CALVERT POLICE BEAT: Chester the Molester in Northern High School? – Janitor Charged with Sex Assault
OWINGS, MD. – Calvert Sheriff Capt. Dave Payne reports that on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 Sheriff Deputies were notified by the Northern High School Administration of a possible Chester the Molester working double duty in the school.
Police say that a 15-year-old juvenile reported a custodian, Scott David Valentine, 58, of 31 Scrivner Drive, Friendship, Maryland, inappropriately touched her while she was watching practice. She further alleged that he continued to encounter her at various locations throughout the school.
Several other students confirmed the allegations of the juvenile victim, and police say that the video footage of areas where the alleged acts took place has been subpoenaed. Police did not report viewing the footage to confirm the allegations prior to his arrest as teenage girls are well-known for their veracity.
Capt. Payne reported that on March 1, 2019 a warrant was issued for a Sexual Offense in the 4th Degree, and Assault in the 2nd Degree. He was arrested by Deputy W. Beisel on March 2, 2019 and processed into the Calvert County Detention Center. Valentine was released on a $10,000 bond on the same date.
Valentine has no other criminal arrests on his record in Maryland aside from repeated violations of Maryland Natural Resources rules regarding harvesting of crabs.