SUICIDE BY COP Maryland State Police responded to a call for a suicidal person in the Hollywood community; Anthony Oliveras Jr stabbed a trooper through a vest, nearly got his wish with shots fired by two troopers, and his life hanging by a thread at a trauma center

SUICIDE BY COP Anthony Oliveras Jr shot after stabbing trooper at father’s front door. HOLLYWOOD, MD – When Maryland State Troopers responded to a call …

BACKROOM DEALS: Proposal for restroom and parking along trail set to benefit Squad in the secret deal instead of a public proposal

HOLLYWOOD, MD. – A parcel of land, a bit more than eight acres in size, presently owned by the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad Inc, is being eyeballed by the Saint Mary’s County Commissioners for purchase that could provide the taxpayer-supported group with a windfall of over $200,000.