ELECTION 2022: FRITZ FRIED BY STERLING; Hall’s jail time no concern of voters; Guy trounces McKay, Todd Morgan sleds to easy win over the General; Dan Cox on the way to becoming 3rd GOP governor in last two decades in Maryland; Wes Moore ends Franchot bid, FINAL day of mail-in ballots included

Jaymi Sterling cleans Fritz’s clock in LANDSLIDE – HISTORIC TROUNCING! Dan Cox with President Trump’s Big Push wins GOP nomination for Governor in landslide Wes …

ELECTION 2022: Ellynne Brice Davis explains the role of the Orphans Court and how she is well qualified by her background to be elected Judge

ELECTION 2022 Realtor PAC Passes Out Woke Bribes to Candidates As Part of Statewide Effort to Erase Legacy of Decades of Blockbusting; Focus on St. Mary’s Commissioner Candidates Financials

HAS RANDY GUY ALREADY GIVEN UP? Did Candidates Send a Masseuse to Ease Pain for Parlett from Repetitive Motions in Greasing Access Skids for Possible …