Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund Summary of Approved Projects

Mid Shore Regional Council
Caroline County | 7 projects | $ 3,233,333 |
Dorchester County | 7 projects | $ 3,233,333 |
Talbot County | 14 projects | $ 3,233,333 |
MSRC administrative expenses | $ 300,001 | |
Total | $10,000,000 | |
Caroline County – 7 Projects | ||
$3,233,333 |

Applicant: County Commissioners of Caroline County
Project: Data Center Shell Building
Amount: $2,000,000
Design and build through a public/private partnership with Choptank Electric a 10,000 to 20,000 square foot post and frame shell building on a parcel at the Mid Shore Regional Technology and center and provide leads to secure tenants. Construction will be managed by a project manager Business Park. Choptank Electric will outfit with appropriate infrastructure for a boutique data with oversight by the County Administrator and Economic Development Director.

Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: Future Works Workforce Training
Amount: $257,500
The $257,500 investment from Caroline County – together with $875,500 in Rural Maryland Economic Development Funds from the other four counties –would provide the gap funding needed to fully expand an existing trades program, kick-start a new trades program, help staff a new Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and provide support to non-credit students.
Applicant: Maryland Broadband Cooperative, Inc.
Project: MidShore Optical Broadband Network
Upgrades Amount: $240,000
To upgrade our backhaul network equipment to meet these demands. Our strategy is to deploy 100-Gigabit capable optical equipment ubiquitously across our statewide network. In the MidShore, we have plans to upgrade and future-proof our Points-of-Presence (POP) in Denton, Cambridge, and Wye Mills. This upgrade could benefit every Cooperative Member ISP operating in the region. We’re asking for grant funds to help us keep pace with the growing needs of the MidShore.
Applicant: Eastern Shore Entrepreneurship Center, Inc.
Project: Farm-to-Freezer Facility and Program
Amount: $300,000

The Chesapeake Farm to Freezer Project involves the establishment of a processing & aggregation facility in Caroline County that will help solve a number of problems on the Eastern Shore, including; 1) a means by which to create a more resilient & sustainable local food system through the availability of locally processed produce, 2) increasing the availability of local nutritious food to those areas of the Eastern Shore having limited access, 3) creating increased revenue & profit margins for local farmers & growers by providing wider access to markets (wholesale, institutional, & retail), and 4) creating the opportunity for growers to scale & diversify their production & increase employment.

Applicant: County Commissioners of Caroline County Project:
Tech Park Development Plan of Action
Amount: $200,000
Engage a commercial real estate consultant to inform and promote the Mid Shore Regional Technology and Business Park (the Park) to local and national businesses.
Applicant: County Commissioners of Caroline County Project:
West Denton Infrastructure Study
Amount: 100,000
Gather data and information on the potential impact of West Denton development, including the impact to county services associated with such development.

Applicant: County Commissions of Caroline County Project: Business Attraction Capacity Building Amount: $135,833
Utilizing a professional marketing organization, partner with commercial landholders and commercial realtors to promote Caroline County for business expansion and attraction through multiple media outlets, industry-specific publications, and in-person events.
Dorchester County – 7 Projects
Applicant: Maryland Broadband Cooperative, Inc.
Project: MidShore Optical Broadband Network Upgrades Amount: $240,000
To upgrade our backhaul network equipment to meet these demands. Our strategy is to
deploy 100-Gigabit capable optical equipment ubiquitously across our statewide network. In the MidShore, we have plans to upgrade and future proof our Points-of-Presence (POP) in Cambridge, Denton, and Wye Mills. This upgrade could benefit every Cooperative Member ISP operating in the region. We’re asking for grant funds to help us keep pace with the growing needs of the MidShore.

Applicant: Cambridge Waterfront Development Inc.
Project: Cambridge Harbor Streetscape Design and Partial Construction Amount: $1,000,000
Cambridge Harbor is a new brand selected by the Community for 34 acres of prime waterfront property entrusted to CWDI to develop in partnership with the community to the benefit of the community, making it an inviting, accessible, active and enjoyable place to live, work, play and visit. The development envelope spans from Cambridge Creek on the west to the old Highway 50 bridge on the east and from the Choptank River on the north to Bryn Street on the south.
Included in the plan are significant public open activated waterfront green spaces accessible by water, but primarily reached by foot, bike and car along public roads that need complete renovation to include new paving, added and improved sidewalks, underground utility corridors, streetscaping with benches and plantings, bike racks and other amenities. The schematic concept for these has been laid out, but funding is needed to complete design and begin phased construction.
Applicant: Dorchester County Project: Woods Road
Project Amount: $1,192,748
The Woods Road Project consists of improvements and upgrades (culvert replacement and drainage), repaving and striping on Woods Road from the circle on Route 16 to Route 50 (.08 Miles). The railroad that feeds Woods Road was permanently shut down in May 2016 causing increased truck traffic without enough room to turn safely at Interstate Container (now DS Smith). The business was able to rearrange traffic flow onsite after the rail closure, but the main road has not been improved. Interstate Container was attracted to Cambridge because it had a rail system that could carry their heated material and deliver onsite. Since then, Protenergy (across the street) has expanded twice and may expand again in the near future. They employ 280 people and have increased production. Water infrastructure was added to Woods Road for their expansion.
Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: Future Works Workforce Training
Amount: $257,500
This $257,500 investment from Dorchester County – together with $875,500 in Rural Maryland Economic Development Funds from the other four counties – would provide the gap funding needed to fully expand an existing trades program, kick-start a new trades program, help staff a new Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and provide support to non-credit students.
Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: CDL/Class B Expansion to Dorchester County Amount: $338,085
New Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) regulations require all new Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) candidates to complete an approved training program to receive their certifications. Chesapeake College is one of only 3 approved training facilities on the Eastern Shore; the other facilities are located at Cecil Community College and WorWic Community College. The demand for the College’s CDL program in Wye Mills is out pacing enrollment capacity. Currently students interested in obtaining a CDL are registering for classes offered 9-12 months out. As a result, potential students, including local government agency employees who need this training (county roads, school bus and various municipal agencies), are severely
impacted. A 9-12 month wait for training could create a public safety issue, as well as a service issue. By adding an auxiliary training location for Class B-specific CDL licensing in Cambridge/Dorchester County, Chesapeake College can significantly reduce wait times for classes to a more reasonable 1- 3 months for municipal workers in Dorchester and other county governments, as well as relieve the pent-up demand among students across the mid-Shore and possibly beyond. Internal data from the College, as well as external data from JobsEQ supports that CDL certification is a growing and popular program in Dorchester County and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Applicant: Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board Project:
Incumbent Worker Training
Amount: $50,000
Incumbent Worker Training is designed to help existing businesses train incumbent workers to allow them to gain a promotion, expand into new markets, or simply retain them. The current workforce is very dynamic now and Dorchester County employers need help keeping their key staff and IWT can be an effective tool to invest in their own employees. Training funds from our standard WIOA or ARPA typically cannot be used for incumbent workers due to the inability to qualify them with the restrictions on these grants.
Applicant: The Town of Vienna
Project: Edwin Murphy Community Purchase
Amount: $155,000
The Town of Vienna would like to gain ownership of 104 Race Street located in the Town of Vienna. The property is currently owned by The Vienna volunteer Fire Company, Dorchester County and is currently for sale. The Town would like to purchase and demolish the building to create additional parking space for our boating traffic and waterfront events. Our concern is that the building will be purchased to be used for a purpose not in line with the vision of our community and surrounding neighbors. We envision a parking lot with bathroom facilities that can bring additional events and vendors to highlight our beautiful waterfront. Past events have caused traffic and parking issues along the narrow streets and with neighbors. We feel that this project is in the best interest of the town.
Talbot County – 14 projects
Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: Future Work Workforce Training Amount: $257,500
This $257,500 investment from Talbot County — together with $875,500 in Rural Maryland Economic Development Funds from the other four counties — would provide the gap funding needed to fully expand an existing trades program, kick-start a new trades program, help staff a new Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and provide support to non-credit students.

