The following information has been provided by the
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Commercial Fishing Suspensions/Revocations and Aquaculture Suspensions 5/30/19

Robert L. Copsey –Tidal Fish License # 97199 Suspended and Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 12/1/19 – 1/29/20.
Heather V. Fuentes – Entitlement to Engage in Commercial Fishing Activities Suspended or Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 3/14/19 – 3/12/20.
Kristopher D. Graves – Entitlement to Engage in Commercial Fishing Activities Suspended or Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 7/9/18 – 7/8/19.
John S. Evans –Tidal Fish License # 2864 Suspendedo Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 12/1/19 – 1/29/20.
Ronald L. Hall, Sr. –Tidal Fish License # 434 Suspendedo Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 4/1/19 – 6/29/19.
Hans E. Kuntze, Sr. –Tidal Fish License # 65536 Suspended or Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following periods: 4/1/17 – 3/31/18; 10/1/18 – 3/31/19 and 10/1/19 – 3/31/20.
Robert L. Lumpkins –Tidal Fish License # 352 Suspendedo Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 12/1/19 – 1/29/20.
Travis A. Luongo –Tidal Fish License # 3818 Suspendedo Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 10/1/19 – 11/29/19.
Christopher L. Moore – Entitlement to Engage in Commercial Fishing Activities Suspended and Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 7/15/18 – 7/14/19.
Matthew W. Morgan – Entitlement to Engage in Commercial Fishing Activities Suspended and o Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 7/14/18 – 7/13/19.
James P. Nelson –Tidal Fish License # 271 Suspended and Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 10/1/18 – 9/30/19.
Brian J. Pierce – Entitlement to Engage in Commercial Fishing Activities Suspended and Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities during the following period: 8/20/18 – 8/19/19.

Adam R. Antes –Tidal Fish License # 15887 Revoked o Effective: 1/15/16o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.

Ryan A. Bailey –Tidal Fish License # 16421 Revokedo Effective: 8/31/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Richard M. Barnes, Jr. –
Tidal Fish License # 88521 Revoked Effective: 10/1/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked under TFL # 88521 Revokedo Effective: 6/18/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Jerry L. Bloodsworth, Sr. – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked under TFL # 7831 Revoked o Effective: 2/13/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Matthew J. Booze – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 5/3/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Harvey T. Bowers – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL # 77003 Revoked o Effective: 5/22/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Alan D. Bozman – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL # 7820 Revoked o Effective: 4/7/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.

Benjamin S. Byers –Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 10/24/12
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
- May not possess an Unlimited TFL during ANY oyster season (October 1st – March
Vaughn E. Collins, Jr. – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked under TFL # 15290 Revoked o Effective: 4/23/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Jeffrey S. Cummings, Sr. – Tidal Fish License # 825 Revoked o Effective: 1/30/15o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
James A. Faulkner, Jr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 2502 Revoked o Effective: 6/13/13
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Walter W. Fields – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 4/7/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Richard N. Fluharty –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 1061 Revoked o Effective: 3/23/11
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
John L.W. Griffith –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 2756 Revoked o Effective: 3/13/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Edward E. Grimes, Jr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 16426 Revoked o Effective: 6/5/12
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Daniel F. Haddaway –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 60633 Revokedo Effective: 6/27/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Jody D. Jackson –Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 9/8/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Joseph B. Janda, Jr. –Tidal Fish License # 5580 Revoked o Effective: 5/8/13 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.

Hans E. Kuntze, Sr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 65536 Revoked o Effective: 8/29/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.

Pirate Poacher Update: Tilghman Island Waterman William J. Lednum Sent to Prison in Massive Rockfish Heist
William J. Lednum – Striped Bass Permit/Entitlement under TFL # 3936 Revoked and Effective: 6/23/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in all aspects of the commercial harvest of striped bass in Maryland.
Edward B. Lowery, Jr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 69618 Revoked o Effective: 10/1/10
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Franklin W. Marshall, Jr. –Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 11/28/16 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Christopher L. Marvel –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 3157 Revoked o Effective: 6/6/12
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.

