SHOOTINGS IN LEXINGTON PARK: Commissioner John O’Connor meets with a resident who aided the shooting victim at Queen Anne Apartments; found no one on the job at Sheriff’s Station at Great Mills Road

MURDER USA Shootings spread across the region as family feuds, random gunfire, crazy teens and dedicated killers shoot each other, shoot at cops, killed man leaving gym; shoot at motorists

CRIME & DECLINE IN LEXINGTON PARK: Random gunfire strikes motorists; one injured LEXINGTON PARK, MD. – In spite of a sparkling new $6 million Sheriff’s …

MURDER USA: Shooting in Lexington Park, Latres Cockerham charged with murder of Joseph James Oakes, two shot in mayhem in Ghetto Trifecta on Ghetto Bypass Pegg Road; Plea Deal in 2021 with Richard Fritz kept accused killer out of jail on gun charges

WHITE ELEPHANT SHERIFF RESTROOM FACILITY COST $6 MILLION: At $150,000 a deputy can be hired, equipped, trained and put to work. For what Cameron blew …

Crime & Decline in Sin City: Cops seek hoodlums wanted for exchanging gunfire in Lexington Park night-fight and flight – SEE VIDEO OF GUNFIRE

LEXINGTON PARK, MD. – The hoodlums were out for fun with guns, reports St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron, as Lexington Park continues to be the scene of daily crime and often shootings, which are driving business out of the once busy town.