Applicant: Maryland Broadband Cooperative, Inc.
Project: MidShore Optical Broadband Network Upgrade Amount: $240,000
This upgrade could benefit every Cooperative Member ISP operating in the region. We’re asking for grant funds to help us keep pace with the growing needs of the MidShore. Costs for upgrading equipment, facilities, and service capacity in the three identified MidShore POPs
is approximately $240,000 per location.
Applicant: Eastern Shore Entrepreneurship Center, Inc. (ESEC) Project:
Talbot County Agbiotech Manufacturing Project
Amount: $500,000
The proposed project initiates the development of an ag biotech manufacturing center in Talbot County. Agbiotech is the merging of agriculture and biotechnology, commercializing innovative solutions based upon biology rather than chemistry. Through its F3 Tech (Farm•Fish•Food) Accelerator, ESEC has seen a concentration of early-stage companies that fall under the category of agbiotech. For this reason, ESEC conducted a feasibility study that inventories regional assets and market opportunity in support of an ag biotech manufacturing center.
Applicant: The Town of Trappe, Inc.
Project: ENR Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Amount: $500,000

Trappe is served by a 200,000 gallon per day Biolac wastewater treatment plant that was completed in 2003. Trappe is in the process of upgrading the treatment plant to an Enhanced Nutrient Removal (“ENR”) plant. After the completion of this upgrade the Town will be able to offer additional sewer connections without increasing the Town’s discharge permit capacity, which may include commercial and/or industrial properties located within Town limits that are not currently served with public water and sewer. The Town has identified infill areas along US Rt. 50 that are eligible for highway commercial mixed-use zoning the locations of which take advantage of the highway frontage and exposure. Property owners will be able to utilize Bay Restoration Fund money to connect to Trappe’s wastewater treatment plant as it will meet the BRF criteria, which it currently does not, which will incentivize new businesses.
Applicant: Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc. Project:
CBMM’s New Visitor Center
Amount: $300,000
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum respectfully requests $300,000 to support the completion of Phase II of our Master Plan. Developed in 2017, and recently re-envisioned, CBMM’s Master Plan is an essential five-to-seven-year plan to enhance the visitor experience, further fulfill our mission, and contribute to Maryland’s economic and community wellbeing. A recent economic impact report (Rockport Analytics Annapolis) indicated that visitors traveling specifically to visit CBMM from more than 50 miles generated $11.6M in spending for Talbot County, and $1.7M in state and local tax collections. The report is attached, which also emphasizes the extensive PK-12 and community programming services provided.

Applicant: Talbot County Free Library Association, Inc.
Project: Building Digital Literacy and Employment Skills at the Talbot County Free Library Amount: $22,000
The Talbot County Free Library (TCFL) is building on a series of initiatives, funded by grants — begun at the outbreak of the pandemic — that provide our rural community with improved access to, and training on, and use of, the internet and other digital library resources. TCFL has worked to provide improved access to the internet by building out wireless connectivity to the exterior of our two branches, increasing the number of circulating Wi-Fi hotspots, and creating a Wi-Fi Community Connection at a public park in Trappe. TCFL has also worked on marketing and training the public on using a wide variety of e-resources and training opportunities available from all public libraries on the Eastern Shore.
Applicant: Building African American Minds, Inc. Project: BAAM Workforce Development Program Amount: $87,133
Building African American Minds (BAAM) Inc., is seeking funding in the amount of $87,131.94 to assist with developing, implementing, and delivering a Workforce Development Program for adults, in particular those ages 18-30. Our program will focus on determining the participants’ math, reading and writing levels as well as career/job skills interest to be able to develop an individualized plan for the participant and provide services and opportunities to enable the participant to reach their education and career goals.
Applicant: Talbot County Department of Economic Development and Tourism Project: Inclusive Ventures Program
Amount: $50,000
Talbot County Economic Development and Tourism is seeking funding for a training program to assist small, minority, woman, and veteran entrepreneurs with education, mentorship, and access to capital. The goal is to help these businesses maximize opportunity, create jobs, and grow the local and state economy.
Applicant: Talbot County Department of Parks and Recreation
Project: Frederick Douglass Park on the Tuckahoe Phase II Planning and Implementation Amount: $300,000
Redevelopment, Engineer, Architecture and Interpretation – $300,000. Funds will be used to support Phase II of the Master Plan for the Frederick Douglass Park on the Tuckahoe to include planning and implementation of archaeological investigations at the site, engineering for overlooks, expanded trail network as well as restrooms.
Applicant: Talbot County Economic Development and Tourism
Project: Talbot County Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan Amount: $125,000
With a strong core of brick-and-mortar businesses and a wealth of professionals who make up “the creative class,” Talbot County’s vibrant economy is uniquely situated for continued growth.
The Department of Economic Development and Tourism seeks funding to develop a strategic plan for Talbot County, a plan that leverages past successes and takes the community to the next level as a destination both for businesses and visitors. An achievable, strategic economic
Applicant: Talbot County Government
Project: Goldsborough Neck Culvert Improvement Amount: $750,000
Talbot County is working to widen and improve Goldsborough Neck Road to support local businesses moving the Town of Easton’s Industrial Park located on Goldsborough Neck Road. The culvert improvements will extend the existing pipes to allow Goldsborough Neck Road to be widened with 39 feet of pavement. By widening Goldsborough Neck Road and this culvert, existing businesses in the Towns of Easton and St. Michaels will have an alternative route that supports. MSRC Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund Application 19 heavy-duty tractor trailers, buses and farm equipment. In addition to the existing businesses, the proposed road improvements will support new businesses moving to the Industrial Park developed
on land owned by the Town of Easton.
Applicant: Talbot County Department of ED and Tourism Project: Talbot County Visitors Center Feasibility Study Amount: $38,700
Talbot County’s location at the epicenter of the newly designated Chesapeake Country All- American Road gives an urgency to this request. U.S. Route 50 forms the spine of this internationally significant byway as it passes through Talbot County. Co-locating on the property alongside the Talbot County Community Center or the Easton Airport seems to make sense from a practical standpoint. A feasibility study will help the Talbot County Council understand the capital investment and operational considerations required for such a project.
Applicant: Oxford Community Center, Inc. Project: The Work Hub
Amount: $13,000
The Oxford Community Center is a prime commercial facility to serve workforces of many kinds. With existing high-speed internet, new surround sound audio system, breakout rooms, outdoor platforms, large presentation screen, stage, podium and a commercial kitchen, the OCC is a high- service business hub. But it needs an upgrade in hybrid technology and live streaming A/V capabilities. The demand for these technical services has increased since Covid and is the new standard for all business meetings.
Businesses from sole proprietors to industry conferences, hybrid options for participants are a must.
Applicant: Classic Motor Museum of St. Michaels, Inc. Project: Automotive Technician Apprenticeship Program Amount: $50,000
There are no automotive technician education programs for adults on the eastern shore of Maryland. Aspiring automotive technicians from Maryland’s eastern shore must either commute
to Catonsville Maryland (Community College of Baltimore County) or Georgetown, Delaware (Delaware Technical Community College) to attend classes and labs, or move to Cumberland, Maryland (Allegany College of Maryland) to receive such training. This lack of education and training means that local automotive repair shops cannot find qualified technicians to hire. The Classic Motor Museum’s volunteers, along with many others in the automotive industry on the eastern shore, believe that the lack of automotive will not abate until there is an intervention to change the dynamic.
Tri-County Council Lower Eastern Shore
Somerset County | 1 project | $ 3,300,000 |
Wicomico County | 1 project | $ 3,298,333 |
Worcester County | 7 projects | $ 3,299,333 |
Administrative expenses | $ 102,334 | |
Total | $10,000,000 |
Somerset County
Application: Board of County Commissioners for Somerset County Maryland Project: Somerset County Industrial Park
Amount: $3,300,000
The Somerset County Commissioners, in consultation with the County Economic Development Commission, proposes developing an industrial attraction site that will allow the county and the state of Maryland to market to firms looking to expand in the Mid‐Atlantic. The current industrial park in Princess Anne is nearly full.
Several years ago, Wal‐Mart explored development at the proposed site. The county and state invested in site area upgrades, including a traffic light at the intersection with Route 13 and a water tower.

Recently Chesapeake Utilities has extended natural gas to the adjacent property – ECI. The project will acquire approximately 175 acres of developable land in the County’s Priority Funding Area, complete a site evaluation to include wetland and forest delineation and survey of the developable portion for a single or multiple site, extend utilities to the site, and produce marketing materials to be used to educate site selection consultants. The anticipated land acquisition cost is $1.5 Million, with almost $2.0 Million budgeted for site preparation and extension of services.

Discussions with real estate professionals have garnered positive feedback, as most firms currently want to have a quick development timeline but prefer building to their own needs. This project would allow Somerset to compete for large-scale projects that need a ready to build site with access to water and sewer, fiber, natural gas, and highway access. Discussions show that likely tenants would employ approximately 250 workers in a facility up to 450,000 square feet, and total investment in the property would be between $10 and $50 Million.
Wicomico County
Applicant: Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development Inc.
Project: Salisbury-Wicomico Regional Airport Growth and Development
Amount: $3,298,333
The purpose of this project is to provide a comprehensive approach to retain and enhance scheduled airline service for our region, grow the aviation and aeronautical sector for a more diverse and sustainable economy, create a pipeline of talent for area employers in general and Piedmont Airlines (dba American Eagle) in particular, offer a pathway to meaningful job opportunities, retain, and increase jobs and plan for future development at the Salisbury‐Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport (SBY).

