirely different from that of 2020 in the United States and Canada. At the same time as the Flu tore across America, more than one million American and Canadian soldiers were sent to France to beat the Germans while medical professionals worked to beat the germ at home.



Cover Up Each Cough and Sneeze.
If You Don’t, You’ll Spread Disease

The disease now occurring in this country and called “Spanish Influenza” resembles a very contagious kind of “cold” accompanied by fever, pains in the head, eyes, ears, back or other parts of the body, and a feeling of severe sickness. In most of the cases the symptoms disappear after three or four days, the patient rapidly recovering; some of the patients, however, develop pneumonia, or inflammation of the ear. or meningitis, and many of these complicated cases die. Whether this so-called “Spanish” influenza is identical with the epidemics of influenza of earlier years is not yet known.

Epidemics of influenza have visited this country since 1647. It is interesting to know that this first epidemic was brought here from Valencia, Spain. Since that time there have been numerous epidemics of the disease. In and 1890 an epidemic of influenza, starting somewhere in the Orient, spread first to Russia, and thence over practically the entire civilized world. Three years later there was another flare-up of the disease.

Both times the epidemic spread widely over the United States.

Although the present epidemic is called “Spanish influenza” there is no reason to believe that it originated in Spain. Some writers who have studied the question believe that the epidemic came from the Orient and they call attention to the fact that the Germans mention the disease as occurring along the eastern front in the summer and fall of 1917.

There is as yet no certain way in which a single case of “Spanish influenza” can be recognized; on the other hand, recognition is easy where there is a group of cases. In contrast to the outbreaks of ordinary coughs and colds, which usually occur in the cold months, epidemics of influenza may occur at any season of the year, thus the present epidemic raged most intensely in Europe in May, June, and July.

Moreover, In the case of ordinary colds, the general symptoms (fever, pain, depression) are by no means as severe or as sudden in their onset as they are in influenza. Finally, ordinary colds do not spread through the community so rapidly or so extensively as does influenza.

In most cases a person taken with Influenza feels sick rather suddenly.

He feels weak, has pains in the eyes, ears, head or back, and may be sore all over. Many patients feel dizzy, some vomit. Most of the patients complain of feeling chilly, and with this comes a fever in which the temperature rises to 100 to 104. In most cases the pulse remains relatively slow.

In appearance one is struck by the fact that the patient looks sick. His eyes and the inner side of his eye lids may be slightly “bloodshot,” or “congested,” as the doctors say.

There may be running from the nose or there may be some cough. These signs of a cold may not be marked nevertheless the patient looks and feels very sick.

In addition to the appearance and the symptoms as already described, examination of the patient’s blood may aid the physician in recognizing “Spanish influenza,” for it has been found that in this disease the number of white corpuscles shows little or no increase above the normal. It is possible that the laboratory investigations now being made through the National Research Council and they will furnish a more certain way in which individual cases of this disease can be recognized.

Ordinarily, the fever lasts from three to four days and the patient recovers. But while the proportion of deaths in the present epidemic has generally been low, in some places the outbreak has been severe, and deaths have been numerous. When death occurs, it is usually the result of a complication.

Bacteriologists who have studied influenza epidemics in the past have found in many of the cases a very small rod-shaped germ called, after its discoverer, Pfeiffer’s bacillus. In other cases of apparently the same kind of disease there were found pneumococci, the germs of lobar pneumonia. Still others have been caused by streptococci, and by other germs with long names.

No matter what particular kind of germ causes the epidemic, it is now believed that influenza is always spread from person to person the germs being carried with the air along with the very small droplets of mucus, expelled by coughing or sneezing. forceful talking, and the like by one who already has the germs of the disease. They may also be carried about in the air in the form of dust coming from dried mucus, from coughing and sneezing, or from careless people who spit on the floor and on the sidewalk. As in most other catching diseases, a person who has only a mild attack of the disease himself may give a very severe attack to others.

It is very important that every person who becomes sick with influenza should go home at once and go to bed.

