ELECTION 2024: St. Mary’s Circuit Court – vote for Sue Ann Armitage

It is rare for an open judge spot to be available to voters. Allowing judges to run for reelection without opposition, as happened when Judge Michael Stamm won a second 15-year term, reinforces a distant relationship with the public.

The 2024 Primary Election in St. Mary’s County is a vigorous contest and, for the first time in history, is between two female attorneys. There have been ethical lapses on the part of Judge Amy Lorenzini, who was appointed by lame-duck Governor Larry Hogan six months before he left office.

The abundance of big money contributions to Lorenzini from attorneys having cases before the courts in the Seventh Circuit, of which St. Mary’s County is a part, is the number one red-flag voters should have in electing her to a 15-year term on the bench.

All the Lobbyist’s friends and all of their high-roller pals ponied up to the bench and forked over their money in a way that should have made a madame of a brothel blush.  But Lorenzini, sitting on the bench, hearing cases, sees nothing wrong with the practice and refuses to answer questions about questionable contributions or to participate in an interview.  Her tactics include rolling tons of fancy postcards into direct mail, flooding cell phones with political messages, and elevating the election of Judge for the St. Mary’s Circuit Court to a robed equivalent of a QVC commercial hawking new lawn furniture.

There is no history of a sitting Judge in St. Mary’s County publicly boosting their candidacy by tapping good tidings from jurors or defendants. It brings an aroma of more brothel-type politics to play when even former defendants with Payola results provide five-star reviews as if they were rating a hotel in Ocean City. The only thing missing from Lorenzini’s courtroom is the Big Six Wheel.

Sue Ann Armitage has earned her spurs and even her wrinkles, learning the law from old-timers and bringing fair legal representation to women in St. Mary’s County who were, for the most part, once treated like pawns by the Good Old Boys in family law cases.

Sue Ann Armitage has experience in St. Mary’s County courtrooms and long hours working at church suppers alongside the folks she wishes to provide an intelligent and honest judicial review for litigation reaching the Circuit Court. A long line of good citizens has spoken for Armitage and come from both political parties.

The best advocate for her is herself, and in this interview, seen by nearly twelve thousand people, she makes her case in the best way possible.

Vote for Sue Ann Armitage for Circuit Court Judge in St. Mary’s County.

  • Sock it to Her

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