DWI HIT PARADE: Conviction of five-time DUI driver Kevin Michael Turner yields 60 days in the slammer for DWI in a shocking plea deal approved by Calvert States Attorney Andrew Rappaport six months before his appointment as Judge

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The continuing problem of repeat offender DUI drivers and Maryland’s weak impaired driving laws is highlighted by the dangerously lenient plea bargains by Maryland’s prosecutors. This is the case of a 5-time DUI offender who was given a sweetheart deal by a tough-talking Republican States Attorney, Andrew Rappaport, just five months before his appointment as Circuit Court Judge. This new judge will have to stand for election to win a full 15-year term.
LUSBY, MD. When a woman’s boyfriend, Kevin Michael Turner, 31, (DOB 10/18/1987) of 6913 Prout Road, Friendship, Md., took off with her keys and her vehicle, she called the Calvert Sheriff’s Department to report the absconding.

Calvert Sheriff Mike Evans reported on November 25, 2018, that Dfc. Boerum responded to Rimrock Road in Lusby for the report of a stolen vehicle.

The complainant advised that Turner took her keys and left with her vehicle without her permission.
FBI probed allegations of Calvert Sheriff Mike Evans snaring and sharing prescription drugs from Asbury senior center in Solomon’s
Cpl. Wilson conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle in the area of Buckets Sports Bar and Grill and Turner was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Jail where he was charged with multiple citations for DUI/DWI as well as Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle.
In Calvert District Court facing felony theft of a motor vehicle charges on April 12, 2019, Calvert States Attorney Andrew Rappaport dropped the charges.

The traffic stop of the 2013 Hyundai operated by Turner in front of the Buckets bar on Rousby Hall Road resulted in a plea deal with Calvert States Attorney Andrew Rappaport.

THE DEAL: Kevin Michael Turner entered a guilty plea on April 12, 2019, in return for the theft charges being dropped and was sentenced to 60 days in jail on the DWI conviction. For Rappaport to agree to a mere sixty days in jail for a FIFTH DWI is contrary to the statements he made when he ran for States Attorney in Calvert County in 2018, and after winning the race and serving for just short of one year, he was appointed to the Circuit Court Judge for Calvert by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.
COURT NEWS: Andrew Rappaport appointed Calvert Circuit Court Judge eleven months after winning voter’s approval to be the prosecutor
Taking off with the property of another and DWI wasn’t new for Kevin Michael Turner, he entered a guilty plea in Baltimore City Circuit Court on Aug. 7, 2015, and was sentenced to four years in prison with three years and seven months suspended and two years’ probation. At the same time, Turner entered a guilty plea to his FOURTH DWI and the sentence for both charges were merged.
DWI HIT PARADE: Maryland State Police Report 553 DUI Arrests For October Of 2019; Gov. Larry Hogan With Families Who Remember Their Loved Ones Killed By Impaired Drivers
On July 15, 2013, Kevin Michael Turner entered a guilty plea to the DWI arrest by Maryland Trooper S. Matthews which took place as he operated a 1992 Chevy northbound on Rt. 4 north of German Chapel Road in Calvert County, Md., on May 11, 2013. THE DEAL: Turner was sentenced to 60 days in jail and zero fine, in a plea deal with then-Calvert States Attorney Laura Martin.
Calvert Sheriff Mike Evans discontinues release of DWI arrests in retaliation for news account of FBI probe

KEVIN MICHAEL TURNER was arrested for DWI on July 16, 2012, by Maryland State Trooper D. Sorenson as he operated a 2008 Ford southbound on Md. Rt. 4 at Industry Lane in Prince Frederick, Md. In Calvert District Court on Sept. 21, 2012, Turner entered into a plea deal with the Calvert States Attorney Laura Martin. THE DEAL: in return for entering a guilty plea, Turner was sentenced to 15 days in jail and ZERO fine.

Kevin Michael Turner was arrested for DWI and leaving the scene of a crash where bodily injury took place in Crofton, Md. when he was charged by Anne Arundel County Police Cpl. Scottie Arruda on June 3, 2011. In a plea deal, Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess put the DWI charge on the Stet Docket on Aug. 24, 2011. THE DEAL: no time and no fine. Turner served two days in jail after his arrest before making bond.
KEVIN MICHAEL TURNER entered a guilty plea to felony theft between $10,000 to $100,000 in Calvert District Court on Sept. 21, 2012, in a plea deal with Calvert States Attorney Laura Martin. THE DEAL: Turner was sentenced to 9 months in jail.
KEVIN MICHAEL TURNER entered an Alford Plea to reckless endangerment in Anne Arundel Circuit Court on Nov. 26, 2012, in a plea deal with Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess. THE DEAL: Turner was sentenced to 81 days in jail with credit for 81 days of time served.
Reader response

An intractable problem.
Maybe better to cut off his hands and feet so he cannot drive.
Reader response

Money talks……
All is well until the people living in high end gated communities have their car stolen, have a drunk sideswipe them, or run over their kid on the sidewalk.
Better yet is to look at the failures thus far:
– unaccountable politicians and elected officials who fail to serve those they have sworn an oath to protect (while receiving often double the income of the average citizen).
– the loss of annual sacks of cash to pay for “programs” to help the addicts and drunks through therapy and counseling; which apparently don’t work.
– the bureaucratic tangle of agencies who don’t or fail to communicate to solve social ills – parole and probation, MVA, court restitution, victim services, drinking driver monitor programs, interlock mandates, jailhouse “recovery,” and “faith-based” solutions.
– the easy identification of an alcoholic who should never even ride on a lawnmower, but claims to be a self “victim” as an alcoholic “needing help.” It works well for the heroin addicts who randomly rob and steal from all and then attempts suicide each day with their ill-gotten “purchases” – with the courts trying to offer compassion to make the person (not protect society) “whole again.”
This is yet another typical case that in the future after the next catastrophe is caused, someone will ask – “if they knew all of this, why didn’t they do something,” – and the retired bureaucrats who caused all of this will simply use the remote control to change the channel…..
p.s. be careful walking on the parking lot of Walmart, another addict or self victim needing help might be driving though looking for a handicap spot.

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