LEXINGTON PARK CRIME AND DECLINE: Wild and Wooly – Robberies and Mayhem by Wahoo’s of Sin City break up the monotony of Wuhan Virus Crisis

LEXINGTON PARK CRIME AND DECLINE: Wild and Wooly – Robberies and Mayhem by Wahoo’s of Sin City break up the monotony of Wuhan Virus Crisis

LEXINGTON PARK, MD.  – From the wilds of Liberty Street to the Hotel St. Mary’s in one easy lesson. When St. Mary’s Sheriff Department Cpl. Jason Graves showed up at a residence on Liberty Street in the dangerous town of Lexington Park, Md., on March 22, 2020, he found a big mouth chap with a chip on his shoulder. St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that Stephen Alfonzo Banks Jr., 26, (DOB 03/02/1994) of 21640, Unit 1897, Lexington Park, Md., exercised his lungs in a loud and obnoxious manner, enough to cause neighbors to arise from hibernation – hopefully standing six feet apart – and watching the show to break the boredom of sheltering in place during the Wuhan Virus crisis.

In spite of orders from the officer to shut up Banks allegedly got louder and then slammed a door into a deputy as he was being arrested. At that point, it was off the Hotel St. Mary’s to face a District Court Commissioner to decide if he was going to get a free pass at the assault on an officer or be consigned to a cell in the St. Mary’s Jail. Banks was charged with Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Fail to Obey a Lawful Order, and Resisting Arrest.  Banks was released from jail on his own recognizance and, if the courts are open, will have a trial on April 21, 2020.


It’s not nice to rob and assault a customer;
ex-con Leroy Neal didn’t get the memo

LEXINGTON PARK, MD. – Complex financial transactions are often conducted along the street or in a store parking lots instead of at the lobby of a police station, as is recommended at various online websites. One such miracle of modern commerce took place on March 21, 2020, on Great Mills Road in Lexington Park, reports St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron.


Cameron reports that when a person met with Leroy Christopher Neal, 44, (DOB 07/28/1975) of 37129 Mechanicsville, Md., to conduct a purchase, and was counting out his money – as evidently, Neal doesn’t accept credit cards – Neal and an enforcer then allegedly attacked the would-be purchaser and stole the person’s money.

The victim then hot-footed away from his attackers and called the cops. Neal was located by St. Mary’s Sheriff Department Deputy Michael Graves and charged with felony robbery and assault.

On March 23, 2020, Neal was given a bond hearing in District Court where he was released on his own personal recognizance in order to keep him from bringing any virus into the jail and for the jail to save on fund by not having to feed the hefty miscreant.  A preliminary hearing is set for April 16, 2020.  The taxpayers of Maryland will be delighted to learn that they will be providing Neal with a free attorney.

Neal got a plea deal to a charge of possession of contraband in the St. Mary’s County Jail on Jan. 19, 2017.

Neal was indicted by the St. Mary’s County Circuit Court Grand Jury on Sept. 26, 2007, on criminal counts of reckless endangerment, assault, possession of a handgun and use of a gun in a felony crime. In St. Mary’s Circuit Court on Feb. 25, 2008, Neal was given a plea deal by St. Mary’s States Attorney Richard Fritz and entered a plea of guilty to reckless endangerment with all the other charges dropped. THE DEAL: Neal was sentenced to three years, six months and ten days in prison with none of the jail time suspended.


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