Theodore Roosevelt showed he could sing better progressive politics and Robert LaFollette



Sen. Jack Bailey (R. St. Mary’s, Calvert) spent $22,000 of his campaign funds to help elect Republicans to office in 2018 and 2022.

Bailey was opposed by Democrat Thomas Brewer in the 2018 General Election following his successful rout of the unpopular GOP incumbent Steve Waugh in the 2018 primary with 4,339 for Bailey and 3,587 for Waugh and winning the general election in a landslide with 19,017 for Brewer and 28,918 for Bailey. In 2022, Bailey racked up 33,101 votes in the General Election with 1,254 votes for write-ins. No Democrat filed to run against Bailey, firmly marking his place as leader of the Republican Party in St. Mary’s County.

Jack Bailey, State Senator, District 29, (R. St. Mary’s, Calvert.) – THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

The following is an accounting of the amounts he donated to candidates, the race being contested, and the outcome.

Kelly M. Schultz was the Hogan candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2022. She was running against Delegate Dan Cox of Frederick County. Senator Bailey contributed two donations, totaling $6,000, from his Friends of Jack Bailey campaign fund, and Schultz lost to Cox.

Republican Delegate Sid Saab of Anne Arundel County ran for District 33 State Senate in the 2022 general election. Senator Bailey directed two donations from his campaign account to Saab, totaling $6,000. Saab lost the race to the Democrat. Saab lost to Dawn D. Gile, with her vote totaling 30,807 to 24,730 for him.

Ellen Sauerbrey lost the 1994 Governor’s race to Democrat Parris $pendening by a squeak.
DAWN D. GILE, District 33 Maryland Senat Anne Arundel County

Gile’s total soared when 11,563 mail-in ballots appeared, which is cited as the 21st-century version of voters being tabulated from graveyards such as Greenwood Cemetery in 1994 when enough votes were found to defeat Republican Ellen Sauerbrey in the tight race for Governor.

Sen. Mary-Dulaney James

Senator Bailey directed two donations totaling $6,000 to Republican Christian Joseph Miele in the open Senate District 34 from the Friends of Jack Bailey campaign fund. Mielle lost the election. Miele contested the open senate seat in 2022 against Del. Mary-Dulaney James in the Harford County district. Dulaney James represented Harford in the House of Delegates from 1999 to 2015. The race was tight, with James receiving 22,858 votes to 22,267 for Miele. Not surprisingly, twice as many mail-in ballots arrived marked for James as for Miele, as the tricky Democratic Party has mastered the modern wonders of ballot harvesting. Senator Bailey’s financial effort was important to this tight race.

Delegate Reid J. Novotny was the GOP candidate for State Senate in Howard County in 2022

Reid J. Novotny was the GOP candidate for 2022 State Senate District 9, and the Friends of Jack Bailey campaign account transferred two donations totaling $4,000. Novotny was the challenger in the race and lost. Novotny’s campaign raised $190,984 in the campaign effort, eclipsing the $18,115 he raised in 2018 in his first unsuccessful effort.

Katie Fry Hester, Democrat Maryland Senate Howard County

Novotny lost both races to Katie Fry Hester, a Democrat, for the Howard and Montgomery counties district. In 2022, Hester beat Novotny with 31,214 votes to 22,637. Hester lost the election day vote totals to Novotny while swamping him with mail-in ballots in the mystical methods of harvesting known only to Democrats. Hester’s mail-in ballots amounted to 8,602 to 2,944 for Novotny. There were 2,097 provisional votes for Hester compared to 832 such ballots for Novotny. It is unknown if the “provisional ballots” were cast by those arriving at the polls on charter buses.

Sen. Stephen P. Hershey District 36 Upper Shore, Carolina, Queen Anne, Cecil, Kent

Steven P. Hersey Jr. was the GOP candidate for the Maryland State Senate District 36 in 2018. Friends of Jack Bailey provided one contribution to his campaign in the amount of $2,000, and Senator Hershey won reelection. In the 2018 General Election, Democrat candidate Heather Lynette Sinclair drew 17,691 votes to 33,028 for Hershey. In 2022, Friends of Jack Bailey didn’t need to help out the Hershey election effort as the Democrats didn’t bother to put up an opponent. Hershey scored 96.28 percent of the general election vote with 36,230 votes to 1424 write-ins for various individuals. Hershey represents the area known as the Upper Shore, composed of Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne, and Cecil counties.

Sen. Arthur Ellis posed on the CSX tracks in Waldorf in 2022 to update on light rail.

