ELECTION 2022: Mike Hewitt explains how Pot Factory got past the Board and approved in a Critical area near homes in Abell; says St. Mary’s benefits from surging tax base connected to Navy and defense contractors and holds down individual taxes

SHOOTINGS IN LEXINGTON PARK: Commissioner John O’Connor meets with a resident who aided the shooting victim at Queen Anne Apartments; found no one on the job at Sheriff’s Station at Great Mills Road

ELECTION 2022: Randy Guy promises to correct the process and provide public hearings; hold down taxes, promote traffic solutions


BOATLESS BILLIONAIRE: Boohoo for Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg

$90 Million Yacht of Sanctioned Russian Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg Seized by Spain at Request of United States Spanish law enforcement on April 4, 2022, executed …

TRACK TEAM MOWED DOWN: Virginia State Police report that Milligan University track and field team was struck by a hit and run driver, Eli Cramer killed, four injured, charges of manslaughter or homicide loom

TRACK TEAM MOWED DOWN: Virginia State Police report that Milligan University track and field team was struck by a hit and run driver, Eli Cramer …