ELECTION 2022 ENDORSEMENT 4th District Saint Mary’s Lexington Park – DAWN ZIMMERMAN
To complete the full slate of Saint Mary’s County Commissioners in the Republican Primary, readers of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY are encouraged to cast their ballots for Dawn Zimmerman. Please watch her interviews on YouTube and here on THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY.
Zimmerman’s contrast with her opponent in the Republican Primary election could not be more evident. Scott Ostrow is an accomplished manager in retail business and a new resident of the area, living in the peace, quiet, and order of the established Town Creek neighborhood. Ostrow is undoubtedly qualified. However, he adds nothing to the slate of candidates recommended by this publication. On the other hand, Zimmerman lives right in the heart of the crime-ridden Lexington Park, a zone of drug dealing and street gang shootings, and experienced a violent murder that took place in her backyard. She knows the trauma of soothing her children over the horrific event. The last murder in Town Creek was when firefighter Charles Donaldson was murdered by one of his young associates in his home on Woodland Drive in 1993.
The drug-dealing shooters and thug street gangs that have risen to prominence under the lawless days of the bureaucratic and ineffective administration of Sheriff Tim Cameron have turned what was once a fine hometown of two generations of post-war families into an absolute ghetto.
Dawn Zimmerman’s life includes her work and education experience in the Mennonite community of Loveville and the challenge of raising six children in Lexington Park, utilizing both public schools and homeschooling. She has pursued college-level GED training to pull herself up by her own bootstraps, becoming an articulate and thoughtful person with conservative values.
This background makes her an ideal candidate to supplement the previous four endorsements for Saint Mary’s Commissioner. She would only become the sixth woman ever to join the Board of St. Mary’s Commissioners in history. If anyone thinks the Pot Factory deal in Abell is an example of why we must again elect an all-male board, they must be smoking some of that noxious weed.
The ability of the current board to plop the Pot Factory in the middle of a rural neighborhood, an industrial use, in the critical area shows that very little critical use of brain cells has taken place between Mike Hewitt’s ears – ironically as he is on the Critical Areas Commission. Randy Guy has proven little besides the ability to read the words written for him by staff. Eric Colvin’s smug arrogance with a phony and deceitful recitation that he is ‘transparent’ rounds out the THREE WEED KINGS. Forget these dolts.
Vote for Tom McKay, Mike Alderson Jr., Roy Alvey, Marcus Drake, and Dawn Zimmerman for St. Mary’s County Commissioners. We don’t need one more guy on the board; as clever and able as these guys may be, it will take the wisdom of an experienced mother like Dawn Zimmerman to keep them on the right track, and if you don’t believe that, ask their wives.
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