Federal Judge allows drive-in service at Louisville church, says Louisville Mayor Fischer ‘criminalized’ Easter
FROM COURIER-JOURNAL: A federal judge has rebuked Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer‘s call on churches to forego drive-in services this Easter weekend to slow the spread of the coronavirus, calling the move overly broad and unconstitutional.
“On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter,” wrote U.S. District Judge Justin Walker in a temporary restraining order issued Saturday.
On Fire Christian Church, in Louisville, sued Fischer and the city on Friday, arguing the mayor’s direction on drive-in religious services violated Constitutional rights and their religious liberty.
Walker, who was appointed to the bench last October, banned the city from “enforcing; attempting to enforce; threatening to enforce; or otherwise requiring compliance with any prohibition on drive-in church services at On Fire.”
Churchgoers there “face an impossible choice,” the judge wrote: “skip Easter Sunday service, in violation of their sincere religious beliefs, or risk arrest, mandatory quarantine, or some other enforcement action for practicing those sincere religious beliefs.” MORE

The following orders have been issued in the name of
Governor Larry Hogan by the Maryland State Police.
The Governor’s Executive Order prohibits groups of more than 10 people from assembling and those groups of 10 or less must maintain social distancing of at least six feet between individuals. Churches, synagogues, and mosques have been included in the list of ‘non-essential businesses’ that are required to close their normal operations. Some minimal operations at a religious facility can continue and have been defined by the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel as follows:
Drive-In Religious Services: Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other similar religious facilities of any faith (“religious facilities”) may conduct “drive-in” services, where participants gather in their vehicles near the religious facility and participate in the service together by remote means, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
Participants may leave their homes to travel by vehicle to and from the religious facility, and must remain in their vehicle at all times.
No vehicle may contain more than 10 persons, in accordance with paragraph III of the Order.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants in other vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Limited In-Person Services: Clergy may conduct limited in-person services at their respective religious facilities, and participants may leave their homes to travel to and from the religious facility for such services, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
No more than 10 persons, including clergy, staff and participants, may be present inside the religious facility during the service.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Participants, clergy, and staff must (i) be at least six feet apart from one another at all times, except for participants that are part of the same household; and (ii) comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing.
There must be at least a four hour gap between the end of one in-person service and the beginning of the next in-person service. The religious facility should be cleaned between services, in accordance with CDC cleaning and disinfection guidance.
Minimal Operations at Religious Facilities: Clergy and other staff of religious facilities are permitted to continue conducting minimal operations under paragraph IV.c of the Order, provided that they comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing. In the case of religious facilities, the term “minimal operations” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, facilitating remote services.
Individuals in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order may be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor offense that, upon conviction, could result in up to one year in jail and up to a $5,000 fine, or both. Those organizing/leading events and those attending in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order could each be charged.

