Election 2018: Gov. Larry Hogan gives resounding boost to Senate Candidate Jack Bailey in Bushwood Barnstormer


Governor Larry Hogan with Karin and Jack Bailey and their children. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo


  • Dinner for six hundred at Jack Bailey for Senate Bushwood event at Ocean Hall on April 27, 2018. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo


Election 2018: Gov. Larry Hogan gives a resounding boost to Senate Candidate Jack Bailey in Bushwood Barnstormer

Politics and Commentary 

By Ken Rossignol


BUSHWOOD WHARF, MD. – More than six hundred people packed the huge tent set up in front of historic Ocean Hall on the Wicomico River on Friday, April 27, 2018, in an impressive show of support for State Senate Candidate Jack Bailey.

With Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (Rep.) arriving in his campaign bus to endorse Bailey in the heart of old Dorseyland and the Seventh District of St. Mary’s County, a record crowd for local election fundraisers parked scores of vehicles on a soggy field behind the centuries-old manor house. They came to feast on fried chicken, BBQ, and the latest in Free State politics. As the lines for food and beverages efficiently wound through the tent, the sun broke out and provided a bright sunset over the river.

The size of the crowd was one not seen since the glory days of Congressman Roy Dyson’s Field Days held in Great Mills in the 1980’s, or election breakfasts organized by the late Sen. Walter Dorsey.

With a party tent the size of a football field, the Jack Bailey Fundraiser kicked off to a huge crowd. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

The constant refrain heard from those attending was to support two goals. First, that it was time for St. Mary’s County to lay claim to the Senate seat shared with a small portion of Calvert County. And second, a determination to provide Gov. Hogan with a real Republican who would support his legislative efforts instead of consorting with Senate President Mike Miller as the current occupant of the Senate seat, Lusby resident Steve Waugh, has done over the past four years.

As word got out of the impending success of ticket sales at $60 each for the Bailey election fundraiser reached the ears of Waugh, he hastily scheduled a school safety forum to coincide with the Bushwood Barnstorming of Bailey without any participation from the school board members many of whom were at Bailey’s event.

Waugh’s slick use of the tragedy of the shooting and dying at Great Mills High School set a new low for politics, even as low as the politics can be, and was a really sleazy use of the nightmare that the region went through with the heartbreak for the families of those involved.

Waugh’s cynical political stunt didn’t work but may earn him a permanent place in the book of dumb moves of Maryland politics.

Waugh’s event was a Hail Mary pass attempting to parse away some of those who planned to attend the big campaign rally for Bailey with Governor Hogan as the guest speaker.  Waugh’s cynical political stunt didn’t work but may earn him a permanent place in the book of dumb moves of Maryland politics. Waugh couldn’t even get St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron to fall for his desperation act as the three-term Republican Sheriff, along with his wife Angie, attended the fundraiser of the likely next St. Mary’s Senator.

Another campaign misfire took place since Gov. Hogan announced his support of Jack Bailey over the incumbent GOP senator on April 12, 2018. A press release was broadcast to the electronic political world claiming the GOP State Senate Caucus had endorsed Waugh over Bailey. The next day a correction was sent, noting that the Senate Republican Caucus had not endorsed anyone, only the Senate minority leader, an official that it is quite likely is so insignificant that it would be impossible to find two voters in District 29 that have ever heard of him. But it would nigh impossible to find voters in this race who have not heard of Gov. Hogan.

It is possible that Sen. Steve Waugh forgot that he won on the coattails of Governor Hogan in 2014

It is possible that Sen. Steve Waugh forgot that he won on the coattails of Governor Hogan in 2014 and was able to defeat five-term Democrat Senator Roy Dyson. There are many in St. Mary’s who, when hearing “Waugh” believe that the speaker is discussing the Wawa markets. That is indicative of how distant Waugh is from the local voters, and he thinks that his support among Defense contractors is all that he needs to win another term. The road to political perdition in St. Mary’s is paved with former Navy Captains running for political office and the only defense contractor, not native born, ever elected only won due to a political vacuum when Dan Raley was term-limited.

