ACTION NEWS Aye Yung City Says I’m Just A Guy With A Camera
At any time of the day or night, Javon Henderson says he gets messages and phone calls from people in Lexington Park, Maryland, to tip him off to a crime scene in their neighborhood. Calling himself AYE YUNG CITY, Javon arrives at fires, police traffic stops, and shootings and begins videoing. With over 56 thousand subscribers on YouTube, he caters to people who want to know what’s happening. While some officers initially harassed him, others now are friendly.
Karl Pence, an elected member of the St. Mary’s County Democratic Central Committee, president of Maryland’s largest union, and education advisor to Maryland Governor Parris Glendening, gives his take on the 2024 General Election. Democrats would win more local elections if reasonable and logical folks like Karl were on the ballot.
No one around at Sheriff’s Lexington Park Station
Shootings in Lexington on April 27 and 28, 2022. One took place at 4:57 pm in Queen Anne Apartments on Great Mills Road when a man was critically injured. Another victim was flown to a trauma unit from a drive-by shooting on Southampton Drive. Sheriff candidate John O’Connor visited both shooting scenes and spoke with a resident who went to the aid of one of the victims. O’Connor, a St. Mary’s Commissioner, said he was disappointed to see that the Sheriff’s building on Great Mills Road was completely shut down with not even a clerk on duty.
St. Mary’s Commissioner John O’Connor, in the race for Sheriff, reveals new information about the investigation into Capt. Steve Hall and the shooting of live rounds from a training exercise by deputies into an occupied home, which narrowly missed an infant in a crib. St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron said he was mortified in 2014 and suspended Capt. Hall, but now refuses to release the investigation to the public.



RIOT ACT Candidates for School lambast incumbents for violence, poor test scores
BRANDIE EDELEN: Please give me a vote so a teacher will be on the St. Mary’s School Board


Michelle Talkington for Congress

JOSH GUY Candidate for St. Mary’s School Board
Election 2024: St. Mary’s Board of Education interview of Josh Guy
Josh Guy is a candidate for the St. Mary’s County Board of Education in the 2024 election cycle.

Sue Ann Armitage previews her background as an attorney for 33 years and explains why she believes voters should choose her to be Circuit Court Judge in the 2024 election.
Elizabeth O’Connor hopes to be the sixth woman elected to
St. Mary’s Board – all Republicans but one
Elizabeth O’Connor retired after more than twenty-two years as a Deputy Sheriff with specialties on the dive team, K-9 handler, detective, and patrol – giving her real insight into every part of St. Mary’s County.

ELECTION 2024: Mary Washington Interview St. Mary’s School Board
Mary Washington was elected as one of the first people elected by the voters instead of being appointed by the Governor of Maryland to the St. Mary’s County Board of Education in 1996. She is standing for election for another term in 2024.
Susan and Hampton Olfus team up to display their wares at the Leonardtown Wharf craft show on Oct. 12, 2024. Hampton explains that he was born an artist, and the pursuit of it was dumped on him, leading him to cultivate his talent throughout his life. His love of jazz greats is shown

GEORGE KIRBY, Educator, Principal, Lion King

Karl Pence moved from fields of dreams around cornfields next to Chopticon High School in Morganza to the president of the largest union in Maryland and key advisor to the Governor of Maryland.
Former St. Mary’s County Commissioners Francy Eagan and Larry Jarboe resoundingly endorsed former Commissioner President Tom McKay for the GOP nomination for Commissioner President in the Republican Primary on July 19, 2022. The three discussed taxes, education funding, a horrendous county debt, and the Pot Factory at Abell, Maryland, which was allowed under the current commissioner board without any public hearings.

Tom McKay interview April 22, 2022
Thomas McKay is a candidate for the GOP nomination for President of the St. Mary’s County Maryland Commissioners, a post he held from 2002 to 2006. McKay explains where he stands on the issues of open government, government spending, taxes, education, and crime in an interview with Ken Rossignol, Publisher of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY on April 22, 2022.
Moving forward after the Hollywood Carnival Murder interview with Tom McKay

Tom McKay explains how his experience in business dealing with the challenges brought in the era of government collusion with China Flu prepares him to take on the job of St. Mary’s Commissioner President.

BRANDIE EDELEN Says she is the right choice
A mom of six, educator, and small business owner, Brandie Edelen says her life experience provides the right background to promote excellence for St. Mary’s Public Schools, give critical examination of budgets, and insist on the preparation of students for actual life challenges.

Commissioner Eric Colvin, halfway through his second term in office, discusses the challenges of funding the budget of St. Mary’s County, crime, traffic, the plans for a new Sheriff’s Department headquarters, attracting and paying salaries of teachers, and politics.
Election 2018 – Eric Colvin, candidate for St. Mary’s Commissioner 1st District, Republcan

Eric Colvin explains his priorities as Commissioner promises not to raise taxes, and cites his dedication, energy, and education as assets that make him the right choice.
Scott Ostrow interview May 17, 2022
ELECTION 2022: Scott Ostrow is a candidate for St. Mary’s County Commissioner in District Four. In this interview, Ostrow calls for revitalizing Lexington Park, lower taxes, and more efficient county government operations.