This purpose is accomplished by (1) establishing an FAA Part 147 Certified Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) program at SBY, (2) developing a strategic plan for SBY and (3) creating a shovel‐ready site(s) at SBY for future development.
Wicomico County owns and operates the Salisbury‐Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport. With its headquarters and a large maintenance operation based at SBY, Piedmont Airlines, a wholly owned
Tri‐County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland
4 | Page Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund Application subsidiary
of American Airlines, offers scheduled airline service to approximately 120,000 passengers annually to and from Philadelphia International and Charlotte Douglas International airports.

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), an HBCU located in Somerset County, Maryland offers the only four‐year degree in aviation science coupled with a pilot training program in Maryland. This project adds another component to UMES’ offering as the school will operate the AMT program at SBY. Combined, this partnership between Wicomico County, Maryland, UMES, Piedmont, and other industry partners, establishes a robust workforce development initiative that is perhaps unparalleled anywhere else in the country and will help drive future development at SBY.
Worcester County – 7 projects
Applicant: Worcester County Government
Project: West Ocean City Commercial Harbor Dredging Amount: $275,000
Supplemental dredging of the West Ocean City Commercial Harbor to eliminate scattered shoaling causing issues with larger commercial and recreational vehicles needing additional draft clearance to load/unload, navigate, and dock. Clearing navigational obstacles has an enormous local impact to dozens of waterfront and marine‐dependant businesses including marinas, commercial seafood processors and suppliers, commercial and recreational fishing, restaurants, boat repair/diesel engine contractors/electronic services, barge/ship/yacht dockage, and 1,000’s of recreational boaters.
Applicant: Worcester County Government Project: Worcester Main Street Connectivity
Amount: $800,000
The proposed project would provide fiber optic service to the main street areas in Berlin, Snow Hill, and Pocomoke City and surrounding areas to allow small rural businesses the same access to fiber as any other major city. The county would run buried conduit throughout the areas allowing for every home and business to have fiber service with no large up front install fee. The conduit would be co‐ owned by the county allowing the county to utilize the network for any future expansions of their network or any new ideas this network can provide. This could include camera systems, Wi‐Fi for towns, internet for special events, etc. This project is a plan to build infrastructure that will help these towns for generations to come, and as new technologies emerge the county will be able to use this conduit to keep up with the changes.
Applicant: Worcester County Government
Project: Riddle Farm Wastewater and Water Plant Optimization
Amount: $1,719,333
Upgrade of WWTP membranes to add capacity and maintain effective operation of the plant. Project also involves lowering of the water tower to be compatible with neighboring water systems for finalization of interconnections to add capacity and provide for redundancy, reliability, and resiliency in the use of the local water supply resources.
Applicant: Worcester County Government
Project: Northern Regional Water and Wastewater Engineering and Design Amount: $205,000
Engineering and design services to facilitate expansion and interconnection of Mystic Harbour and Riddle Farm water systems. Engineering and design services will also plan for construction of an interconnection between Mystic Harbour and Riddle Farm treated effluent storage ponds to take advantage of land application capacities in each service area to utilize treated effluent as reuse irrigation. This interconnection helps provide a stable land application area and storage that would be very costly to new commercial customers to recreate and construct within these service areas. Engineering and design services will also be done for Rt’s water and wastewater infrastructure improvements. 589 commercial corridor to provide for growth and stable delivery of sanitary services to the Ocean Pines regional area.
Applicant: City of Pocomoke City
Project: Pathways to Economic Development
Amount: $100,000
Over several years the city has explored infrastructure improvement in the areas of using bikeways, walkways, and pathways to bolster economic growth. Creating strong pathways leads to positive economic impact. This project will focus on three main factors: Infrastructure Feasibility (hardscape and environmental), Economic Development, and Intercommunity Connectivity. Infrastructure Feasibility would include the best places to build bikeways, walkways, and pathways with the least environmental impact and the most economic impact. This would include hardscapes that are complementary to the native landscaping features in our city and their cost factors. Economic Development Factors would evaluate the scaling of infrastructure development and how it would directly impact business foot traffic, revenue bases, including tourism dollars. This would include events and activities using the proposed infrastructures and the administrative capacity required to oversee these changes.
Applicant: City of Snow Hill
Project: Snow Hill – Bikeways Project
Amount: $100,000
Establishing a “greenway connectivity network” to connect commercial districts and strategic points of interest throughout Snow Hill has been a goal identified in Snow Hill’s Comprehensive Plan since 2010. Similarly, paths and rails, and increased Wayfinding signage are strongly suggested in our 2025 Strategic Revitalization Plan, and throughout our Nature and Heritage
Tourism Assessment. To implement the development strategy of connectivity, the Town of Snow Hill contracted with Toole Design Group, LLC (Silver Spring, MD) for a Bikeways Feasibility Study. Their final report identified a 3‐mile loop connecting key destinations in town that will provide safer, more convenient, and enjoyable biking for residents and visitors. Connecting to longer distance routes and opportunities for biking, The Snow Hill Bikeways Project will be the central link to various bikeways plans being developed by neighboring communities, positively impacting tourism, and economic development of the Town. Economic impact studies by the Rails to Trails Conservancy show a correlation between trails and increased property values, business development, quality of life, and tourism.
Applicant: Lower Shore Land Trust
Project: Lower Shore Trails and Greenways Connections
Amount: $100,000
This project would provide for a coordinated effort to enhance transportation infrastructure that would achieve economic and community benefits for all three counties in line with the objectives of the Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund. Cross-marketing of existing bike, walk, and run events and safe places to walk and ride would have short‐term results attracting tourists and businesses. Investing in collaborative planning and feasibility studies to create a connected regional greenway and trail network improves success in applying for state and federal funding to build the infrastructure. This would have a long‐ term economic impact for the Lower Shore as has been demonstrated by trail projects across the country.
Tri County Council for Southern Maryland
Calvert County | 4 projects | $ 2,478,000 |
Charles County | 8 projects | $ 2,007,000 |
St. Mary’s County | 8 projects | $ 2,470,000 |
Regional | 4 projects | $ 282,400 |
Tri-County Council | 7 projects | $ 2,556,400 |
Administrative expense | $ 206,200 |
Total $10,000,000
Calvert County – 4 projects
Applicant: Calvert County
Project: Feasibility study for Open Air Pavilion Amount: $60,000
Calvert County would use the results of the proposed Open Air Multi-Use Pavilion Feasibility Study and Schematic Design to issue a bid to permit and construct a 60 ft x 175 ft. multi-use, open structure with extended roof overhang, concrete floor (Includes 24’ x 60’ area for bathrooms and commercial kitchen.) The pavilion would serve as a centrally-located, focal point for a walkable community in the Prince Frederick Town Center, and complement the new Armory Square development. The location would provide a visible farmers market and support events for residents and the business community and other tourism-supporting activities. It would also include a grassy area around the pavilion for community events and gatherings.
