Former St. Mary’s Commissioner President Barbara Thompson, Gov. Larry Hogan, and GOP Central Committee Chair Jennifer Boyd at an event in June in Calvert County.
Boyd led a group of seven Republican sign wavers at the intersection of Rt. 4 and Rt. 235 on Oct. 21, 2024, when a woman drove her car up over the curb directly at them.

CALIFORNIA, MD – During a Republican campaign sign-waving event on October 21, 2024, just before six o’clock in the evening, an unknown woman motorist drove a white car up over the curb at the intersection of Rt. 4 and Rt. 235 directly in front of the Wawa, scattering the sign-wavers and moving up and over their drinks, and one container of iced tea exploded from the contact before driving away, southbound on Rt. 235. None of the sign wavers expected such an attack and had cameras out and ready to video any interactions.

Rt. 235 at Rt. 4 was the scene of a deranged motorist plowing over the curb at Republican campaign workers for Trump and fled the scene. Google Earth

The campaign team was boosting the candidacies of President Donald Trump and school board candidate Brandie Edelen. 

GOP Central Committee Chair Jennifer Boyd organized a team to set up the popular Republican booth. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

“We were out there for about two hours,” GOP Central Committee Chair Jennifer Boyd told THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY, “people were friendly, waving and honking horns, and it was a beautiful day with many positive results. Many people pulled into the parking lot and parked, coming over to us and asking for signs. One woman came over and wanted to shake hands to thank us for supporting President Trump. One man went into the Wawa and bought bottles of water for all of us. And then this happened. We were startled. We called the police, who said they were swamped with priority calls and couldn’t send anyone out. One officer was supposed to contact Brandie Edelen, who was also there with her husband Gary and would take a report.”

St. Mary’s School Board candidate Brandie Edelen at the St. Mary’s Fair. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

The St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Department finally responded to Brandie Edelen’s home at about nine o’clock to take a report. However, no response from St. Mary’s Sheriff Steve Hall was received prior to the deadline. If such a response is forthcoming, this article will be updated.

GOP Central Committee Member Jacinta-Bottoms-Spencer was part of the GOP sign-waving team, which was narrowly missed by a motorist who piloted her car over a curb directly at them in front of the Wawa in California, Md.

Edelen said that her mother was present as well, and they waited as long as they could for a deputy to arrive. However, some of the older women present needed to leave because they needed to get home before dark. GOP Central Committee Member Jacinta Bottoms Spencer.

The same day, a driver ran up on the curb directly at Trump campaign workers in Saint Mary’s County. President Trump worked at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania, making french fries—screenshot from FOX NEWS.
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