THE SPY WHO CAME IN WITH THE HEAT: Maria Butina schmoozes with all the right folks; NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME; Patrick Byrne spills the beans

Maria Butina photo from Facebook

THE SPY WHO CAME IN WITH THE HEAT: Maria Butina schmoozes with all the right folks



Maria Butina and I, Part I: Meeting Maria

Patrick Byrne: The Story Behind the Clinton Bribe

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Art imitating life was the basis of the hit TV series, THE AMERICANS on FX; with two Soviet spies in an arranged marriage posing as travel agents in Washington, D.C. and living the life of typical Americans in a Northern Virginia suburb.  The storyline begins just after Ronald Reagan was elected and highlights the era as the Soviets begin to lose the Cold War.  The United States Defense Department, the FBI, and CIA are regularly compromised by the husband and wife team who sleep with their targets on a regular basis and use a variety of methods to murder those who get in their way, including a couple of FBI agents.

Now Maria Butina, a Russian, has been charged with acting on behalf of a foreign power without notifying the United States government. Her alleged activities including being chummy with conservative Republican groups and with pro-gun ownership organizations. The recent revelations that a Chinese spy worked for Sen. Diane Feinstein for five years while she was the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee helps round out the bi-partisan attitude of those spies who wish to infiltrate the higher levels of Washington power, otherwise known as THE SWAMP.

Russian Spy from American Univ. is now in the Alexandria Sheriff Jail. A month in the DC Jail will really take the glow off the worm.

Her arrest and jailing in the DC Jail have prompted the Russian Embassy to complain to the State Department and take their beef to social media.

With a banner announcement on July 17, 2018, the Justice Department announced, “Russian National Charged in Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of the Russian Federation Within the United States”.

Prosecutors said that a Russian national was charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation within the United States without prior notification to the Attorney General.


Maria Butina, 29, a Russian citizen residing in Washington D.C., was arrested on July 15, 2018, in Washington, D.C., and made her initial appearance before Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She was ordered held pending a hearing set for July 18, 2018. She had been held under a check the welfare, or suicide watch, according to the Washington Post, and was suddenly moved on August 17, 2018, from the District of Columbia Jail to the Alexandria Jail, where President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, is also a guest. Manafort awaits the outcome of his massive fraud and tax evasion trial which could come anytime as the jury ponders the case.

According to the affidavit in support of the complaint, from as early as 2015 and continuing through at least February 2017, Butina worked at the direction of a high-level official in the Russian government who was previously a member of the legislature of the Russian Federation and later became a top official at the Russian Central Bank.  This Russian official was sanctioned by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control in April 2018.

Maria Butina twitter profile photo
THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY Audible Edition Vol 11 No 2 perfect for commuters for keeping up with crime news

The court filings detail the Russian official’s and Butina’s efforts for Butina to act as an agent of Russia inside the United States by developing relationships with U.S. persons and infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation. The filings also describe certain actions taken by Butina to further this effort during multiple visits from Russia and, later, when she entered and resided in the United States on a student visa. The filings allege that she undertook her activities without officially disclosing the fact that she was acting as an agent of the Russian government, as required by law.

Maria Butina has a twitter account where she posted numerous photos and this statement to explain more about her: Founder & Board Member of “The Right to Bear Arms” (Право на оружие)

How effective her Tweets to Americans remain to be seen as she tweeted mainly in Russian language and the Twitter translations into English can be confusing.

This tweet was fairly straightforward:

“The Washington Post published an article on the right to weapons and NRA, where they again tried to find Moscow’s influence on the U.S. elections.”

Maria Butina Fund and donation request on the Twitter feed of the Russian Embassy. Will Bernie Sanders be first in line to donate?

What could have been the more seditious tweets in the eyes of many were several retweets of Washington Post articles.


The Russian Embassy has a Twitter account and posted a notice proclaiming the following: #FreeMariaButina  “Attempts are obviously made to “break” Maria under additional humiliations, psychological pressure. We expect human rights organizations to strictly condemn the #US actions. This lawlessness must be stopped.”

A Russian news outlet, RT a propaganda arm of the Kremlin, repeated a similar message and called the arrest like Witch Trials. “Like ‘Salem witch trials’: #Butina treated ‘inhumanly’ in custody, starts the crowdfunding campaign.”

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