Applicant: Calvert County
Project: Bay Bridge Passenger Ferry Feasibility Study Amount: $18,000
The Bay Bridge Passenger Ferry Feasibility Study was submitted for an EDA Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs (EDA-PHI-TA-PRO-2021-2006851) grant submitted by Visit Annapolis & Anne Arundel County on behalf of the consortium of participating counties. The total 50/50 matching grant is $250,000. For the $125,00 matching funds, MEDCO pledged $25,000 for the project and the participating counties will be covering the remaining $100,000. Grant seeks $18,000 for Calvert County’s portion of the matching funds.
Applicant: Calvert County
Project: Open Air Multi-Use Pavilion Permitting and Construction Project at Armory Building Site in Prince Frederick Town Center
Amount: $2,000,000
Calvert County would use the results of the proposed Open Air Multi-Use Pavilion Concept Plan Feasibility Study (also requested through the Maryland Rural Investment Fund) to issue a bid to construct a 60 ft x 175 ft. multi-use, open structure with extended roof overhang, concrete floor (Includes 24’ x 60’ area for bathrooms and commercial kitchen.) The pavilion would serve as a centrally-located, focal point for a walkable community in the Prince Frederick Town Center, and complement the new Armory Square development. The location would provide a visible farmers market and include a grassy area around the pavilion for community events and gatherings.
The multi-use, open air facility would serve as a home for a centrally-located Calvert County Farmers Market, community events during off-market days, promote visitation/tourism, create opportunities to stimulate business activity, and maximize the variety and nature of events capable of being hosted to optimize utilization, including a winter ice skating rink.
Applicant: Calvert Economic Development Project: Armory Square
Amount: $400,000
Armory Square is a comprehensively planned retail and medical office project planned for the Prince Frederick Town Center. It is a redevelopment at the former Calvert Middle School property at 435 N. Solomons Island Road, Prince Frederick MD 20678. The project is expected to result in 125,000 square feet of new commercial space, 450 jobs and an estimated $325,000 in annual property taxes.
Charles County – 8 projects
Applicant: United States Bomb Technician Association (USTBA) Project: Equipment for labs at the USBTA
Amount: $267,000
The lab equipment is needed in the seven labs at the newly opened USBTA Bomb Disposal Technology and Training Center located at the Maryland Technology Center (MTC) in Indian
Head in order to perform the USBTA mission and to facilitate the collaborative efforts that serve the strategic industry sector of public safety and defense including: Research, Development, Testing, and Training at the Bomb Disposal Technology and Training Center at the Maryland Technology Center in Indian Head MD.This lab equipment will outfit the USBTA’s workforce training facility and multiple labs to include: Wet lab, Woodshop, Machine/metal shop, Electronics lab, 3-D printing lab, and a computer lab.
Applicant: Charles County Economic Development
Project: Maryland Technology Center (MTC) Buildout Expansion for USBTA Amount: $550,000
Funding for expansion and buildout at the MTC will allow the United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA), a 501c(3) membership association, to respond to the economic and workforce development demands of a strategic industry sector – public safety and defense – through an expansion of its current facility (which is 13,000 sq ft) to a 29,000 sq ft building used for research, testing, and training. The USBTA is a 501c(3) membership association with a mission to work collaboratively with industry, government, and academia to equip public safety personnel and bomb technicians with the best training and tools available through innovation and collaboration. USBTA has a 10-year lease with two five-year options to manage and operate the MTC, for a total of 20 years from building owner Triumph Development.
Applicant: Charles County Government
Project: Mallow’s Bay National Marine Sanctuary Visitors Center Feasibility Study Amount: $350,000
Funding to determine the possible building configurations, management scenarios and site options for a Mallows Bay, National Marine Sanctuary Visitors Center which has regional, state, and national significance. This request includes operational expenses and programmatic personnel costs associated with the study.
Applicant: Charles County
Project: Waldorf Urban Corridor Streetscape Project Amount: $175,000
Charles County is requesting funds for a Waldorf Urban Redevelopment Corridor (WURC) streetscape project to assist with attraction and retention businesses in the WURC corridor while larger redevelopment plans are underway.
Applicant: Charles County Government
Project: Create Charles County: Advancing Arts, Culture & Community Amount: $275,000
Charles County is requesting funds for the development of an Arts and Culture Master Plan. The master plan will guide the county on how to direct resources and ensure arts and culture is an integral part of the Charles County community in the future. The master plan will reflect the community’s desire to utilize public arts and culture to enhance the sense of community;
contribute to economic vitality; create and support an environment where public art and culture thrive; and enrich the community culturally, aesthetically, educationally, and economically. This request includes operational expenses and programmatic personnel costs associated with the master plan development.
Applicant: Charles County Government
Project: Popes Creek Waterfront Park Engineering and Design Amount: $165,000
Charles County requests funding for engineering and design of Open-Air pavilion at the county owned Popes Creek Waterfront Park. This pavilion will be utilized by residents, visitors, and other tourism supporting activities. This request includes operational expenses and programmatic costs associated with the engineering design.
Applicant: Charles County Government
Project: Esthetic Improvement Project – Crain Memorial Welcome Center Amount: $175,000
The goal of this project is to work with vendor/ design specialists to develop and execute a concept plan for the facility. The objective is to reimagine and enhance the in
Charles County. The brochure furniture is worn and dated and does not effectively showcase the different size brochures to visitors. A goal of this new plan will be to secure brochure furniture that will accommodate all brochure sizes and showcase the name of the county allowing visitors to view them from a distance.
Applicant: Charles County Melwood Horticulture Training Center Project: Building Paths
Amount: $50,000
The purpose of the program is four-fold: 1) to assist participants to learn the soft and hard skills needed to obtain and retain employment, 2) to provide employers with a ready funnel of workers,
3) to assist participants to enter an apprenticeship program, and 4) to address the limited educational opportunities available to people with disabilities.
Building Paths also addresses many compliance requirements and community needs and ensures compliance with federal mandates that state training is linked to an in-demand industry or occupation that leads to economic self-sufficiency and encourages the attainment of postsecondary credentials.
St. Mary’s County – 8 projects
Applicant: St. Mary’s County Economic Development
Project: Lexington Park Development District Implementation Plan Amount: $100,000
This project will utilize consultant services to develop a Plan of Action for implementing the adopted Lexington Park Development District (LPDD) Master Plan. The Comprehensive Plan calls for locating 80% of the County future growth on the 20% of County land that is designated
for growth areas. The LPDD Plan anticipates that 70% of that growth area development will be located in the Lexington Park Development District. A first step in assuring Lexington Park is able to accommodate the planned intensity of development, is providing specific implementation strategies to create an attractive physical environment that helps existing and infill businesses attract customers and talent, to enhance quality of life for existing and future residents so that Lexington Park becomes the primary destination for locating homes, employment, and services within the Calvert-St. Mary’s MPO. Short term outcomes will be streetscape enhancements to activate downtown and gateway, the crafting of a façade improvement program, and addressing factors that help increase resiliency of Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

