John Albert Vallandingham was given a plea deal and avoided jail for selling unlawfully harvested oysters that were not refrigerated. DNR Police say they watched …
John Albert Vallandingham was given a plea deal and avoided jail for selling unlawfully harvested oysters that were not refrigerated. DNR Police say they watched …
IMPAIRED BOATER Joel Weaver fled from the Natural Resources Police patrol boat to Meadow Island in Potomac River to avoid arrest for Operating While Impaired; …
DWI boating in Cecil County; not even one day in jail, $150 fine; plus taxpayers provided a free attorney to make an easy plea deal …
Department of Natural Resources Recreational Fishing and Crabbing Suspensions Revised 6-1-19 Name Species Suspension Start Date Suspension End Date Suspended From ALEGRIA PARADA, ERIK RICARDO …