VIRGINIA STATE POLICE BEAT: Ray Padgett Jr. raced his Dodge Charger into an abandoned house at a high rate of speed; fatal high-speed holiday kick-off left him dead and Billy Padgett fighting for his life in a trauma unit
ACCOMACK, VA. – It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a couple of guys crashing off of a roadway just minutes after the bars close at 2:00 am and on Nov. 22, 2018, the dawn of the holiday was just hours away when a Dodge Charger charged into an abandoned house, killing the driver.
According to Virginia State Police Spokeswoman, Sgt. Michelle Anaya, the Virginia State Police was called to investigate the early morning traffic crash at approximately 2:08 a.m. The driver of a 2012 Dodge Charger, failed to negotiate the turn in the road, ran off the roadway and into an abandoned house. The accident occurred at the intersection of Church Road and Front Street, in Accomack County.
The driver, 44-year-old Ray Phillip Padgett Jr., of Baylys Neck Road, Accomack County, died at the scene. His passenger, 38-year-old Billy Gene Padgett, suffered life-threatening injuries and was flown out to Sentara Norfolk General.
The investigation is on-going, speed was a contributing factor and it is unknown at this time if alcohol contributed to the cause of the accident. Neither driver nor passenger were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.
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