While the liberal Democrats like to take guns from people, don’t want to control the nation’s borders, advocate raising taxes, put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens and want to impeach Trump; there exist the Rinos. There seems to be a constant cadre of Republicans who are confused about who they are and what principles they believe in for the future of Maryland.

With politics being what it is, the President of the St. Mary’s Republican Club who distributed the Senate Caucus false claim of endorsing Waugh didn’t bother to go to Waugh’s counter fundraiser-school safety meeting but instead attended the Bailey campaign rally.

Calvert Del. Mark N. Fisher delivered a stemwinder of a keynote speech to warm the crowd up for Governor Larry Hogan’s strong endorsement of Senate Candidate Jack Bailey. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Calvert Sheriff Mike Evans arrived too to show support for Governor Hogan and his fellow long-time law officer Bailey.

Jack Bailey is a retired Natural Resources Police Officer serving his career in the Southern Maryland region protecting natural resources and working as a coach for sports teams in which his family is involved in the Mechanicsville area.  Bailey’s brother David is a former St. Mary’s Sheriff’s K-9 Deputy and became an NRP officer. Bailey’s father John Bailey is a former St. Mary’s States Attorney and Public Defender.

Gov. Hogan worked his way through the crowd, stopping at every table and greeting attendees with the familiarity of a governor who has been involved in Maryland politics for forty years.

Even a few Democratic candidates were on hand to be able to talk to voters in numbers far more than any function put on by their party. Those Democrats saw up close what it’s like to draw a huge crowd, something no Democrat can possibly do in St. Mary’s County as the party has shifted to the extreme shrill far-left margins and embraced socialism at local, state and national levels. St. Mary’s Democrats used to be the party that needed a big tent, as displayed for many years by Del. Johnny Wood who always brought out hundreds to his annual Bull Roast. Now, the retired Democratic Delegate and House Committee Chairman was part of the crowd of Bailey supporters under the giant GOP tent.

Dinner for six hundred at Jack Bailey for Senate Bushwood event at Ocean Hall on April 27, 2018. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo
St. Mary’s Deputy States Attorney Joe Stanalonis is submitting his name for appointment for the St. Mary’s Circuit Court vacancy. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

St. Mary’s County Deputy States Attorney Joe Stanalonis, the likely Circuit Court Judge selection of Gov. Hogan to replace retiring Judge Karen Abrams, was working hard to answer questions and build support should he be selected by Gov. Hogan and thus be prepared for an election challenge in 2020.

Stanalonis was picked apart by a liberal rump group in the 2012 election as some sort of fake committee to be the judge of what was ethical in an election campaign and the leftist gatekeepers to ensure that the liberal Democrat pick of Gov. Martin O’Malley, David Densford, was successful in holding onto the judgeship. The group dubbed themselves with a name that sounded really official, something only a bunch of liberal lawyers could dream up and attempt to pass off to the public as a real thing. In reality, their attempt to fool the voters was simply another cheap trick in politics. But their effort, along with a weird robocall by Commissioner Cindy Jones put trial lawyer Densford over Stanalonis in the 2012 election contest for the Circuit Court seat.

Both candidates traded barbs over their qualifications in competing complaints to the Attorney Grievance Commission, and in the final analysis, the Court of Appeals ruled that tracking the exact relationship of claims made by candidates to the facts in an election is an elusive and imperfect science. The Court of Appeals gave Stanalonis a clean bill of health, while an ‘action’ was taken against Densford, which he has yet to share with the public.  The 2012 election will continue to have fallout for Judge Densford, as at least on one occasion he has failed to recuse himself from hearing a case when involving the financial interests of those who contributed to his 2012 election campaign. It would have been simple for Judge Densford to recuse himself, his salary is the same when he has to ask that another Judge is assigned to a case.  Thus, one has to wonder that when Judge Densford sits on a case in which a favorable outcome for his campaign donors is the result; was it his intent for that happen or was he simply stupid. Crooked or dumb, it has to be one or the other.

