POWER TO THE POT FACTORY: Several miles of expensive underground conduit is being constructed to fuel Abell Pot Factory, with no windmills or solar to help heal pain afflicted with marijuana byproducts

ELECTION 2022: POT FACTORY’S FAVORITE IS FRITZ, caught with illegal plants not prosecuted

POT FACTORY BLUES: Weed Kings held a public hearing for supplicants to beg for relief from a massive marijuana facility deposited in their residential neighborhood in a critical area; question: do any of the commissioners live near the Pot Factory? Question: are any of the commissioners’ investors in the whacky tobaccy deal?

THE ROOTS OF THE POT FACTORY: Industrial pot grow operation was given a building permit in mid-2018 but many officials are really surprised today. Should they be?

MEGA-POT FACTORY IN CRITICAL AREA YIELDS FUROR – Good Old Boy System in St. Mary’s Allowed Giant Camel to Push Nose Under Tent Masquerading as Agricultural

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