MANHUNT FOR SHOOTER: Michael Fischer blasted victim with a shotgun; captured after trailer park mayhem

MANHUNT FOR SHOOTER: Michael Fischer blasted victim with a shotgun; captured after trailer park mayhem HERMANVILLE, MD. – A beef in a trailer park turned …

DWI HIT PARADE – The case of the Boozy Woozy Jag Driver and his Demo Derby on the Interstate

DWI HIT PARADE – The case of the Boozy Woozy Jag Driver and his Demo Derby on the Interstate WILMINGTON, DEL. – That stuff about …

DWI HIT PARADE Maryland State Police Easton Barrack DUI arrests

DWI HIT PARADE Maryland State Police Easton Barrack DUI arrests EASTON, MD. – The Maryland State Police Easton Barrack Commander reports that troopers made the …

MURDER USA Infant poisoned by babysitter’s deadly enema cocktail; Baltimore cops charge duel survivor with murder

MURDER USA Infant poisoned by babysitter’s deadly enema cocktail; Baltimore cops charge duel survivor with murder First Degree Child Abuse Arrest BALTIMORE, MD. – Baltimore …