MURDER USA: Tre Thomas Wilburn Got the Shaft at The Gold Mine Saloon
WALDORF, MD. – The increasingly Ghetto town of Waldorf picked up another victim on March 11, 2021, when police responding for the report of a shooting at a longtime outlaw biker bar, the Gold Mine, in Waldorf, found a dead man.
Charles County Sheriff Troy Berry said that the bullet-ridden corpse was that of Tre Thomas Wilburn. Wilburn had been inside the bar and was participating in the age-old activity of a bar-fight – long the chief entertainment of bars and saloons everywhere until wet-tee shirt contests and women wrestlers were invented.
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The Gold Mine Saloon is located at 3090 Old Washington Road in Waldorf and police said the ruckus moved to the bar parking lot when one of the rocket scientists pulled out his trusty firearm and ended the argument by blasting Wilburn to Kingdom Come.
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Like all good killers everywhere, in nearby PG County, Washington DC, Baltimore Md., Hoodbridge Virginia, and Dover, Delaware, the shooter, and his pals piled into a getaway car and got away.
Wilburn, of Jeeter Way, in California, Md., had no criminal record in Maryland, worked at Washington Gas and attended the College of Southern Maryland following graduating from Great Mills High School.
The cops are offering CASH rewards for diming out these bozos, so be sure to get your cut by calling crimesolvers.
Anyone with additional information about this case is asked to call Detective C. Garner at (301) 609-6531. Tipsters wishing to remain anonymous may contact Charles County Crime Solvers by calling 1-866-411-TIPS. Tips can also be submitted online at or by using the P3Intel mobile app. Crime Solvers is offering a cash reward for information leading to the arrest and indictment of the suspects.