William John (Bill) Dotson lost his bid for State Senate District 28 in 2018, losing to Democrat Arthur Ellis. Ellis beat six-term Senator Thomas “Mac” Middleton, who somehow thought Maryland could not continue to exist without him being in Annapolis for another term. Middleton got the consolation prize after losing to the accountant from Indian Head by Gov. Larry Hogan issuing a decree renaming the replacement Gov. Harry Nice Bridge that carries Rt. 301 over the Potomac River to Virginia, to the Nice-Middleton Bridge. The Friends of Jack Bailey made a $2,000 contribution to Dotson’s campaign in 2018. Dotson raised $196,827 for his campaign. In the 2018 General Election, Dotson garnered 19,063 votes to 37,585 for Ellis.


In 2022, Ellis handily defeated Republican Michelle Talkington.


Ellis featured bringing commuter rail to Waldorf in his primary campaign in 2018 against Middleton. Since then, not a single person has been able to use commuter rail now in seven years. A review of Senator Ellis’s Facebook page shows no mention of commuter rail over the last three years, with one post of about forty-five seconds where Ellis stands on the CSX Railroad crossing of Rt. 5 in Waldorf with cars passing over the tracks behind him and stumbles through a slurred commentary of getting millions for light rail without providing any specifics.

Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown pose with Steny Hoyer, Roy Dyson, Mac Middleton, John Bohanan, and Sally Jameson for a photo on the CSX tracks in Waldorf promising to bring commuter rail to Southern Maryland in 2006 and then never did a single thing to make the promise anything other than a typical campaign stunt. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Ironically, Middleton, accompanied by Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Gov. candidate Anthony Brown, Sen. Roy Dyson, Delegate John Bohanan, Delegate Sally Jameson, and Congressman Steny Hoyer, stood at the same CSX crossing in Waldorf in 2006 and promised to bring commuter rail to Waldorf, proving that every Democrat will tell the same lie if given the opportunity.

Senator Bailey went on a winning streak with the next three choices to help with the finances of GOP candidates.

Senator Paul D. Corderman, Republican, represents Washington and Frederick County in Senate District 2 in the Maryland General Assembly

 Paul D. Corderman won the General Election in 2022 for Maryland Senate District 2, as the incumbent received a contribution of $1,000. Corderman beat Democrat Demetrius Perry with 25,881 to 14,629. As has become usual in the land of funky voting, 4,831 of Perry’s ballots came in the mail, and every ballot is in question as to its origin. But this is Maryland, and nobody’s gonna ask nothin’. Winkin’, Blinkin’, and Nod. Corderman raised $132,287 in his 2022 race for the Senate.

Senator William Folden, Republican of Frederick County. District 4.

Senator William Folden, Republican of Senate District 4, picked up a contribution from Friends of Jack Bailey in the amount of $1,000. Senator Folden won the open Senate seat in 2022 after serving one term in the Maryland House of Delegates from 2015 to 2019. Folden faced off against Democrat Carleah M. Summers in the General Election in 2022. Folden earned 32,554 to 23,967. Again, the magic of mail-in ballots, which, other than absentee ballots, didn’t exist until the last few years, produced 7,575 votes for Summers vs. 3,346 for Folden. Folden’s campaign reported $83,667 in contributions.

When politicians plan and scheme. St. Mary’s Commissioner Scott Ostrow, Sen. Jack Bailey, Del. Matt Morgan, School Board candidate Josh Guy. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Delegate Matt Morgan (District 29A):
Friends of Jack Bailey entered one Republican race in his home county which has three delegate seats. Reports show that Bailey bought fundraiser tickets to Del. Matt Morgan’s event, adding up to $130. Morgan was first elected in 2014 and supported Bailey’s coup against Waugh in 2018. Morgan won again in 2018 and 2022. St. Mary’s has another Morgan as Delegate, Todd Morgan, a three-term St. Mary’s Commissioner who won the open seat in the House of Delegates representing St. Mary’s and Calvert counties following the decision of Del. Jerry Clark to not run for another term.

Republican Deb Rey was battling for another term in the Maryland House of Delegates in 2022. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Bailey didn’t bother to support Republican Deb Rey in her effort in 2022 to reclaim the delegate seat she lost in 2018 to very leftist Democrat Del. Brian Crosby. Del. Matt Morgan reported that he had $151,973 in his campaign bank account on Nov. 22, 2022. Del. Matt Morgan stepped up to assist the effort of former Del. Deb Rey and, on Sept. 9, 2022, transferred $3,000 to her campaign from his committee, Citizens for Matt Morgan. After easily defeating Democrats in 2014 and 2018, no Democrat volunteered to be the next lamb to go to slaughter, and Matt Morgan won 12,663 votes in the general election with 341 write-in votes tabulated. Morgan scared the late Del. Johnny Wood into retirement after nearly defeating him in the 2010 general election. Wood, a Democrat, gave his blessing to former St. Mary’s Commissioner Tommy McKay in the 2014 Republican Primary. McKay split the native county vote with Bryan “Puff” Barthelme, and Morgan scooped them both to win and went on to the General, where he demolished Leonardtown lawyer Dan Slade.

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