Crime and Politics

The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken

MURDER USA: Newport News Police announce the arrest of Lawrence Smith in Easter Sunday fatal stabbing

MURDER USA: Newport News Police announce the arrest of Lawrence Smith in Easter Sunday fatal stabbing NEWPORT NEWS, VA. – Newport News Police report the …

Chesapeake Bay Outlaw Recreational Anglers Charged with Poaching and other NRP citations during 2017 in Queen Anne’s County by Maryland Natural Resources Police

Chesapeake Bay Outlaw Recreational Anglers Charged with Poaching and other NRP citations during 2017 in Queen Anne’s County by Maryland Natural Resources Police   Hildson …

MARYLAND STATE POLICE BEAT Newborn infant protected by properly installed child safety seat when family’s vehicle was involved in a crash caused by a distracted driver

MARYLAND STATE POLICE BEAT Newborn infant protected by properly installed child safety seat when family’s vehicle was involved in a crash caused by a distracted driver …

FAIRFAX POLICE BEAT / Fairfax Police DWI Arrests (A-D) for January 2018:

FAIRFAX POLICE BEAT / Fairfax Police DWI Arrests (A-D) for January 2018:   RONALD   FITTZ   ABERNATHY, 70           10/26/2017         82-1-6[18.2-266]             DWI: 1ST OFFENSE, 4124 CONRAD ROAD, ALEXANDRIA, VA …

Queen Anne’s Fishing Pier Poachers: Results of citations for poaching Rockfish for Hyattsville residents; court records fail to disclose any fines but always post fine amounts for watermen

Queen Anne’s Fishing Pier Poachers: Results of citations for poaching Rockfish for Hyattsville residents; court records fail to disclose any fines but always post fine …