MURDER USA: Repeat DUI driver Todd Pivec entered a guilty plea in fatal DWI flaming wreck; fled his dying victim like a yellow coward, sentenced to 17 years in prison

 Photo by Cesar Campos, Campos Media.

UPDATE: Guilty plea on Nov. 22, 2019; sentenced to 17 years in prison; Todd Pivec’s victim’s condition has not changed – still dead.

MURDER USA: Repeat DUI driver Todd Pivec pleaded guilty in fatal DWI flaming wreck; fled his dying victim like a yellow coward

DWI HIT PARADE Copyright 2019

OCEAN CITY, MD –   The Ocean City Police Department is currently investigating the events leading up to a fatal crash that occurred in the area of 46th Street, around 1:15 a.m., on June 21, 2019, which claimed one life. The preliminary investigation indicates that police attempted to stop the suspect vehicle, a white Lexus LX570, after receiving a call for a drunk driver.


Police located the vehicle in the area of 59th Street and Coastal Highway and attempted to stop the vehicle.  According to crash investigators, the driver failed to stop for officers and officers then lost sight of the suspect vehicle.

Moments later, the driver, Todd David Pivec, 41, (DOB 05/05/1978) of 16 Spyglass Court, Lutherville, Md., then struck another vehicle going southbound. The southbound vehicle became engulfed in flames as a result of the crash.


Ocean City Police report that the driver of the vehicle was pronounced deceased at the scene. Pivec’s vehicle became immobilized after striking a telephone pole. Pivec attempted to flee on foot however, he was immediately taken into custody by Ocean City police.

Todd Pivec’s death machine caused a fatal crash and then the coward took off running while his victim burned alive. Photo by Cesar Campos, Campos Media.

At the time of this release, the OCPD Traffic Safety Unit is still investigating the crash. Pivec was charged with negligent manslaughter, felony homicide by a motor vehicle while intoxicated and resisting arrest and interfering with his arrest.  The victim’s name has not yet been released, pending next of kin notification.

The victim’s family can thank the spineless prosecutors who let this privileged punk skate on prior charges

Baltimore County States Attorney Scott Shellenberger

Taxpayers of Maryland will be providing a free attorney for Pivec.

As of June 21, 2019, Pivec is being held in the Worcester County Jail. A court hearing has been set for Aug. 5, 2019.

Pivec was charged with multiple counts of driving while in violation of not having a vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device on a BMW by Baltimore County Officer M. Gibson on Aug. 6, 2018. The Baltimore County States Attorney dropped this charge on Feb. 5, 2019.  The plea deal agreed to by Baltimore County States Attorney Scott Shellenberger dropped all charges associated with Pivec driving after being prohibited, failing to report a crash involving personal injury and allowed Pivec to plead guilty to failing to provide insurance information. THE DEAL: a verdict of Probation Before Judgement with no jail time and a fine of $70.

Queen Anne’s County States Attorney Lance Richardson

Pivec entered a guilty plea to driving a vehicle not equipped with an ignition interlock device when arrested by Trooper C. Durcho in Queen Anne’s Circuit Court on Jan. 26, 2018 and was sentenced to one year in jail with all the jail time suspended except for 30 days. Queen Anne’s County States Attorney Lance Richardson dropped nine other traffic charges and DWI charges as part of the plea deal.

Anne Arundel County States Attorney Wes Adams entered into a plea deal with Pivec on Oct. 16, 2017, when Pivec had been arrested once more for DWI and other traffic charges by Anne Arundel Police Officer Brian Dehn as Pivec operated his 2015 Lexus on Bestgate Road at Compton Drive. THE DEAL: Pivec entered a guilty plea to negligent driving. Adams dropped the following charges as part of the deal: DWI and reckless driving.

Wes Adams swearing-in as States Attorney in Anne Arundel in 2014, lost the race for reelection in 2018. He blamed Trump.

When indicted by the Baltimore County Grand Jury on Oct. 14, 2015, Pivec entered a guilty plea to felony burglary on Oct. 19, 2018 in Baltimore County Circuit Court. Other charges dropped included a sex offense count, home invasion, theft, stalking and other burglary charges. Bail on his indictments was set at $750,000.

