MURDER USA: Gunshots End Life of Thug Antione Jamal Bowman in Pegg Road Neighborhood
LEXINGTON PARK, MD. – The crime and decline in Lexington Park that is generated by drugs and a lax judicial system has a new low spot with the murder of a miscreant in a townhouse neighborhood just off Pegg Road – in the center of hooliganism and ghetto-like activity. Ironically, the victim of this murder was charged in 2019 with shooting at a resident who told him to slow down his late model Toyota in his neighborhood, and threatening to kill that person.
On August 22, 2020, at approximately 12:30 a.m. deputies from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department responded to the 21800 block of Ronald Drive in Lexington Park, for the reported shooting.

St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that a fatally wounded man was located and identified as Antione Jamal Bowman, 21, (DOB 04/26/1999) of Lexington Park. Lifesaving efforts were attempted but Bowman was declared dead on the scene in spite of every effort to revive life.
Anyone with information on this shooting or anyone who witnessed the shooting is asked to contact Detective Daniel Sidorowicz at (240) 587-0062 or by email at Daniel.Sidorowicz@stmarysmd.com.
Bowman drove the vehicle that fired shot and threatened resident for telling carload of punks to slow down on a narrow residential street
In an ultimate act of thuggish behavior, Bowman was arrested after being nabbed by a Maryland trooper following him shooting at a resident of who complained that they were speeding on the narrow residential street on a Sunday afternoon.
At about 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 7, 2019, Maryland Trooper Brandy DiToto, from the Leonardtown Barrack, responded to the 21000-block of North Essex Drive, in the Patuxent Park neighborhood, for the report of a shot being fired from a vehicle.
The suspects reportedly fled the scene in a Toyota SUV.
The trooper located the suspect vehicle on West Westbury Blvd. at Wilcutt Street and initiated a traffic stop. The driver pulled over and the two passengers fled on foot. The driver, later identified as Antione Jamal Bowman, 19, of Lexington Park, was taken into custody at the scene of the stop and later charged with first-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and accessory after the fact.
Troopers contacted the victim in the 21000-block of North Essex Drive. He reported he had engaged with a suspect in that vehicle about speeding in the neighborhood. The victim reported the suspect pulled out a revolver and fired one round toward the sky. He then pointed the revolver at the victim and said, “The next one is for you.” He was not injured in the incident.
Maryland State Trooper Brandy DiToto also charged with Bowman on April 7, 2019, for driving while failing to have any permit as he operated a 2017 Toyota RAV4 on Pegg Road at Midway Drive in Lexington Park. The charge resulted in a guilty plea in St. Mary’s District Court on October 2, 2019, in a deal with St. Mary’s States Attorney Richard Fritz with a sentence of five days in jail, all of which was suspended.

For the charges related to the Sunday afternoon shooting in Patuxent Park, of second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and access after statute were all dropped by Fritz as part of the deal, after the high-powered attorney from La Plata, Hammad Shaikh Matin entered his appearance in the case, forcing Fritz to have to put on a formidable case or take a dive – which he did on August 8, 2019. Bowman was murdered within a couple of blocks from where he and his pals threatened the resident complaining about their speeding.
On August 11, 2019, Antione Jamal Bowman, 20 of Lexington Park, MD was arrested by Tfc K. Bauer for FTA-Driving without a Required License and resulted in the charge being placed on the Stet Docket.

The shooter in the case of intimidating the Patuxent Park resident who complained about the rowdy speeders endangering children and families on the street, with cars parked on both sides, was later arrested and identified by police as Daitoine Vincent Payne, 18, of California. Payne was charged with first-degree assault, reckless endangerment, handgun possession, and other criminal charges. Police believe Payne acted as the shooter in the incident.
After receiving a tip, troopers from the Leonardtown Barrack located Payne shortly after 8 p.m. at a residence in the 45,000 block of Coledorall Court in California. Payne was taken into custody without incident and transported to St. Mary’s County Jail where he is being held without bond.
On July 12, 2019, St. Mary’s States Attorney Richard Fritz dismissed all charges against Daitoine in connection with threatening the resident of Patuxent Park that told these punks to slow down in his neighborhood – and actually firing a shot in the air. In this case the big guns of the public defender’s office scared Fritz from doing his duty to take thugs off the street. The Big Gun Free Attorney paid for by the taxpayers of Maryland was Johanna Edith Cimino.
St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that on August 9, 2020, St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department Dep. Luffey responded to 46365 Columbus Drive Apt. #905, in Lexington Park, for the report of a pretrial individual removing their tracking device. Contact was made with Daitoine Vincent Payne, 19, (DOB 03/21/2001) who was on pretrial release for an assault charge instead of being incarcerated in the Hotel St. Mary’s. Cameron says it was determined Payne had removed his pretrial GPS monitoring device. Payne was arrested and charged with Escape 2nd Degree- Conditions of Release.
Court records show that on August 13, 2020, Payne was arrested once again for second-degree assault and malicious property destruction, from an incident that took place on August 8, 2020. Instead of being jailed, he was released on a summons due to the rules of the Maryland Judiciary Alice in Wonderland Court System.

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