Applicant: St. Mary’s County Government
Project: St. Mary’s Regional Airport Public Space Enhancements Amount: $380,000
Create public gathering spaces for further activation of the regional airport and emerging AeroPark Innovation District as an attractive location for continued growth in general aviation, aviation related enterprises, and charter service for Southern Maryland and as the physical headquarters for Southern Maryland Innovates. Create a flexible and programmable center providing a variety of active and passive experiences increasing activation and promoting growth and collaboration within the regional airport district. The effort will encourage interaction of those within the aviation and aeronautic industries, pilot population, academia and research organizations all within the district footprint as well as draw residents and visitors to the site.
Applicant: St. Mary’s County Economic Development
Project: St. Mary’s County Urban Legacy Plan Development
Amount: $60,000

Create an Urban Legacy Plan through stakeholder engagement, with priority funding areas and mechanisms for compliance. An Urban Legacy Plan is designed to enhance the resiliency of NAS Pax and increase the confidence of businesses in the Calvert-St. Mary’s MPO.
Applicant: Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO) Project: UAS Strategy and Roadmap for the State of Maryland
Amount: $80,000
St. Mary’s Department of Economic Development plans to support the Maryland
Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO) project to help define the investment, stakeholder engagement, and strategic vision and plan that positions Maryland to capture the tremendous economic and societal benefits potential autonomous technologies offer to the region. This project will inform MEDCO’s efforts to help attract industry to the region, test and operationalize use cases, and foster innovation district and “place-making” development efforts to create economic impact.
Applicant: St. Mary’s County Economic Development Project: The Barns at New Market Capacity Enhancement
Amount: $550,000
Install BAT (best available technology) to accommodate the production of high-fat food processing
and expansion of existing parking. The market is a destination and prime retail location for producers in St. Mary’s, Charles and Calvert.
Applicant: University of Maryland College Park
Project: Chesapeake Bay UAS Route Network (CURN) Phase II
Amount: $800,000
The goal is to create an FAA-approved UAS route network overlying the Chesapeake Bay that supports future research and development, government/civil/commercial operations, and public safety. Phase 2 will be an implementation phase that includes the execution of the various action plans developed in Phase 1. Examples of the various action plans to be executed include the detailed phased implementation of operational requirements, communication, marketing, staffing, business/financial, and service support supplier acquisition plans. Phase 2 will implement the infrastructural foundation to the route network to support Southern Maryland and the entire Bay watershed to begin routine operations. The completion of Phase 2 will allow the route network to become scalable to support other regions in Maryland.
Applicant: University of Maryland College Park
Project: Chesapeake Bay UAS Route Network Phase I
Amount: $500,000
The goal is to create an FAA- approved UAS route network overlying the Chesapeake Bay that supports future research and development, government/civil/commercial operations, and public safety. An FAA approved UAS route network will allow for easy transport of goods across the bay, will increase UAS research and development, and will bring recognition to Southern Maryland as a leader in the UAS field. Phase 1 will be a planning phase that includes developing all necessary action plans required to lay the infrastructure foundation to implement the route network to support the Southern Maryland and the entire Bay watershed. Examples of the various action plans to be developed include a detailed phased implementation of operational requirements, communication, marketing, staffing, business/financial, and service support supplier acquisition plans
Tri-County Council – 7 projects
Applicant: Southern Maryland National Heritage
Project: Southern Maryland NATIONAL Heritage Area Project
Amount: $420,000
The Southern Maryland National Heritage Area initiative began several years ago as the potential for becoming a National Heritage Area became an important focus of this state-based heritage entity. All aspects of this project are community and partnership driven. Numerous public forums were held, and the Feasibility Study required by the National Park Service and by the national legislation was formulated, circulated, and launched for community review and input.
The Feasibility Study was then approved by the National Park Service, which allowed legislation to move forward. The legislation has now passed the United States House of Representatives and is pending a vote in the United States Senate. It is important to note that this is a bipartisan initiative, and neither party objected to the legislation as it passed through committees. The requested funds would allow for the maximum impact to be gained from the initial designation: launching a national media campaign, hosting an in-person launch, creating
the marketing needed to define and promote the new National Heritage Area, and allowing the process of a management plan to begin immediately.
Applicant: The College of Southern Maryland
Project: Vertical Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems
Amount: $490,000
The College of Southern Maryland’s implementation of a vertical agricultural training program for a sustainable food systems workforce will introduce seedling and food production with limited space and resources. Students will be trained to understand and operate a scalable vertical agriculture system with controlled environment and applied science. This system utilizes water and technology and allows the incorporation of devices to take advantage of renewable/green energy sources for its electric energy consumption. Workforce development around food production technologies opens the door to contributing to a struggling food supply chain without access to space or tillable land. The proposed system does not use robotics and offers simple maintenance and repair solutions, adding yet another level of skill development and training. The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland is seeking funding of $490,000 to purchase and provide CSM with a 10-rack vertical agricultural system for the development of a sustainable food systems workforce development program to take place between the classroom and partnering farm. This funding amount includes technology acquisition and installation, curriculum development, participant training, and instructional cost for two years.
Applicant: The Boards of Education in Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s Project: Virtual Reality Career Exploration
Amount: $30,000
Virtual Reality (VR) Career Exploration creates classroom-to-career pathways, training the current and next generation of workers for well-paying jobs across every industry via hands-on, simulated training that teaches critical skills for in-demand jobs. As an economic development engine, this platform helps create better futures for students, workers, employers, and the communities that they call home, in turn strengthening the local economy. Teachers and students will be surveyed to determine levels of satisfaction with the technology. Survey results will be utilized to determine if this technology will be used by the Workforce Development Board in conjunction with Policy Area 3 of The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future which was passed by the 2021 Maryland General Assembly session and now serves as the Maryland State Department of Education’s driving force for making significant and lasting changes in its transformation to a world-class instructional system to improve the overall quality of education in Maryland. Policy Area 3 outlines the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards which include the directive that Local Workforce Development Boards provide career readiness services to students in middle school.
Applicant: Tri-County Council Workforce Development Project: Returning citizens
Amount: $125,000
This project will provide Southern Maryland individuals who have been incarcerated the mentoring, training, services, and support they need to find jobs, establish career paths, and successfully reenter society. This proven concept was evaluated with positive results several years ago when we established a Calvert County reentry program at the detention center in Prince Frederick. We funded staff and equipment for space in the detention center to work with released individuals still in case management with the Department of Corrections to aid them
with the training and employment services needed to successfully reenter. When our federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds were drastically cut for FY21, this work was placed on hold. Funding for this initiative will allow us to continue our operations in Calvert County and develop similar programs in Charles and St. Mary’s Counties for two years. We will blend these funds with other state and federal funds to provide skills upgrades for eligible individuals, and will utilize SkillUp Southern Maryland, a training platform purchased by the Tri – County Council for Southern Maryland’s Workforce Development Board that provides free access to over 5,000 courses from Skillsoft, a nationally recognized training provider of workplace, business, technical and IT courses. Returning citizens will be assisted in completing a self- assessment of their skills, identifying any skill gaps, and receiving training to remediate those gaps.
Applicant: College of Southern Maryland
Project: Certiport Entrepreneurial Certification Program Amount: $55,200
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is approved by Certiport to provide this training and administer the certification exam. Funding of $55,200 from the Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund will enable 40 individuals over a two-year period to complete this training and become ESB certified. Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) is a certification from Certiport, sponsored by Intuit and the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, which ensures tomorrow’s leaders are prepared with the toolkit they need to get ahead in today’s competitive landscape. Whether one is starting a bakery or launching the next billion-dollar startup, ESB validates a student’s understanding of core business principles, including the essentials needed to launch and maintain a successful business. Candidates for ESB certification will be expected to have key conceptual knowledge of entrepreneurial and small business principles through at least 150 hours of instruction. It is not required for students to have real-world experience as a small business manager in order to take and pass the exam. Successful completion of this certification will validate the skills and knowledge for those students interested in working in a middle-skill trade profession as their own boss and those with entrepreneurship and small business career aspirations. Through Certiport’s full pathway solution students can prepare for the ESB certification with tailored learning materials, practice tests, and a performance-based certification exam sponsored by Intuit and officially endorsed by The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE).
Application: Rural Agricultural Center
Project: Equipment Purchase for Rural Agricultural Center Amount: $1,401,200
The latest cost projections tabulated for RAC construction were tabulated in December, 2021 in time for the execution of the latest Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the TCC/SMADC and St. Mary’s County.
The final construction estimate for the RAC is $4.7 million inclusive of a 10% ($470,000) contingency. Since that time according to Mortensen Non-Residential Buildings national average, construction costs inclusive of materials and labor, have increased as much as 16% in 2022. With the year-to-date inflation index hovering around the 9% mark, those construction increases show no indication of declining. (And certain costs, for instance steel materials, are posting increases near 100%.) Should the maximum amount of potential increase be factored into the 2023 construction costs for the RAC, a total cost increase of $752,000 could be expected over the 2021 estimate. As there is already a $500,000 contingency built into the current estimate, if construction were to take place in 2022, an additional $252,000 in funds would be appropriate. As the construction will not commence until 2023, it