Roy W. Meredith, Jr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 21028 Revoked and Effective: 9/15/14
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Bryan J. Mister –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 793 Revoked o Effective: 6/9/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Bartlett W. Murphy, Jr –
Tidal Fish License #17631 Revoked o Effective: 11/10/16 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL #17631 Revoked o Effective: 6/10/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Andrew P. Nelson –Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 8/4/16 (set in District Court)
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Pirate Poachers of the Bay: J P Nelson wasn’t going to go quietly, decided to fight Oyster Police efforts to check his booty

James P. Nelson –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 271 Revoked o Effective: 11/5/15 (set in District Court)
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Pirate Poachers of the Chesapeake: J. P. Nelson out of business for life after serious poaching violations
Robert S. Nelson, Jr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 3601 Revoked o Effective: 7/30/12
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Richard D. Nordhoff – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL # 933 Revoked o Effective: 10/30/15
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Related Posts:
- Pirate Poachers of Chesapeake: Maryland plays catch and release with poachers; Virginia revokes 12 commercial watermen licenses for 2 years for violations
- Pirate Poachers of the Chesapeake: Shockley nabbed poaching again is no shock
- Pirate Poachers of the Bay: Oyster poaching season ramps up as legal season opens
- Pirate Poachers of the Chesapeake: Waterman Billy Smith of Smith Island hardly misses a year without being caught poaching
Thomas W. Pannebaker –Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 1/8/03 (set in District Court) o Prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial OR recreational fishing activities.
David B. Phillips, Sr. – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL # 67365 Revoked o Effective: 6/26/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Randall W. Plummer – Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 8/30/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.

Adam V. Reihl – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 10/1/15
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
- Prohibited from obtaining a tidal fish license from 10/1/15 through and including 10/1/20.
Benjamin L. Reihl – Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 3/31/14 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
William L. Reihl, Sr. – Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL # 16430 Revoked o Effective: 5/15/15
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.

Todd H. Ruark –
Tidal Fish License # 20008 Revoked o Effective: 6/22/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 20008 Revoked o Effective: 3/9/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Kent C. Sadler – Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 826 Revoked o Effective: 6/2/14
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Zachary W. Seaman –Tidal Fish License # 3828 Revoked o Effective: 10/2/12 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities. EXCEPT he may deal blue crabs.
John E. Smith, IV – Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 12/1/14 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Mark N. Sneade – Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 7/16/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Michael David Sterling –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 3145 Revoked o Effective: 7/7/14
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Kevin S. Tarleton, Jr. –Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 10/28/16 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Kevin S. Tarleton, Sr. –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 97706 Revoked o Effective: 9/23/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Joshua T. Tieder – Tidal Fish License # 12531 Revoked o Effective: 5/13/14 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Paul F. Tyler III –
Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 12/12/17 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement under TFL #16421 Revoked o Effective: 4/11/16
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Vaughn A. Watson, Sr. – Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 99210 Revoked o Effective: 3/3/17
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Ronald F. Welch –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 16727 Revoked o Effective: 5/9/12
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
David T. Wheatley, II –Oyster Authorization/Entitlement under TFL # 92759 Revoked o Effective: 3/23/18
- Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
David T. Wheatley, Sr. –
Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 10/1/18o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Oyster Authorization/ Entitlement Revoked o Effective: 3/23/18
o Permanently prohibited from engaging in the commercial harvest of wild oysters in Maryland.
Earl D. Willey – Authorizations/Entitlements Revoked o Effective: 1/29/18 o Permanently prohibited from engaging in ANY commercial fishing activities.
Robert L. Lumpkins –Shellfish Aquaculture Harvester Permit Suspended o Prohibited from engaging in ANY shellfish aquaculture activities during the following period: 1/30/20 – 3/29/20.
Curtis L. Wright –Shellfish Aquaculture Harvester Permit Suspended o Prohibited from engaging in ANY shellfish aquaculture activities during the following period: 6/1/19 – 11/30/19.
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