BETHESDA BRIAN – Delegate Brian Crosby conspired to crush consumer choice in energy competition and drive rates higher for his campaign donors
A very eventful day in Annapolis. Constellation Energy – one of Maryland’s truly great corporate citizens and job creators – came to Annapolis this morning with a show of force against Senate Bill 1. An armada of trucks and vans to raise awareness of the consequences of Delegate Brian Crosby’s ill-advised and unvetted Big Monopoly bill.
The message was simple and powerful – this bill is anti-consumer because it takes away our freedom to choose where they buy their electricity and will saddle us with higher costs, fewer green energy products, and lousy service. It will drive major job creators out of the state and, with them, thousands of good-paying, family-supporting jobs.
This bill isn’t about protecting consumers. It hurts consumers who are already hurting. This is all about political ambition and genuflecting to the big power companies and their investors, all of whom stand to benefit if they are literally handed a monopoly.
Please call Delegate Crosby today and ask him to do the right thing for consumers, jobs and the environment by ending this ill-advised crusade. Please ask him to let Senate Bill 1 die in this, the closing days of the 2024 session.