This website not intended for EU or UK socialist regime residents. God Bless the American Voters for Defeating a Communist Attempt by Leftist Democrats to Control America. GOD BLESS and KEEP SAFE President Trump and the United States Constitution.
HOLLYWOOD CARNIVAL MURDER: Commissioner John O’Connor blasts Sheriff Tim Cameron for failure to end gang wars in Lexington Park, which has now led to a murder in Hollywood’s firemens carnival.
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Interview with St. Mary's Commissioner President candidate Tom McKay
Interview with St. Mary's Commissioner President candidate Randy Guy
St. Mary's Sheriff candidate John O'Connor
St. Mary's Commissioner Candidate Mike Hewitt
St. Mary's Commissioner President candidate William B. J Hall III
Scott Ostrow, candidate for St. Mary's Commissioner in 2022.
LAME DUCK TIM CAMERON desperate to save the failing campaign of designated survivor
Tom McKay says he has the battle scars to prove he is the right person to fight for small businesses and cut taxes for citizens.
Sheriff O'Connor will send cops to where the crime is located.
Pledges to keep public involved
Each school needs to be safe
John O'Connor challenges Sheriff Tim Cameron to release the investigation into the reckless shooting adventure supervised by Capt. Steve Hall allowed live rounds from deputies' foolhardy gun training to land inside a home where an infant was in a crib.
Roy Alvey at Golden Beach Parade. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo
Ellynne Brice Davis
Dawn Zimmerman says her experience in farming and raising a family of six children is the right background for a county commissioner.
St. Mary's Sheriff Dave Zylak, with the fresh bean on his head from his wife's rolling pin, begs Commissioners to give him money for a raise for his top civilian manager - his wife.
The Good Old Boy Club of the St. Mary's Sheriff's Department must be protected at all costs - WHERE'S THE LOOT?
Sheriff Zylak still looks for ways to give his wife a raise or face the rolling pin. 2005
Angie Cameron at a Bull Roast with her husband St. Mary's Sheriff Tim Cameron. Angie loves to have her photo in Tabloids. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo
Angie Cameron cries a three-minute tale of woe of Facebook Drama Queen at a St. Mary's Commissioner Meeting, saying people have been mean to her.
Sheriff Tim Cameron sent in his work wife, Maj. John Horne who berated Commissioner John O'Connor in 2016 when O'Connor criticized the Sheriff's budget. Horne got an attaboy from Cameron, who pretended to be shocked.
Tim Cameron is a wild and crazy guy at the FOP on election night 2006 after beating incumbent Sheriff David Zylak.