KILLER CORVETTE DRIVER Michael Anthony Carlucci has a record of DWI, driving without a license, sex offense, and assault; killed Jaleisa Wilcox in a possible race contest with a Mustang, charged with manslaughter

KILLER CORVETTE DRIVER Michael Anthony Carlucci has a record of DWI, driving without a license, sex offense, and assault; killed Jalesa Wilcox in a possible race contest with a Mustang

Michael Anthony Carlucci charged with Manslaughter by vehicle

LAUREL GROVE, MD. – A crash on Maryland Rt. 235 that took place on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at 1:44 pm, killed one person and the suspected at-fault driver in a trauma unit, while police are seeking information about a Mustang that was in the area of the crash, opening the possibility that an illegal car racing scenario may have been involved in causing the crash. The driver that caused the crash has a history of DWI and assault, according to court records, is a sex offender and a lifelong dirtbag.

According to police, the crash occurred when Michael Anthony Carlucci was apparently speeding southbound on Rt. 235 (Three Notch Road) in a 2020 Chevy Corvette and rammed into the rear of a 2000 Toyota 4Runner operated by Jeamine Eugene Barnes, 50, of Hollywood, Maryland.  Police say Carlucci’s Corvette struck the rear driver’s side of Barnes’s Toyota and then careened into a 2008 Toyota Camry operated by Jaleisa Wilcox, 33, of Lusby, resulting in all three vehicles slamming into a berm along the side of the highway near the intersection of Mount Zion Church Road.

The impact with the berm embankment caused both the Corvette and the Camry to roll over while the 4Runner crossed over the median into the northbound lanes of Rt. 235.

Carlucci was flown to Capitol Regional Medical Center at Largo, while Wilcox was pronounced dead on the scene by first responders.

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information about a dark gray or black newer model Ford Mustang with stripes that may have been in the area before the crash.

Anyone who witnessed the collision or events leading up to it is asked to call Corporal Jason Smith at 301-475-4200, ext. 2328 or email



Jaleisa Lynn Wilcox, 33, of Lusby, MD, passed away on May 31, 2023. Her death was completely unexpected, leaving the family devastated and deeply saddened by her loss.

Jaleisa was born on February 7, 1990, to Anthony Palmer and Lucinda Wilcox in Ft. Myers, FL. After Jaleisa graduated from Cape Coral High, she moved to Western Massachusetts to reconnect with her family while evolving into a loving and caring mother of four children. She was very passionate about spending time with her kids.

Jaleisa was an entrepreneur and the owner of Quality Cleaners LLC. She loved what she did for a living and enjoyed connecting with her clients but was very straightforward and to the point and was the one who would tell you what you needed to hear and not what you wanted to hear. Jaleisa also spent her time helping others out when they needed it, the beach and camping with family at her “Happy Place” and most of all being a mother. She loved her children with all her heart.

Anyone who knew Jaleisa knew that she was loving, kind, compassionate, and always a source of positivity. Jaleisa’s family and friends will miss her more than words can ever describe. MORE

Gofundme for the family of Jaleisa Wilcox


Michael Anthony Carlucci, 48, (DOB 07/09/1974) of Waldorf, Md., was arrested for DWI while transporting a minor child when stopped on July 2, 2011, by Charles County Sheriff’s Department Patrol Officer W. Saunders on Rt. 5 at Post Office Road in Waldorf. 

In a plea deal with Charles County States Attorney Tony Covington on January 26, 2011, in Charles County District Court presided over by District Court Judge Kenneth Talley, Carlucci entered a guilty plea to DWI and was given a verdict of Probation Before Judgement and a sentence of six months in jail with all of the jail time suspended and zero fine.

Court records reveal that Carlucci was arrested on January 26, 2012, and on September 11, 2014, was charged with violating the terms of his probation.

Charles County Sheriff’s Department Officer S. Fetterolf, on November 27, 1999, charged Michael Anthony Carlucci with a second-degree assault that resulted in a plea deal on July 7, 2002, with the Charles County States Attorney and Carlucci’s attorney, Robert Castro, that ended when District Court Judge Gary Gasparovic approved the deal. Carlucci pleaded guilty and was given a sentence of 120 days in the slammer and ninety days of the sentence suspended.  Carlucci was ordered to participate in a drug abuse program and be placed on probation following being let out of jail.  Court records show that he violated the terms of his probation on August 5, 2003, and a Judge issued a bench warrant for his immediate arrest.

Carlucci was sentenced to jail for three years with two years suspended on November 7, 1998, by Charles County Judge Richard Cooper on a charge of second-degree assault.  As conditions of his probation, Carlucci was ordered by the Judge to stay away from Legends night club in Waldorf, to submit to drug and alcohol evaluations, to submit for a mental health examination, not to possess or sell drugs, to work or go to school regularly, to have no contact with Melanie Marrero and to generally obey all laws, which appears to be a very tall order for this dirtbag.

Carlucci worked up a plea deal in Calvert County District Court for driving while suspended on April 16, 2015, following his arrest by Maryland State Trooper K. Follin.

Carlucci, arrested by Charles County Sheriff’s Department Officer Paul Anderson for driving while revoked and suspended in Charles County on September 22, 2002, resulted in a jail term of seven months in Charles County District Court, with Judge Christopher Henderson ordering that all of the jail time be served with credit given for 210 days spent in the slammer awaiting trial.

Carlucci hired the very talented Joseph Vallario as his defense attorney for a charge of possessing a canceled driver’s permit when nabbed by Anne Arundel County Police Officer Jeffrey Wilson on July 28, 2006. A plea deal with the Anne Arundel County States Attorney and Vallario resulted in the charge being placed on the Stet Docket on January 24, 2007.

Charles County States Attorney Anthony Covington.

Carlucci, obviously spending much of his income on the full employment of much of the total membership of the Maryland Bar, hired Rudolf Carrico of La Plata to be his mouthpiece on July 1, 2007, when he was busted by Charles County Sheriff’s Department Officer M. Thompson with negligent driving in the 4000 block of Adele Driver while operating a 2001 Lexus.  In a plea deal with Charles County States Attorney Tony Covington on October 25, 2007, before District Court Judge Lou Hennessy, Carlucci entered a guilty plea and was given a verdict of Probation Before Judgement. THE DEAL: No time and a fine of $75.

Carlucci hired La Plata attorney John Douglas Lawrence to represent him on reckless driving charges filed by Charles County Sheriff’s Department Officer Andrew Schwab on November 30, 2005 and worked a plea deal with Charles County States Attorney Tony Covington before Judge Christopher Henderson in Charles County District Court on June 19, 2006.  Carlucci entered a guilty plea and was fined fifty bucks.

Carlucci entered a guilty plea to Fourth Degree Sex Office in Charles County Circuit Court on April 6, 2006, before Circuit Court Judge Christopher Henderson in a plea deal with Charles County States Attorney Tony Covington.  THE DEAL: Carlucci was sentenced to fourteen days in the Charles County Jail and two years of probation.

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