Pastor Dan and Father Greg,
The following e-mail was sent to current government officials whose actions– or failure to act– on restraint of church attendance can be seen as a continuation of the ancient government provocation of the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him!”
We need to encourage all church clergy to join together ASAP in fighting against such Unconstitutional tyranny. The attachment explains that the health-rationale for such tyranny is ill-founded and grossly exaggerated. Cindy Jones and I are working to get the government to remove the unconstitutional attendance restriction in time for tomorrow’s Easter services so We the People can freely meet once again to proclaim, “He Is Risen!!!”
Please share these thoughts among your clergy associates as you wish. Thanks,
Dee Rathbone, 301-994-2733, DZR@prodigy.net
Meet the former NYT reporter who is
Challenging the coronavirus narrative
By Adam Shaw | Fox News April 9, 2020, Edited excerpts follow; see the full article at the link:
As daily life across America is upended by the coronavirus crisis — with mass business closures plunging the economy into freefall — one former New York Times reporter is sounding the alarm about what he believes are flawed models dictating the aggressive strategy.
Alex Berenson has been analyzing the data on the crisis on a daily basis for weeks and has come to the conclusion that the strategy of shutting down entire sectors of the economy is based on modeling that doesn’t line up with the realities of the virus.
“ In February I was worried about the virus. By mid-March, I was more scared about the economy. But now I’m starting to get genuinely nervous,” he tweeted this week. “This isn’t complicated. The models don’t work. The hospitals are empty.
Hospitals, of course, are not empty in places like hard-hit New York City, and tales are widespread of overburdened doctors and emergency rooms. Berenson acknowledged as much in the interview Thursday…
“Aside from New York, nationally there’s been no health system crisis. In fact, to be truly correct there has been a health system crisis, but the crisis is that the hospitals are empty,” he said. “This is true in Florida where the lockdown was late, this is true in southern California where the lockdown was early, it’s true in Oklahoma where there is no statewide lockdown. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation between the lockdown and whether or not the epidemic has spread wide and fast…”
Berenson blames the models for a response that has effectively shut down large sectors of the economy and is causing significant financial harm to Americans. On Thursday it was announced that the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits swelled to 6.6 million last week, surging for the third consecutive week… His is a view that has seen some sympathy from President Trump, who has spoken about the “cure being worse than the problem…”
“There was incredible pressure to do something … so these lockdowns all cascaded, every governor tried to outdo the next… “Now we’re in a bad spot because… the economy is in freefall, a lot of people are hurting… If we acknowledge what is clearly happening … the people who made these decisions, I think there’s going to be a lot of anger at them…
Greenville MS Police Officer said this pastor “YOUR RIGHTS ARE SUSPENDED” AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK! Your Rights are in grave danger.
Pastor Charles Hamilton Jr. of King James Bible Baptist Church in Greenville, MS was about to have his drive-in Thursday Bible study when the police came around and surrounded the church property. There were more than 20 police officers that came to the property. He preached the message, and he was never arrested unlike other Pastor in the same city that had the same Drive in service, and the police issued a $500 ticket to all the members of the church. Thank God for man like Pastor Charles Hamilton Jr. who stands and preaches the Word of God without compromising. Don’t you wish you have someone like this as your pastor. Let’s share this message every for people to see what this Godly man of God is doing. He respected the law by maintaining social distancing with all his members.
The following comments were left on the Facebook page of the Greenville Mississippi Police Department:
Jason Harris reviewed City of Greenville Police Department — 1 star
I am a law enforcement officer and an MS native. This is a blatant attack on Amendment 1 of the US Constitution which your department was sworn to uphold. Rather than participating in the persecution of Christians, your officers should have been standing between them and tyrannical government officials. The people of this nation will hold your department and the city officials behind this responsible for this unconstitutional attack on Christian liberty.
- Bama De I am a Current Law Enforcement Supervisor, more importantly, I am a retired combat veteran with 23 years of service.
This is NOT Constitutionally right.
And. Your officer saying that Constitutional Rights can be suspended is wrong!
I do not know about law enforcement training in Mississippi, but the Constitution cannot be suspended.
And no one loses rights without due process. For example, convicted felons losing the right to own a firearm.
Your department needs an Inservice on Constitutional rights. Any Basic patrolman fresh out of the academy knows this.
DUE PROCESS. where is it?
Get your checkbook ready. - Billy Baldree This blatant bs is reflective of your leadership. The officers have the oath to uphold. Man, y’all stepped in it big time. Yes, I would love to see the ACLU take you to task on this one.
- Marcus Bell Unfortunately the ACLU will not help Christians. If this were any other group or religion they would be all over it but not for Christians.
- Billy Baldree Marcus Bell it’s going to get interesting.
- Tim Horn Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Linda Wise reviewed City of Greenville Police Department — 1 star
I do not live in Greenville, but I am disturbed that the ill-advised action of your department in giving citations to church members not only puts your department in a bad light but also diminished respect for all law enforcement agencies. Also, do your officers understand that when they abuse one’s constitutional rights, under some federal statutes, they can be sued personally; i. e., they may have to pay out of their own pockets for their actions.
We are not a Communist or a Socialist country. What in the hell is happening here? https://t.co/2IDGFmXrLB
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) April 10, 2020
THEY ARE THE GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE GOING TO COME TO GET YOU…and you thought the Bill of Rights protected you from Authoritarians!

LIQUOR STORES CAN STAY OPEN – They are deemed essential by the various mental midgets in most state governments – but churches holding services in parking lots like a drive-in theater are a danger!
Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided a drive-in church service on Sunday and issued $500 fines to the entire congregation, most of whom were elderly, without any access to smartphones or the internet.
Hasidic community holds funeral in Brooklyn amid coronavirus https://t.co/YttvJQijNx via @MailOnline @RabbiKolakowski @LakewoodScoop #lakewooscoop please let these folks know , if you will, that they need to stop the sin against God. Proverbs 22:3 should come to mind..
— Cryptomaniac (@cryptomanlive) April 9, 2020
The NYPD broke up crowds of ultra-orthodox Jews holding three separate funerals in public spaces in Brooklyn on Sunday in violation of anti-COVID rules prohibiting gatherings
— Ben Chapman (@ChapmanReports) April 7, 2020
But NYPD said funerals were outliers, getting mostly compliance
w/ @pdberger
Meanwhile…Congress holds meetings with dozens of people in the same room.
Governor of Michigan says that citizens cannot hire someone to mow the lawn, can’t play golf, cannot visit between homes. Did anyone learn anything about the rise of Lenin, Stalin and Hitler?

Easter Mass from
Chapel Point
Public · Hosted by St. Ignatius Church ~ Chapel Point

Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market


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