The Dorsey ticket in the 1958 election.
Sen. Paul J. Bailey at Trent Hall on the Patuxent in 1990. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

After the crowd was fed by Bailey’s Catering with former St. Mary’s Commissioner Eddie Bailey casting an approving gaze over the extensive work provided by his family’s company at catering the event, it was time for speeches. Del. Mark N. Fisher of Calvert County warmed up the crowd with a stemwinder that was an unknown quantity to many in the St. Mary’s side of the Patuxent River. It’s a good thing that Sen. Mike Miller has a firm grip on his hometown of Clinton and PG County or Del. Fisher would be a formidable opponent in a fight for the Calvert Senate seat.

Governor Hogan said that he never would have believed he would be in Bushwood with such an enormous crowd when he began the Change Maryland effort, noting that while Jack Bailey had well over five hundred people present, his first meetings for Change Maryland – which led to his election victory in 2014 – often had but four or five people present.

“After starting Change Maryland, the effort was made up of Republicans, Democrats and Independents, much the same as here tonight, the fact that Jack has just recently got into this race and has so much support here, is a testament to the kind of guy he is. I have gotten to know Jack and know his family and the generations of people that they have been in St. Mary’s County. I know his dedication to the people in St. Mary’s and Calvert County.”

Gov. Hogan ripped into Sen. Waugh by noting him being against an effort to keep violent criminals out of Maryland’s college campuses.

“Waugh was the only Republican of both houses of the General Assembly to vote with the Democrats to override my veto of a bill to allow violent criminals into our colleges without any background checks or accountability. That is not the kind of person that represents the values of the people in Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties.”

Jack Bailey’s great uncle Sen. Paul J. Bailey served four terms in the Maryland Senate and was best known for legalizing slot machines in 1947 and banning oil refineries in 1974. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Hogan urged the crowd to send Jack Bailey to the State Senate as instead of being a lapdog to Mike Miller like the current senator, that Bailey would be a bulldog to working to achieve the goals of his administration and what is best for the interests of Maryland.

“I read something in the paper the other day about dogs, lapdogs, and bulldogs and I can tell you that Jack Bailey is not going to be a lapdog for Mike Miller and the far-left folks in Annapolis, he is going to be a bulldog fighting on behalf of the people of Southern Maryland.”

Hogan then introduced Jack Bailey who said, “I look forward to representing the values that we hold near and dear to our hearts in St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties. I look forward to working with Governor Hogan in the General Assembly in the years to come.”

With St. Mary’s Commissioner President Randy Guy’s strong approval of Bailey’s candidacy, Bailey made clear that he would be distinctive from his opponent on the issue of working with other leaders instead of engaging in petty politics.

“I want to make it clear that it’s not just working with state leaders but working with local leaders as well, I won’t leave our local leaders out.”

“This is just the beginning,” said Bailey, “the primary is 58 days away, and I need your help. I need your help financially, I need your help spreading the word, I need your help knocking on doors, I need your help working the polls, and I need each and every one of you. Thank you very much for being here.”

Bailey introduced his wife St. Mary’s School Board Member Karin Bailey and their children who joined him and Governor Hogan on the stage to a rousing cheer as the event was streamed live on Facebook – which was viewed 275 times before midnight.  Between ticket sales and sponsorships the even likely brought in over $30,000 – a tidy sum for kicking off a campaign.


PAC MAN STEVE WAUGH’S campaign committee is loaded for bear with largess from lobbyists, large corporations, liquor, and cigar political action committees

On Newsstands in Maryland, Virginia & Delaware. Available Worldwide in Kindle Print Replica Edition – FREE FOR KINDLE UNLIMITED Customers

As of Jan. 10, 2018, Friends of Steve Waugh filed a report with Maryland Campaign Finance officials that the committee had $39, 271.64 in the bank.

Not many of Waugh’s contributions came from individual donors but from large corporate PAC’s.  If Waugh’s donors wanted to assemble in one place, they wouldn’t need a tent like Bailey’s fundraiser but could fit comfortably in a small bar in Annapolis – which is likely where he likely held his fundraiser just before the General Assembly session began.


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