Woe to the leftist Democrat socialists who plot and plan to indoctrinate children in public schools with their Marxist theology. The Cartoon Gods are ticked …

LETTER to the EDITOR – Oh, Mary, Where Art Thou?

TIME FOR MARY WASHINGTON TO FACE THE VOTERS TO THE EDITOR; For 27 years, Mary Washington has held her seat on the St. Mary’s County …

ELECTION 2024: St. Mary’s School Board candidates blast incumbents for poor results, radical agenda, violence in schools, failing to include parents, hiding public funds in secret accounts while demanding tax hikes to fund budget

ELECTION 2024: Brandie Edelen makes pitch for adding an educator to the St. Mary’s School Board

CANDIDATE FORUM – Potomac Gardens Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, 5:30 pm, sponsored by Republican Women St. Mary’s County Board of Education Election BY KEN ROSSIGNOLTHE …