WATCH this movie trailer for a Classic Story of Love Gone Wrong—it portrays this new 2024 tale of Love in All The Wrong Families. Is BIG DADDY shown above in the photo of St. Mary’s Sheriff Department Commanders? Is the victim of this assault his daughter or family friend, playing with fire by dating a deputy under his supervision?

Former Track and Field Coach Didn’t Run from Accountability
LEONARDTOWN, MD (April 28, 2024) – Following a criminal investigation, St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office (SMCSO) Deputy Donald Anthony Shubrooks, Badge #389, 29, of Lexington Park, Md, was arrested Saturday, April 27, 2024, on charges of Assault Second-Degree, according to PIO ALisa Casas.
At approximately 3:39 p.m., Saturday, Shubrooks contacted the SMCSO nonemergency line and advised a dispatcher he had been involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend at his residence.
Following the call, patrol deputies responded to Shubrooks’ residence in Lexington Park. Detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division also responded to the scene and immediately initiated an investigation.
It was determined that Shubrooks and the victim had an argument, which escalated into a physical altercation, ending with the victim leaving the residence but returning after deputies arrived. The victim sustained minor injuries but did not require medical attention.
Convict Sheriff Steve Hall advised that in accordance with SMCSO policy, the Office of Professional Responsibilities has initiated a separate administrative investigation to identify violations of agency policies or procedures. Shubrooks, assigned to the Patrol Division since August 2020, has been placed on emergency suspension with pay pending the outcome of both investigations.
Shubrooks was arrested and transported to the St. Mary’s County Jail, awaiting a bond hearing.

Graduate of Shenandoah
Although Shenandoah was the last school Donald A. Shubrooks ’17 applied to, he knew it was the place for him within moments of being on campus. “The moment you step foot on campus, you realize that though it is small, it is mighty,” said Shubrooks. “The faculty and staff, as well as Dr. Fitzsimmons, will forever place your best interest at heart and do everything they can to guide you towards success.”
Shubrooks’ fondest memories of his time at Shenandoah are being able to continue track and field and transition to the cross-country team. He also enjoyed being a Summer Orientation Leader and a Hornet Ambassador because it allowed him to develop as a person.
Shubrooks is a deputy sheriff for the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office in Leonardtown, Maryland. He is a patrol officer who responds to emergency and non-emergency calls. Shubrooks’s duties include traffic and drug enforcement, criminal investigations, and the initial investigation of major crimes (robbery, sexual assault, homicides, etc.).
Prior to his current position, Shubrooks was an assistant track and field coach at Cincinnati Christian University, Clarke University, and Millsaps College. “Law enforcement was something I had not foreseen in my future; however, after seeing everything taking place in the country, I wanted to make a difference, an impact in a different role than coaching,” said Shubrooks.
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