This will help keep away dangerous complications and will, at the same time, keep the patient from scattering the disease far and wide. It is highly desirable that no one be allowed to sleep in the same room with the patient. In fact, no one but the nurse should be allowed in the room.

If there is cough and sputum or running of the eyes and nose, care should be taken that all such discharges are collected on bits of gauze or rag or paper napkins and burned.

If the patient complains of fever and headache, he should be given water to drink, a cold compress to the forehead, and a light sponge. Only such medicine should be given as is prescribed by the doctor. It is foolish to ask the druggist to prescribe and may be dangerous to take the so-called “safe, sure, and harmless” remedies advertised by patent-medicine manufacturers.

If the patient is so situated that he can be attended only by someone who must also look after others in the family, it is advisable that such attendant wear a wrapper, apron, or gown over the ordinary house clothes while in the sick room, and slip this off when leaving to look after the others.

Nurses and attendants will do well to guard against breathing in dangerous disease germs by wearing a simple fold of gauze or mask while near the patient.

It is well known that an attack of measles or scarlet fever or smallpox usually protects a person against another attack of the same disease.

Royal-Palace-in-Seville-Spain. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

This appears not to be true of “Spanish influenza.” According to newspaper reports the King of Spain suffered an attack of influenza during the thirty years ago, and was again stricken during the recent outbreak in Spain.

In guarding against disease of all kinds, it is important that the body be kept strong and able to fight off disease germs. This can be done by having a proper proportion of work, play, and rest, by keeping the body well clothed, and by eating sufficient wholesome, and properly selected food. In connection with diet, it is well to remember that milk is one of the best all-round foods obtainable for adults as well as children. So far as a disease like influenza is concerned health authorities everywhere recognize the very close relation between its spread and overcrowded homes. While It is not always possible, especially in times like the present, to avoid such overcrowding, people consider the health danger and make every effort to reduce the home overcrowding toa minimum. The value of fresh air through open windows cannot be over emphasized.

Where crowding is unavoidable, as in street cars, care be taken to keep the face so turned as not to inhale directly the air breathed out by another person.

It is especially important to beware of the person who coughs or sneezes without covering his mouth and nose.

It also follows that one should keep out of crowds and stuffy places as much as possible, keep homes, offices, and workshops, well aired, spend some time out of doors each day, walk to work if at all practicable—in short make every possible effort to breathe as much pure air as possible.

“Cover up each cough and sneeze, If you don’t, you’ll spread disease.”


  • Antioch-Methodist-Church-Princess-Anne-Md. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

One Reply to “EDITORIAL OPINION: Go back to work, practice good habits of health that have been advised for the past 100 years and tell the overbearing pompous politicians and media jackals to take a hike”

  1. Editor, The Chesapeake Today,
    Your editorial of 4/26/20, “Essential Workers, Why aren’t they dying by the thousands if leaving home is deadly?” was an inspired comparison of our government’s response to the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic to that of today’s Coronavirus pandemic. Thanks for citing in full the U.S. Public Health Service Statement of Oct. 15, 1918, titled, “To Causes of Disease” publishing advice “not entirely different from that of today’s advice.”
    The primary difference is that the former advice was advisory, not mandatory like today’s jackboot enforcement by armed police threatening imprisonment or fines. This Communist-style response to a serious new health crisis has in effect suspended many of our Constitutional Rights including Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly for Redress of Grievances, and freedom from forced internment in homes– all for an indeterminate period of time.
    This is causing enormous damage in destroyed personal lives, destroyed businesses, destroyed recreational opportunities, destroyed personal and government budgets and savings, destroyed respect and credibility for government officials who are enabling or tolerating these serious infringements on the God-given Constitutional Liberties of the Citizens. A classic case of “The Cure is worse than the Disease!”
    We adversely-impacted Citizens completely agree with your editorial advice: “Go back to work, practice good habits of health that have been advised for the past 100 years and tell the overbearing pompous politicians and media jackals to take a hike!” Especially tell Gov. Hogan to stick his “essential” smoked-marijuana-business cure for Coronavirus in his ear!

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