MURDER USA: Cops arrest Dillon Nicholas Augustyniak for slaying of Steven Wilson during robbery at model home

Police say that Wilson was chosen at random to rob and that alleged criminal act led to him being murdered by Augustyniak during the robbery.

MURDER USA: West Baltimore shooting victim riddled with bullets; officer injured in shootout; #213 murder of 2018 scored on North Monastery 

MURDER USA: Baltimore Police Officer wounded in an exchange of gunfire MURDER USA: West Baltimore shooting victim riddled with bullets; #213 murder of 2018 scored …

MURDER USA: Morning rush hour for those who work is morning killing hour in PG County

MURDER USA Morning rush hour for those who work is morning killing in PG County RIVERDALE, MD. – PG Police report that Prince Georges County …

MURDER USA: The Case of the Deadly Roommate

MURDER USA The Case of the Deadly Roommate – Waldorf rings the bell for another homicide WALDORF, MD. – Charles County Sheriff Troy Berry reports …