Call it like it is…a clown show, a circus, a farce, and THE FIX.
That is the Commission on Judicial Disabilities for Maryland. The CJD is led by an associate Judge of the Appellate Court, Michael Reed. Judge Reed has the education and experience learned at the feet of some of Maryland’s trickiest politicians and worked at one of the most elusive law firms in order to have the background to give Judges every consideration and the public the raw deal that citizens expect from the elite in Maryland.
The reprimands of the Commission show that Judges can stay on the bench when they break the most critical of rules of conduct involving honesty, deceit in participating in partisan politics, and lying under oath.
The rules of conduct for Judges are applied very differently for attorneys, who are routinely disbarred for much of the same actions.
When the Commission held its first-ever public hearing on a reprimand, the hearing wasn’t live-streamed so the public could see it. It wasn’t recorded, and the media was not allowed to take any photos or video of the proceedings. Therefore, only reports of the nearly two-hour proceedings were available from news reports and the official summary.
The Maryland Judiciary provides video of proceedings of disbarment of attorneys, which can be quite entertaining but fails to allow the citizens the opportunity to learn more about the character and abilities of those who are appointed or elected to the positions of a judge in Maryland.
This is the land of crooked politicians, Maryland’s reputation as a bastion of corruption is well secured by the current group of criminals who are firmly in control of the state and decide what kind of justice will be doled out to the peasants who pay the taxes.
“Judge White lacked candor and credibility by not answering truthfully and honestly under oath in a deposition,”
Commission on Judicial Disabilities
Deceitful and Evasive Okay for a Maryland Judge
The Softball King of Maryland Judiciary
MICHAEL WILSON REED, Judge, Appellate Court of Maryland, 6th Appellate Judicial Circuit (Baltimore City), since March 18, 2014 (prior to Dec. 14, 2022, Appellate Court of Maryland was named Court of Special Appeals). Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 6th Appellate Judicial Circuit (Baltimore City), March 18, 2014 to December 13, 2022. Member, Court Operations Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-16. Chair, Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 2017- (member, 2017-).
I am sending my below comment regarding your excellent and dogged investigative reporting of the continuing White family’s illegal, corrupt, and disgraceful ongoing stuffing of their pockets with other people’s money. I can only wonder where the Maryland State Police Investigative Unit is and the Maryland BAR Association? Respectfully DB Wright, Las Vegas, NV Retired Law Enforcement Officer
My Comment
This judical body established to ensure the honor, respect, dignity, and above all else both the legal and preceived conduct of judges throughout the state of Maryland is a total failure, disgrace, and does not even uphold the standards of attorney’s at law are held to. This body should be disbanded and reformed populated by attorney’s, law enforcement officers, and citizens sitting as a trial board over judges holding them to the ethics and cannons of law applied to attorneys and the laws of the state with the power to remove judges found no to be in compliance. THIS IS DISGRACEFUL! DB WRIGHT