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THE CHESAPEAKE: Six books in the series –Tales & Scales; Legends, Yarns, & Barnacles; Oyster Buyboats, Ships & Steamed Crabs; A Man Born to Hang Can’t Drown; Country Cornpone Cornucopia; and Tidewater Sagas provides the shared memories of those who lived life to the fullest in the Chesapeake region. This group of assembled scribes, poets, and storytellers aspires to one goal and one goal only; to entertain the reader. Most have been working hard at achieving the summit of worldly acclaim for decades.
THE CHESAPEAKE TALES & SCALES - Short Story collection by Lenny Rudow, Beth McCoy, Capt. Larry Jarboe, John Peterson, Mel Brokenshire, Mark Robbins, Stephen Gore Uhler, Patty Muchow, Ed Laney & Ken Rossignol in Kindle, paperback and Audible
THE CHESAPEAKE: Legends, Yarns & Barnacles - a collection of 50 short stories by Steve Uhler, Fred McCoy, Larry Jarboe, Jack Rue and more in Kindle, paperback & Audible
THE CHESAPEAKE: Oysterbuyboats, Ships & Steamed Crabs: Collection of short stories by Jack Rue, Vi Englund, Patty Muchow, Larry Jarboe, Ken Rossignol, Fred & Beth McCoy in Kindle, paperback and Audible
THE CHESAPEAKE: A Man Born to Hang Can Never Drown - 50 short stories by Alan Brylawski, Patty Muchow, Steve Uhler, Larry Jarboe, Lou Clements, Fred McCoy, Ken Rossignol in Kindle, paperback & Audible
THE CHESAPEAKE: Country Cornpone Cornucopia - Collection of Short Stories by Lenny Rudow, Patty Muchow, Ed Laney, Lou Clements, Fred McCoy, Jack Rue, Capt. Larry Jarboe, Vi Englund, Steve Uhler, Ken Rossignol - In Kindle, paperback & Audible
THE CHESAPEAKE: Tidewater Sagas: Short Story collection by Lenny Rudow, Beth McCoy, Capt. Larry Jarboe, John Peterson, Mel Brokenshire, Mark Robbins, Stephen Gore Uhler, Patty Muchow, Ed Laney & Ken Rossignol in Kindle, paperback and Audible