Pivec entered a guilty plea to the charge of DWI on Nov. 20, 2013, following his arrest by Maryland State Trooper M. Perdue. Pivec was operating a 2013 Ford on Main Street extended at US Rt. 50 westbound. THE DEAL: The Wicomico County States Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello agreed to sixty days in jail with all sixty days suspended and a fine of $250.00.

In District Court for Baltimore City, Pivec faced charges from his arrest on June 18, 2009, at 1:18 am for DWI. In a plea deal with the City District Attorney, Pivec entered a guilty plea to DWI and was given Probation Before Judgement on Nov. 2, 2009, with Andrew I. Alperstein acting as his attorney resulting in an incredible outcome of NO FINE and NO TIME.

Queen Anne’s County Sheriff, TODD DAVID PIVEC now in prison for 17 years for roasting his victim in a DUI crash in Ocean City, Md
  • Offense: VOP- failing to perform required act pertaining to drivers license
  • Date Entered: September 24, 2019
  • Last Known Address: 100 Shawan Rd. Cockeysville, MD 21030
  • Birthdate: May 5, 1978
  • Height: 6′ 2″
  • Weight: 250
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Grey


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15 Replies to “MURDER USA: Repeat DUI driver Todd Pivec entered a guilty plea in fatal DWI flaming wreck; fled his dying victim like a yellow coward, sentenced to 17 years in prison

    1. Voters need to express their disgust directly to prosecutors, on their Facebook Pages and in letters to editors as they live in Ivory Towers and only run into the public when campaigning. This is very typical.

    2. He comes from money and lives with mommy and daddy. No repercussions for his actions.

    3. Todd Pivec has diminished or ruined many lives. Most of which are not in any public record. Only those effected by and witness to Todd Pivec’s life know the negative impact he has had on countless others.
      Daddy’s money and influence have allowed Todd Pivec to be a scourge upon the people around him throughout his life. This was inevitable.

  1. White man probably big political donor. I thought I saw the Sun said this accident occurred in a vehicle owned by his employer. If that is the case and his employer knew anything about his long history shame on them. It is bad enough people drink and drive but there were so many warnings before some poor person got roasted in their car. Sadly it seems that the drunk always survives and the other person always dies. Prayers for the family of the victim – I hope they find peace and justice.

    1. It appears from his LinkedIn profile that he owns the company and the vehicle unless he has a side employment.

    2. Mommy and Daddy own the company-Todd Pivec has no clue about life or having a business and now someone died because of that family’s ignorance.

  2. I hate to comment twice – but out of curiosity I looked up what the houses were like on Spyglass Ct. $700-$800k. No wonder he can afford the best lawyers. And he has also been pinged for domestic violence in the past as well. A real “great human being.”

    1. Look up his parents Dave and Sharon pivec…he has been bailed out of trouble bc of his parent’s wealth for years….they start companies for their kids who have no idea how the real world works….he killed another human being so no amount of money should get him out of this…he should sit in jail and think about the lives he shattered because of his choices. My condolences to the victims family.

    2. He comes from money and lives with mommy and daddy. No repercussions for his actions.

  3. The judges, especially Robert Cahill, as ell as the parents have blood on their hands. He should have never been driving. He ran away from rehab, he never worked and never had one consequence to anything. He terrorized an ex girlfriend. Nothing. And now a man is dead.

    1. Each of the States Attorneys that have come into contact with Pivec also deserves to be held responsible. Instead of protecting the public, they facilitate these career DUI drivers and addicts. Instead of wasting time with a ‘vigil’ that energy should be applied to raising hell with the prosecutors.

  4. From an online search, it looks like Pivec’s initial appearance in Worcester County court will be on 8/14. I’ve been keeping an eye on this case because what I saw on that evening was quite unsettling…

    In my estimation, I was driving in the area about a minute or two after the fatal crash, if even that long. I saw the victim’s vehicle on fire right in front of the Satellite Coffee place, as pictured here, and an officer running towards it with an extinguisher. Then as I carefully moved further south on Coastal Highway, I also saw the Lexus stopped at that pole.

  5. OMG, I can’t stand this PIVEC guy!! Thank you for trying to enlighten us about all of the lousy deals the politicians have given in to with this idiot.
    …” Pivec defecated on himself at some point during the incident…” … good, keep the area cleaned out so someone can …

  6. Total piece of poop! He should be in jail from the previous two domestic violence cases. Unreal, a drunk, a woman beater and a murderer! Go to prison and stay in prison. Society will not miss you!

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