PRIVACY BOONDOGGLE: Calvert Schools not ready for prime time as they expose key details about children on postcards that have been blowing about in neighborhoods

PRINCE FREDERICK, MD. – Parents in Calvert County opened their mailboxes and found the most sensitive information about their children exposed on postcards instead of sent in an envelope or by email to the email addresses on file with the schools.

Any postcard not delivered correctly by the USPS, which just this week discovered mail-in ballots in Baltimore that were never delivered for the 2020 election, provided the details of when a criminal could expect to find children to select from for any crime of their choosing.

A parent in Calvert provided the above copy of the postcard received from Calvert Public Schools and a reaction to the bumbling communication.

“A great way to start the school year for Calvert County Public Schools by sending POSTCARDS out with all the child’s info on it. School attending, full name, grade, AM bus#, AM bus stop location, AM bus pick up time down to the minute, PM bus #, PM bus stop location, PM bus drop off time down to the minute, and their home of address…….. but we’re supposed to trust the school board with our child’s physical and mental health?”
Parents found postcards on top of mailboxes in some neighborhoods or scattered on the ground.

Dr. Andrae Townsel was appointed to the post of Superintendent of schools effective July 1, 2022, after being selected by a headhunter hired by the school board.
The Maryland sex offender registry provides a listing of convicted sex offenders that live in every neighborhood in Calvert, arranged by zip code, town, and name, as well as whether the offender is compliant with the law regarding giving notice to the police of any address change. Parents should use the registry before allowing their children to walk freely in their neighborhood or trick or treat at Halloween.
St. Mary’s County officials exposed Social Security numbers for all employees of the Sheriff.
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