would be prudent and proactive to increase that among and to assign additional funding up to a total of $500,000 to the project. If the $500,000 contingency were not required, all remaining funds from the allocation would be re-tasked to another RAC project, the Cold Storage. The Cold Storage project is currently funded with a $200,000 grant from the State of Maryland to be of benefit to the produce farmers of Southern Maryland for product storage and aggregation. With construction costs of a Cold Storage facility running a current average of $250 square foot, any money not used for RAC contingency would be utilized to expand the existing footprint.
The primary mission of the RAC is to provide world-class, state-of-the-art meat processing to the livestock producers of Southern Maryland. This list of equipment is inclusive of receiving USDA inspected carcasses from the local Westham Butcher Shop, methods in inhouse conveyance, cutting room equipment, grinders, sausage makers, smokers, warming boxes for charcuterie, kettles for scrapple and bone broths, sanitization equipment, scales, packaging equipment and more. Another essential RAC component is the Instructional/Commercial kitchen with cooking, holding, and freezing equipment necessary to support a growing cottage food industry requiring commercial standards, as well as a place to teach food creation.
Applicant: Rural Agricultural Center
Project: New Generation Point of Sale software system Amount: $35,000
One of the basic functions of the RAC is to market, aggregate, and distribute SMM products to a wider audience and expand its market penetration into convenience driven venues competitive with commercial foods. This proposed labeling and information system would provide the consumer in these new venues with state-of-the-art appealing graphics, and also vital information about this locally produced product. The consumer can literally get to know the farmer and processor, one of the necessities to support the
Buy Local movement. The proposed system will facilitate the following: • Promote Quality Products: The origin and quality of fresh, locally sourced, meats are often hard to
determine, causing consumers to discriminate solely on price. With this system, vendors can distinguish their products by telling the full story and allowing consumers to make more informed decisions. • Increase Transparency: By storing information on the producers and foods at each step of the supply chain, consumers can be confident of the origins of their food. This system’s tracking system allows consumers to quickly scan a product and learn about the producer, their farming practices, and how their food was handled and processed. • Increase Food Safety: Foodborne illnesses continue to be a significant risk to the public and challenge to producers and processors. By tracking product origins and farming practices, this system allows for quick identification of the source of a foodborne pathogen so that unsafe products can be removed from the marketplace without destroying large amounts of safe products.
- Facilitate Transactions: This system allows players in the food chain to transact directly via smart contracts. Powered by the blockchain, this solution facilitates innovative contracts between all parties. Seller and buyers can both feel confident in transacting in a smoother and safer environment. This request for funding will be used to purchase the required touch screen computers, an automated weighing, wrapping and labeling station and purchase development and support from the maker of the FoodToken system described in this Proposal.
Regional projects – 4 projects
Applicant: Tri-County Council
Project: Southern Maryland Blue Catfish Feasibility Study Amount: $75,000
Funding for feasibility study to determine if Blue Catfish harvest is a sustainable and competitive sector for southern Maryland that would contribute meaningfully to job creation, economic development, sustainable livelihoods and food security for the region and development market analysis and gap identification to support this venture.
Application: Tri-County Council
Project: Software purchase – Revista Amount: $7,700
Purchase a three-year subscription for three users (one for each county) to access Revista, a medical real estate software. Revista would allow the Southern Maryland region to gain a competitive advantage for a targeted industry by providing data that supports new business development, underwriting, portfolio maintenance and investment strategy. This software also allows the user to access medical needs by specialty area in their community. Funding this request would allow all three economic development offices to access this software for the length of the contract. Users can create reports to share with clients. Cost Breakdown:
· One region with 3 users is $4,200 one year. · For 2 Years, $3,500 year one and $3,900 year two ($1,000 savings) Total: $7,400 two years · For 3 years, $3,500 years one and two and
$3,900 year 3 ($1,700 savings) Total: $7,700 three years.
Application: Tri-County Council
Project: Agriculture & Aquaculture Infrastructure Gap Identification Study Subject: $75,000
Analytical asset mapping, infrastructure gap identification and market analysis to support agriculture and aquaculture value chain in St. Mary’s, Calvert and Charles.
Application: Tri-County Council Project: Bicycle Wayfinding Design Amount: $125,000
Feasibility Study * Updated * Plan, design, manufacture & install bike route and wayfinding signage for the St. Mary’s, Calvert and Charles mapped routes.
Upper Shore Rural Council
Cecil County | 3 projects | $ 2,863,000 |
Kent County | 3 projects | $ 2,863,000 |
Queen Anne’s County | 11 projects | $ 2,863,000 |
Regional | 8 projects | $ 1,261,000 |
Administrative fee | $ 150,000 | |
Total | $10,000,000 | |
Cecil County – 3 projects |
Applicant: Cecil County Administration
Project: Belvidere Road Improvement Project
Amount: $1,980,000
This is a major economic development project as Belvidere Road will become a main thoroughfare for trucks and employees servicing our largest commercial/light industrial hub that is Principio Business Park (1,600 acres). Belvidere Road traffic is expected to increase from 2,400 to 18,400 vehicles per day when the new interchange opens in 2025. This project will support existing and continued development of businesses on Belvidere Road and Rt 40, including, but not limited to, Principio Business Park. Also, the business park is served by a publicly accessible rail spur with potential for one or two additional spurs being built, which would increase traffic. This project will also reduce truck traffic volumes and improve service flow on Rt 222 and Rt 272, the interchanges to the west and east of the new Belvidere Road interchange.
Applicant: Cecil County Council
Project: Cecil County Farm Museum Regional Ag. Center Amount: $150,000
Facility located on the Cecil County School of Technology property. Partnership with the Cecil County School of Technology’s culinary program. Culinary students will be involved in designing the kitchen, creating inventory lists for kitchen, and preparing meals and serving CCPS students participating in ag education programs at the CCFMRAG; CCFMRAG has a working partnership.
Applicant: The Paris Foundation
Project: Paris Foundation Community Center Amount: $733,000
Project Summary: The Paris Foundation has committed to building a 10,000 sq ft multipurpose community center in the heart of Cecil County’s most impoverished neighborhood. Upon it’s completion, 300 families within walking distance, as well as those arriving by public and private transportation, will be able to enjoy a nightly community meal, receive free medical treatment, job training and placement, focused on a Food Service Industry Training Program: ServSafe Food handlers Certification Program, Life Skills, and Job Match link to area employers. The facility will consist of a commercial kitchen, buffet serving area, dining room, auditorium, classrooms, and conference rooms.
Kent County – 3 projects
Applicant: Kent County Commissioners
Project: Worton Service District Water & Sewer Extension Amount: $1,532,000
The extension of water & sewer mains into the planned industrial zoned service area so can be utilized for business development. The proposed project will design and construct approximately 4,405 feet of 8 inch water main and 8 inch gravity sewer along Route 297 from the Humane Society location currently under construction to and along Mary Morris Road to the railroad crossing. A new wastewater pump station on Mary Morris Road will pump wastewater through a 4 inch force main back to the existing sewer system. The Worton wastewater treatment facility has a design capacity of 250,000 gallons per day and is operating at 70,000 gallons per day.
Applicant: Town of Millington
Project: Millington Wastewater Treatment Facility
Amount: $1,081,000
Economic and Tourism Development have worked with many businesses and developers and many properties along US 301 have been under contract only to not make it to closing due to lack of infrastructure. Upgrading the Millington Wastewater Treatment Facility will enable the County and the Town of Millington the capacity to grow and expand current businesses and attract new businesses, as well as serve the current and new residents.
Applicant: Kent County
Project: Chestertown Business Campus Amount: $250,000
The infrastructure allows access to building sites for multiple speculative commercial and mixed- use buildings. The Dixon buildings have retained over 350 jobs in Kent County, and the spec spaces have the potential to create an estimated 400 new jobs.
This project is the best approach for a small rural area like Kent County the majority is privately funded and the combination of Dixon as the anchor business, and KRM Development experience of developing and managing business parks. The funds would be used to develop the next phase, which includes the main entrance from Maryland Route 213, and the Dixon Square roads. This public infrastructure is necessary to move forward with this phase of the project. Dixon Square and the Route 213 entrance roads will be dedicated to the Town once completed.
Queen Anne’s County – 11 projects
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County Project: QAC 4 H Park Infrastructure Amount: $1,200,000
The QA County 4-H Park and the proposed infrastructure improvements for the grounds support the mission, vision, and values stated in the QA County Economic Development 10-Year Strategic Plan. Proposed infrastructure improvements to the aging 4-H Park will sustain growth opportunities for agriculture, support the 1,000 plus farms and their economic value, serve as a meeting place for agriculture educational events and activities. Growing interest in agriculture sciences and agriculture related businesses is named as one of the highest opportunities for supporting the County’s economic development.
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County ED
Project: QA Strategic Asset & Industry Competitive Analysis Study Amount: $80,000
Queen Anne’s County, Maryland is looking to engage a firm to assess sites for industrial development, site visit presentation review, and industry competitive analysis.
Applicant: Town of Centreville
Project: Centreville Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Amount: $500,000
QA Comp plan states pushing growth towards municipalities; has 1 business park ready; can annex additional property for 1-2 business parks
Portions of the upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant will not be eligible for funding through MDE and Federal earmark funding is limited therefore the town is seeking a portion of the funding to modernize the wastewater system.
Applicant: Town of Church Hill
Project: Cell Phone Tower Construction Amount: $10,000
Town wants to erect at 195 foot cell tower on wastewater treatment plant property to enhance wireless communications including internet and broadband for Church Hill and
surrounding areas. To improve and enhance wireless communications, including internet and broadband for the Town of Church Hill and surrounding areas. Will benefit commercial development.
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County ED
Project: Minority Entrepreneurship Training Accelerator Amount: $75,000
META will be a 1-year, intensive business development and coaching program for Black and other minority sole proprietorships (SP) that will lead to the creation of fully formed LLCs equipped with tangible assets and a targeted microgrant to help fund future expansion on Maryland’s Upper Eastern Shore.
Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: The Future Works Workforce Training Amount: $141,599
Marine Trades Expand the College’s marine trades program by purchasing
additional equipment, adding new curriculum, and offering courses in collaboration with QACPS at a cost of $100,000 Build an Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) program to provide trained workers for Queen Anne’s County businesses that already utilize AMT, like GROCO and PRS Guitars, and make AMT a reality for others.
