ELECTION 2022: Calvert Sheriff candidate Craig Kontra has winners of his raffle for an AR-15 as the campaign for GOP nomination heats up; Dave McDowell aims for Chamber of Commerce, bunny vote, and golfers; while Ricky Cox tees off his campaign with oysters and booze

ELECTION 2022: Calvert Sheriff candidate Craig Kontra has winners of his raffle for an AR-15 as the campaign for GOP nomination heats up; Dave McDowell aims for Chamber of Commerce, bunny vote, and golfers; while Ricky Cox tees off his campaign with oysters and booze





For the Republican Calvert County Sheriff’s primary election, candidates have dutifully posted reports on their dueling Facebook pages of their adventures during April, which chronicle their arduous journey to the victory circle on July 19, 2022. There will be a final date to pick the next Sheriff as a Democrat is running too, but there is little expectation that the GOP candidate will lose in the General Election in November.

One of the most recent posts on Facebook by one of the Sheriff candidates was from Ricky Cox, who told his followers that he has always been attending functions in the Calvert County community.

“I encourage you to do your homework on all of the candidates. Look back at their involvement in the community before running for office. If you are just now seeing them at events and presentations for the first time, that should tell you something. I love my community, and I always have.”

McDowell stresses his experience as an inside the office manager (desk jockey) working for Mike Evans as Sheriff Evans maintained his presence at activities around the county. Kontra’s theme continues to be the need for change and emphasizes his background as a narcotics investigator. At the same time, Ricky Cox promotes his service in the Marines and is a life-long resident of Calvert. Mike Wilson put out his first name as “Chief,” saying it was time to change the status quo and select an experienced leader as Sheriff.

In April, thus far, candidates have attended the Calvert Chamber of Commerce reception for the explanation from legislators what took place in the 2022 session of the General Assembly, the Celtic Festival and Easter egg brunches, hunts, and skipped religious services, or at least didn’t do any Facebook live streaming videos from communion, or, perhaps more interesting, from confession.

Despite the tragic role alcohol has played in the Calvert Sheriff’s Department in recent years, the fundraising events held by nearly all the candidates continue to include alcoholic beverages. The candidates have given strong statements about the need to identify those personnel with addiction problems and provide treatment.


Ricky-Cox-campaigning-in-a-bar-in photo posted on his Facebook page on-April-Fools-Day

Mike Wilson wants to share his thoughts…

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