BRANDIE EDELEN – St. Mary’s County School Board Candidate
Brandie Edelen explains how her experience as a mother of six children educated in St. Mary’s Public Schools, as an educator, and as a small business owner gives her unique and wide experience that makes her a strong contributor to strengthening the school system.
BLUE TEARS: A Trilogy by Ronald Bateman
With thirty-eight years of active law enforcement in his background, former Anne Arundel County Maryland Sheriff Ronald Bateman explains the back story of his decision to bring forward three books.

KEN HELD Will make future bright for Leonardtown as Mayor
The energetic owner of SLICE HOUSE is running for Mayor of the old port town of Leonardtown and aims to make the future bright.

DAVID DRYS will bring accountability to St. Mary’s Schools
David Drys is competing for the St. Mary’s County, Maryland Board of Education. Drys stresses the need for a critical review of budgets, policies, and accountability for the operation of public schools.

CATHY ALLEN bids for another term on St. Mary’s County School Board
St. Mary’s County will host an election for the Board of Education in 2024. Cathy Allen makes the case for another term in this interview with Ken Rossignol of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY, held in the St. Mary’s County Commissioners conference room on Feb. 21, 2024.

Calvert’s Country Gentleman: Former Commissioner Pat Buehler on Politics, Roads & Clint Eastwood
Pat Buehler was a shopkeeper in St. Leonard, Maryland, when news came that the State of Maryland was going to build a new four-lane highway that would bypass his town and devastate the bustling village by eliminating the traffic along Rt. 4. That was when he decided to pay attention to

Maryland Comptroller, Maryland Deputy Comptroller, Calvert Commissioner, and Executive Director Bobby Swann discuss forty-five years of politics, bridges, taxes, and Maryland government as Louie Goldstein’s top deputy and successor in office.

Republican Delegate Deb Rey seeks another term
Deb Rey surprised the Maryland Democratic Party in 2014 by doing the unthinkable and beating entrenched liberal Democrat John Bohanan. Rey lost her race for reelection in 2018 when the leftist Democratic Party threw all its resources into supporting Del. Brian Crosby’s bid to defeat Deb Rey in 2022. In this

Randy Guy interview for GOP Primary April 26, 2022
St. Mary’s County Commissioner Randy Guy talks about his background in the military, business, and public service leading up to being elected to his first term in 2014. Guy is seeking a third term in office in 2022 and answers questions about taxes, crime, the lack of any public hearing process for citing a Pot
Roy Alvey Plain Spoken Part Two
Roy Alvey is a candidate for St. Mary’s County Commissioner in 2022. He promises to gain the facts before making decisions and to hold regular firehouse discussions to give citizens ample opportunity to be heard.
Roy Alvey explains his views on taxes in campaign
St. Mary’s Commissioner candidate Roy Alvey will stop the bond spending for a new Sheriff’s $26 million headquarters in order to conserve as the county faces uncertain times.

Sid Saab, GOP candidate for Maryland State Senate District 33
Delegate Sid Saab of District 33, Anne Arundel County, decries the sensationalist slander of his opponent’s desperation campaign mailers and argues that his record of service to the people of his district makes him the best choice for the open Maryland State Senate seat. Interview at Mike’s Restaurant and

ELLYNNE BRICE DAVIS: Candidate for St. Mary’s Judge of Orphans Court
ELLYNNE BRICE DAVIS: Don’t let your inheritance be erased

DAWN ZIMMERMAN: Candidate for St. Mary’s County Commissioner

TODD MORGAN: Seeks GOP nomination for House of Delegates District 29C St. Mary’s/Calvert.
Governor Larry Hogan has endorsed Maryland Senate Candidate Jack Bailey as the best candidate to assist the Governor in serving the interests of St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties in the General Assembly. Gov. Hogan cited his need for Bailey to be a Bulldog for his agenda instead of being a lapdog for Mike Miller as his opponent does in Annapolis
ELECTION 2018: Andrew Rappaport –
Calvert County, Md. States Attorney
ELECTION 2018: Andrew Rappaport makes his case to the voters of Calvert County in the election for a new prosecutor. As District Court Chief, Rappaport cites his experience in handling over 90 percent of all court cases in Calvert.
ELECTION 2018 Calvert County States Attorney Candidate Kathryn Atlee Marsh
Deputy States Attorney Kathryn A. Marsh is seeking the top post of State’s Attorney in Calvert County, Md., following a career in the State’s Attorney’s Office that has spanned twenty years. Kathryn provides readers and viewers of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY with explanations of how she views the justice system and provides voters with reasons that, should they choose her as a candidate, she is prepared for the job.
PETER FRANCHOT: Keeping Maryland Financially Sound

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot – Election 2018
Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot explains why he is a champion of the Maryland Craft Brewing industry; cooperation with independents and both political parties to seek solutions; advises legislators to be fiscal moderates; notes achievements during his tenure; hits hard at Democratic Party Machine Politics.

MIKE HEWITT seeking third term as St. Mary’s Commissioner
Hewitt explains how the Pot Factory in the critical areas in Abell, Maryland, came to be approved without public review, hearings, or comment. He relates the importance of citizen involvement in serving on boards and asserts his support of education spending. He said the Sheriff wanted a ‘hardened’ new headquarters to withstand terrorist attacks.
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