Applicant: Queen Anne’s Public School System
Project: QAPS Career Awareness & Development Initiative Amount: $600,000
The vision for the Office of Career and Technical Education of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools to have a dedicated Career Center housed in both high schools. This office would be staffed by a Career Counselor whose position is solely dedicated to career awareness, guidance and career connections for our students. The Career Counselor would work with students, businesses and the Queen Anne’s County CTE Liaison to establish meaningful and purposeful internships and apprenticeships that meet the needs of local workforce demand.
Applicant: Town of Sudlersville Project: Project Consultant
Amount: $100,000
To complement the work the county and town are doing to make economic prosperity for Sudlersville a reality, the town is proposing to contract with a consultant that will focus on economic development initiatives – creating a formal economic development strategy, ensuring their sustainable communities renewal plan gets implemented, ensuring the comp plan process is on track, acting as another resource to keep track of projects and connections that will help the town thrive, seeking appropriate funding opportunities and reporting on existing grants, working toward a placemaking initiative, etc. The town is also seeking funding for a consultant to complete a new comprehensive plan.
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County Government Project: CBBP Broadband Access
Amount: $71,201
Funding is being sought to cover the cost of construction to install underground fiber capable of providing uninterrupted service in any weather condition along a 1.89 mile path so service can be provided to any and all sites in the Chesapeake Bay Business Park.
Applicant: QAC Watermen Association
Project: Oyster Shell Recovery & Spat Planting Program Amount: $10,200
To purchase equipment and larvae for oyster restoration projects in Queen Anne’s County. We are investing in new techniques that are more cost effective and less reliant on oyster shells which are becoming more difficult to acquire.
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County Economic Development Project: Growing Agribusiness in QAC Feasibility Study Amount: $75,000
An evaluation of current infrastructure, geographic and environmental considerations, and local, state & federal code and policy (planning, health department, taxes). Potential economic impact to the county. Short term actions (such as marketing) to highlight agribusiness. Long term potential solutions for challenges and barriers to the growth of agribusiness that exist. Partnering opportunities to promote agribusiness (for example, Parks, Main Street programs, Regional events, etc.)
Regional – 8 projects
Applicant: Upper Shore Regional Council Project: USRC Business Mentoring Program Amount: $50,000
The Upper Shore SCORE Chapter recently dissolved, due to demands of headquarters that volunteers must work 20 hours per week, can only meet with business start-ups via zoom, and must serve the entire state of Maryland. Our mentors have significant experience and are dedicated to assisting their local community and know firsthand their start-ups want in person assistance and coaching. Nine previous SCORE mentors have expressed an interest in
continuing to serve small business start-ups and entrepreneurs in the region. The program would be centralized on the Upper Shore Regional Council’s website and have a page for each
county to be tailored to the way business start- ups and entrepreneurs access assistance. Our economic development managers would work with the group to have quarterly meetings to ensure we are serving the targeted audience.
Applicant: Upper Shore Regional Council Project: USRC CEDS
Amount: $145,000
Create a strategy driven plan for regional economic development. The CEDS provides a vehicle for individuals, organizations, local governments, institutes of learning, and private
industry to engage in a meaningful conversation and debate about what capacity building efforts would best serve economic development in the region. Work with EDA.
Applicant: Upper Shore WIB
Project: Incumbent Worker Training – Upper Shore WIB Amount: $134,000
We would fund 7-10 businesses in each county and work with the county’s economic development departments for targeting employers looking to expand and retain and
retrain their current workforce. Our outcomes would be measured by the type of business who is the recipient, its effect on the local economy, and the results of the incumbent worker training on their employees and the projected business growth.
The USWIB would measure training from the perspective: did it allow an incumbent get training to get promoted, did the training allow the company to expand their business, and did the training free up lower skill jobs that may be easier for the company to fill in this challenging
job market. Additionally, did the IWT help the business expand into new areas or retain critical contracts.
Applicant: SWN
Project: Business Workforce Innovation Program Amount: $67,000
SWN proposes to utilize the Rural Economic Development Fund grant monies to prioritize support to business where existing programs and mechanisms are not the best avenue and/or mechanism to meet the need of the company and workers. Training strategies will include incumbent worker initiatives, work-based learning opportunities and On the Job training
and other workforce development initiatives to assist the business and its employees.
Applicant: Chesapeake College
Project: The Future Works Workforce Training Amount: $200,000
Marine Trades – Expand the College’s marine trades program by purchasing additional equipment, adding new curriculum, and offering courses in collaboration with QACPS & KCPS
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (salary) Create a Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship that will serve QA County & Kent County business owners, students— particularly in the skilled trades—and alumni both in-person and virtually with vetted
small business management resources, professional growth, and workforce and leadership development. New Program Director in Advanced Manufacturing Tech (salary) Build an Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) program to provide trained workers for QA County & Kent County businesses that already utilize AMT, like GROCO and PRS Guitars, and make AMT a reality for others.
Applicant: Cecil College
Project: Equipping a Marine Service Technology Classroom Amount: $100,000
Cecil College proposes to launch a marine service technology-training program to boost the workforce and support the needs of the industry in the region.
Applicant: Upper Shore Rural Council Project: Marketing for Business Attraction Amount: $245,000
Marketing plan tied to counties’ strategic plans and the regional strategic plan; Marketing plan tied to USRC Industry cluster study, QA asset study, and promotes the DataStory for each county; Marketing plan will have a regional component and individual county component.
Marketing will be in print, digital, trade shows, billboard, television, etc
Applicant: Queen Anne’s County ED – USRC
Project: USRC Career Technical Education Program Amount: $320,000
This proposed program addresses the middle-skills workforce shortage in the region by creating a comprehensive approach and building upon Project Bright Future. Hire a CTE liaison for each county (QA already has this position), building a skills network through collaboration
with community colleges, businesses, and public schools, and build well-designed internships and apprenticeships. Increase awareness of middle skill opportunities by promoting the message that CTE gives students an economic advantage by being linked with high-paying, high-growth jobs.As the next step in Project Bright Future and with the continual support of the Upper Shore Regional Council, Queen Anne’s County hired a CTE Liaison in June 2021. This position is located within their Department of Economic Development. Because of USRC support, QA County agreed to have the CTE Liaison cover both QA County and Kent County. This position has been wildly successful!
Tri County Council of Western Maryland
Allegany County | 5 projects | $ 3,460,255 |
Garrett County | 4 projects | $ 3,272,855 |
Washington County | 12 projects | $ 3,216,880 |
Administrative expense | $ 50,000 |
Total $ 9,999,990
Allegany County – 5 projects
Applicant: Cumberland Economic Development Corporation Project: 19 Frederick Street Renovation
Amount: $1,000,000
The building formerly known as 19 Frederick Street is located in the Central Business District ZoningDistrict (CBD) of Cumberland, Maryland and has been underutilized since the Allegany County Human Resource Development Commission (HRDC) relocated to their newly constructed office building in 2010. The building consists of 17,000+/- square feet above grade (excluding basement) and stands near the center of downtown Cumberland on approximately one-third of an acre of land. The building is owned by the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland and is listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. The building was originally designed and constructed as a U.S. Courthouse and Post Office in 1902 and has had several uses. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland is requesting $1,000,000 of funding to help renovate the building back to an occupiable state, and then market the building for resale/lease to the private sector.
Applicant: Allegany College of Maryland
Project: Nursing Expansion and Enhancement to Meet the Needs of Western MD Amount: $480,255
Funding would allow ACM to fully implement a weekend hybrid program to prepare RN-qualified nurses to enter the workforce to serve hospitals that are in dire need of qualified nurses. In addition, funding would support the enhancement of clinical simulation equipment at ACM and at the Garrett nursing education site.
Applicant: Allegany County Dept. of Economic and Community Development Project: Allegany County Tech Incubator
Amount: $100,000
Requesting funds to fully build out a scalable tech incubator, $60,000 will cover the first two years of the lease of a building in downtown Frostburg. After this time, the incubator will be generating enough revenue to continue to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of its facilities. $20,000 will cover the costs of building our additional IT infrastructure, which includes independent wireless access point coverage and multi-tenant server racks. $20,000 will be earmarked for branding and marketing.
Applicant: Allegany County Commissioners, Economic & Community Development Project: Shovel Ready Pad Sites-Barton Business Park
Amount: $1,209,000
Summary: The Barton Business Park is located off of Route 220 South, in Cumberland, Maryland. The Park currently consists of 4 vacant lots, as well as a 40,000 SQ Ft. Shell Building. This building is being actively marketed and currently has numerous businesses interested in leasing or purchasing. Since the Shell Building was completed in 2018, the business landscape has changed. It has been determined that potential manufacturing businesses or developers would
rather have a shovel ready, or market ready site as opposed to an existing building. These prospective companies or developers would rather have something site so that they can build to suit, rather than have an existing building. Thus, the Allegany County Commissioners are seeking funding to make 3 of its remaining lots in the Barton Business Park shovel ready.
Applicant: Allegany County ED
Project: Shovel ready pad site – Frostburg Industrial Park Amount: $671,000
Existing industrial park, request to make four remaining lots shovel ready. The Frostburg Industrial Park has seen some major growth this past calendar year. We have
seen a new 13,000 SQ Ft building be constructed that is the new home of Berkley Springs Instruments, as well as a 60,000 SQ Ft. addition built by Sierra Hygiene. This had led to both companies adding additional employment and has allowed them to expand their product and inventory offerings. To continue with this momentum, Allegany County is looking to make the remaining 4 lots at the Park shovel, or market ready.
Garrett County – 4 Projects
Applicant: Garrett County Government Project: Garrett Growers COOP Amount: $70,000
Garrett Growers Cooperative is a group of vegetable farmers in Garrett County which sell local produce to restaurants, retail outlets and wholesale. As Garrett Growers increases production a major issue is keeping the produce cooled from harvest to delivery. Because of the weather, geography and topography of Garrett County, all the farms involved are considered “small,” according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. In particular, fresh produce farms tend to be less than 10 acres and are run by part-time farmers. These farms do not have the capacity to expand without the availability of cold storage and packing infrastructure. A shared use facility that provides food-safe areas for washing, drying, culling, packing, storing, and shipping with appropriate temperatures and humidity levels for many types of products would help local farm businesses expand and thrive. The facility could serve as a place for food processing innovations and experimentation that allows for economic food product development. To increase the efficiency of local food aggregation and distribution in the region, this project will renovate an existing facility to create a facility capable of offering space for larger-scale aggregation, washing, packing, cold storage, and distribution of fresh produce and other local food products. This facility will enhance the capacity of Garrett Growers to comply with food safety regulations, help local agribusinesses, including Amish and Mennonite farmers, access larger markets with modern food processing capabilities, and help regional food businesses access fresh local foods.
Applicant: Garrett County
Project: Garrett County Shell Building Amount: $2,906,855
This project for the Garrett County Shell Building will achieve job creation, leveraged private investment (for equipment and retrofits), reduce business costs, improve business and the community, with a new design and construction of a 100,000 square feet building allowing for business expansion and start-up. Garrett County Government has been contacted by businesses needing 100,000 square feet of building space proposed to be located at the Keyser’s Ridge Business Park.
Applicant: Garrett County
Project: Garrett County Public Utilities Amount: $60,000
This project is for the development of “Garrett County Public Utilities-GIS Modeling,” a county- wide digital water and sewer utility model to reduce costs, provide better service to households and businesses, and increase the efficiency of DPU repair and information requests. The digital model will be used to collaborate with the municipalities and service areas for updating the Water and Sewer Plan.
Applicant: Garrett College Project: CDL Training
Amount: $236,000
Continuing Education & Workforce Development, a division of Garrett College, operates a successful Class A and Class B Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program through its Mountaintop Truck Driving Institute (MTDI). During Fiscal Year 2022, students completing Class B training boasted a 100% pass rate in achieving their CDL, while Class A students achieved a 97% pass rate. The intent of this project is to build upon the solid foundation at MTDI by incorporating technology into the program. Simulation technology is becoming increasingly important in successful truck driving programs, providing students with a variety of experiences which can be mastered before ever getting behind the wheel and driving over-the-road. The simulation technology will also allow for the expansion of training opportunities to younger students, through dual enrollment with Garrett County Public Schools.
Washington County – 12 projects
Applicant: Washington County Government
Project: Strategic Planning and Economic Feasibility Study Amount: $250,000
The Department of Business Development is requesting the use of $250,000 from the Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund for the entire Strategic Planning and Feasibility Study Program/Project. Although we do not see any ongoing administrative costs for the initial study and subsequent report, we would potentially seek to use any remaining funds to invest in a marketing plan, changes of branding or identity, that could potentially be a result from such study.
Applicant: Town of Boonsboro Project: Boonsboro Reservoir Amount: $100,000
Project entails replacing an aging, 68 year old structurally unsound drinking water impoundments, with a new reinforced, precast, and prestressed concrete split-tank reservoir, of equal capacity. Ultrasonic meter testing indicates the reservoir leaks approximately 6-9 million gallons of treated water, annually. Electrical resistivity testing, and a scuba dive survey, confirms a significant leak. Due to the age of the leak, structural damage is expected, and a complete replacement is necessary and an emergency priority. The reservoir is the Town’s only pressure source. Structural failure would result in flooding, property damage, and loss of water and sewer service to 4,800 Maryland Residents.
Applicant: Town of Boonsboro Project: Volute Press
Amount: $250,000
Funding for this project will be used to install sludge dewatering facilities at the town’s wastewater treatment plant. The project will allow the sludge generated by the plant to be dewatered and stored on-site, until it can be land applied as fertilizer. Currently, the liquid sludge is hauled to a different plant for dewatering/treatment – a costly process which accounts for nearly a quarter of the plant’s annual budget. The town predicts a 68% reduction in annual operating costs for the plant as a result of moving biosolid removal on-site, which will lower rates for both businesses and households.
Applicant: Town of Smithsburg
Project: Smithsburg Infrastructure Reports Amount: $100,000
The Town of Smithsburg is requesting funding to help secure infrastructure reports needed to determine how future projects critical to the Town’s growth be prioritized. Currently the Town lacks needed reports designed to help with determining faults in their aging water & sewer systems such as PERs and I&I studies, as well updating the CIP to direct leadership on how to prioritize needed repairs to the streets and overall infrastructure.
Applicant: Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau Project: Washington County MD Visitors Welcome Center Amount: $400,000
Seeking funds for the design of a new Visitors Welcome Center to include research, public engagement, engineering, permitting and construction documents.
Applicant: Washington County Community Action Council Project: Workforce Transportation
Amount: $355,000
Over the past several years, Washington County and Hagerstown in particular has seen a growth in warehouses being built with more in the planning stages. Due to the proximity to Interstates 70 & 81, Hagerstown is an ideal location for businesses to ship or build their products. This is great for economic growth in our jurisdiction. The jobs created for the development of the industrial parks as well as the jobs created (HVAC, plumbing, electrical) to provide services for these businesses. However, in order for these businesses to be successful and sustainable, they need a reliable workforce. These businesses create an opportunity for employment which is essential for the low income population CAC serves. This is a workforce that will spend their paychecks locally on rent, groceries, other essentials and entertainment. This is a tremendous benefit to the local economy. Therefore, providing transportation for the workforce supporting the millions of warehouse space will have a significant impact on the economic growth of Washington County.
Applicant: Woman of Valor Ministries Project: Xcel Launch
Amount: $55,890
The Xcel Launch Program is committed to helping people start, run, and grow their small businesses. ValorExcel and the EM Tobias Family Centerhave teamed up to launch a new shared business center located at 324 E. Antietam Street, Suite 204B in Hagerstown, Maryland, which offers shared space for an all-inclusive fee. It also provides business
coaching, specialized training, and development services to ensure successful outcomes.
Applicant: The Town of Boonsboro Project: National Road Museum Amount: $206,000
The Town of Boonsboro seeks the funding to improve infrastructure at the National Road Museum and increase marketing efforts of the Boonsboro EDC located on the Historic National Road Scenic Byway and adjacent to the Appalachian Trail, is positioned well to become a desired Main Street destination for visitors and home to new residents and businesses.
Applicant: Hagerstown Goodwill Industries DBA Horizon Goodwill Project: Homeless Workforce Pathway
Amount: $250,000
Horizon Goodwill Industries (HGI) has operated in the 3 Western Counties in Maryland offering workforce development services since 1955. In 2019, HGI broadened our service delivery beyond traditional workforce development programs to include services targeting disconnected youth, homeless youth, and homeless adults. The catalyst for this change was the recognition of the organization that many of the individuals that we were serving in workforce programs were lacking the ability to meet their basic needs which presented a barrier to engaging in job training and employment. In addition to providing these services in Maryland, Horizon Goodwill Industries is a
member of WV Balance of State and Virginia Continuum of Care providing homeless and workforce services in these states. In FY22 HGI served 196 homeless individuals in our housing and workforce programs, 144 of this individuals engaged in job training and placement services and became employed as a result. We continue to see an increase in homelessness in Washington County, by co-locating housing, case management, job training, and placement services we have seen increased success pathing homeless individuals to sustainable employment and stable housing.
Applicant: The City of Hagerstown Project: Zone 5 Water Storage Tank Amount: $500,000
Phase 1 of a multi-phased project for land acquisition and development of planning, permitting, contract documents (design, bid, contract, etc.) for an elevated water storage tank to be constructed for fire protection to serve water pressure zone 5 and portions of water pressure zone
1. Tank design will also address water system pressure concerns for properties located at geographically higher elevations. Construction of the proposed potable water storage tank will allow for continued growth within Washington County. Properties to be served by this project are located in water pressure zone 5 and a portion of water pressure zone 1 located outside of the Hagerstown Municipal Boundary. Direct benefit to the City of Hagerstown at the completion of this project is limited to increases in revenues from the sale of water and wastewater as the area adds new customers to the water and wastewater systems. Indirect benefits to the City of Hagerstown include revenue from taxes associated with retail, hotel/motel, entertainment, etc. Washington County will benefit from all property tax revenue as well as revenue from retail sales, hotel/motel, entertainment, etc.
Applicant: Camp Ritchie Museum, Inc.
Project: Fort Ritchie Historic District Rehabilitation Project Amount: $500,000
Camp Ritchie Museum, Inc. at Historic Fort Ritchie is proposing a rehabilitation project that will bolster business development and tourism in Washington County. Fort Ritchie’s iconic Barrick Avenue which contains 37 finger buildings used by both the Maryland National Guard and later the United States Army for the purpose of classrooms, administrative buildings and military intelligence training has the capacity to become its own Main Street Maryland community. Converting these vacant, nearly century old structures into a variety of shops, boutiques, restaurants, and overnight lodging, will encourage thousands to visit our region to enjoy our unique landscapes and history as well as support the growth of our regional economy. This rehabilitation project will additionally continue to revive the Cascade Community which saw a major reduction of workforce with the exit of the United States Army in 1998.
Applicant: Hagerstown Community College Project: Allied Health Workforce Development Amount: $249,990
Hagerstown Community College will deliver technical assistance, training, and career placement assistance designed to align worker training with in-demand career fields in the
Transportation/Logistics and Allied Health sectors. Focus will be on under-represented populations in these key employment sectors, including women, justice-involved individuals, and English-language learners, seeking to upskill into high-demand and well-paid employment in two growing employment sectors: transportation/logistics and allied health. Primary focus will be on supporting economic development in Washington County by aligning job training with employers needs in the logistics, transportation and allied health sectors. A secondary focus will be on strengthening the regional transportation and logistics workforce in Western Maryland by developing a partnership with Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) to deliver a CDL-B and forklift operator “boot camp” training program in Allegany County, MD, that leads to licensing and employment
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