COURT NEWS: Child Pornography Distributor Abraham Razook Sentenced to 20 Years in Federal Prison for Rape, Assault of Children

ARLINGTON, VA. – After months of delays in what would be an inevitable indictment for some of the most horrific series of years of depraved abuse, rape, and sexual torture of children, an Arlington man’s attorneys worked a plea deal with federal prosecutors that resulted in him being sentenced to federal prison for twenty years. The official court records show that Abraham Daniel Razook of 3900 16 Street South, Arlington, Va., committed a long series of sexual assaults on a child in Virginia and in Pennsylvania. Razook took the child to a Holiday Inn Express in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where he raped her, sexually assaulted and videoed the gruesome attacks. Further, Razook produced the video productions which he distributed on the internet to thousands of other sexual predators.
While the death penalty is not available for the crimes committed by Razook, his sentence of twenty years in prison followed by lifetime supervised probation with restrictions that, if followed and or enforced, would virtually ensure he would never come in contact with a computer or a child.


ROSSIE D. ALSTON, JR., U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Despite the court actions described in the record to prohibit his use of computers, the reality is that Federal District Court Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr., who imposed the restrictions, has his head stuck in some pre-internet hole of obscurity and has complete and total ignorance of the availability of free Wi-Fi and free access in public libraries.
Once Razook is released from prison, he is, according to studies cited in the court proceedings, four times more likely to re-offend than those convicted of non-violent crimes. Life in prison or the death penalty is the only outcome that would protect the community from this monster.

“The defendant engaged in devastating acts of sexual exploitation against a defenseless child and produced videos of her sexual abuse for his warped gratification,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Raj Parekh for the Eastern District of Virginia. “He escalated his conduct over the course of years, from viewing and amassing child sexual abuse material to becoming an abuser himself. For his crimes against children, the defendant will now serve a significant prison sentence where he can no longer prey on the most vulnerable members of our communities.”
Statement of facts continued…

Click below for the full statement of facts from court records
Statement of Facts
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Rossie D. Alston, Jr:
Sentencing held on 10/6/2021 for Abraham D Razook (1), on Counts 1, 2; the United States of America appeared through Maya Song. The defendant appeared with w/counsel Jessica Carmichael.
The defendant requests that the two expert reports be made a part of the presentence report in this case – Granted.
The defendant was sentenced to 240 mos. w/Life Supervised Release term on each of Counts 1 & 2 – Concurrent. Cond. or SR: 1) Restitution is to be determined by the Court at a hearing set for a later date.
Once restitution is decided, the defendant shall begin paying at a rate of no less than $100 per month, to begin 60 days upon release from imprisonment.
2) The defendant shall participate in a program approved by the United States Probation Office for substance abuse, which program may include residential treatment and testing to determine whether the defendant has reverted to the use of drugs or alcohol, with partial cost to be paid by the defendant, all as directed by the probation officer
3) The defendant shall submit to polygraph testing as directed by the United States Probation Officer as part of the defendant’s sex offender therapeutic program. The costs of the testing are to be paid by the defendant, as directed by the probation officer.
4) The defendant shall participate in a program approved by the United States Probation Office for mental health treatment, to include a psychosexual evaluation and sex offender treatment. The costs of these programs are to be paid by the defendant as directed by the probation officer. The defendant shall waive all rights of confidentiality regarding sex offender/mental health treatment to allow the release of information to the United States Probation Office and authorize communication between the probation officer and the treatment provider.
5) The defendant shall waive all rights of confidentiality regarding sex offender/mental health treatment in order to allow the release of information to the United States Probation Office and authorize communication between the probation officer and the treatment provider
6) The defendant shall not engage in employment or volunteer services that allow him access to computers or minors.
7) The defendant shall not purchase, possess or view any sexually explicit material or images using young juvenile models under the age of 18 in any format including, but not limited to, in magazines, books, on the computer, or any electronic device, in videos, movies, and television.
8) The defendant shall have no contact with minors unless supervised by a competent, informed adult, approved in advance by the probation officer.
9) The defendant shall not utilize any sex-related adult telephone services, websites, or electronic bulletin boards. The defendant shall submit any records requested by the probation officer to verify compliance with this condition including, but not limited to, credit card bills, telephone bills, and cable/satellite television bills.
10) Pursuant to the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the defendant shall register with the state sex offender registration agency in any state where the defendant resides, works, and attends school, according to federal and state law and as directed by the probation officer.
11) Pursuant to the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the defendant shall submit to a search of person, property, house, residence, vehicle, papers, computer, other electronic communication or data storage devices or media, and effects at any time, by any law enforcement or probation officer with reasonable suspicion concerning unlawful conduct or a violation of a condition of supervision, upon prior notification to and approval by the court or with a warrant.
12) The defendant shall not possess or use a computer to access any online computer services at any location, including employment, without the prior approval of the probation officer. This includes any internet service providers, bulletin board systems, or any other public or private computer network.
13) The defendant shall comply with the requirements of the computer monitoring program as administered by the probation office. The defendant shall consent to the installation of computer monitoring software on any computer to which the defendant has access. Installation shall be performed by the probation officer. The software may restrict and/or record any and all activity on the computer, including the capture of keystrokes, application information, internet use history, email correspondence, and chat conversations. A notice will be placed on the computer at the time of installation to warn others of the existence of the monitoring software. The defendant shall also notify others of the existence of the monitoring software. The defendant shall not remove, tamper with, reverse engineer, or in any way circumvent the software. The costs of the monitoring shall be paid by the defendant.
14) During the term of supervision, the defendant shall not possess or utilize any video gaming system, console, or other such devices which would enable contact and/or the sharing of data with other individuals known or unknown to the defendant.
15) The defendant shall not use marijuana or cannabis in any form.$100 assessment on each of Counts 1 & 2 = $200.00 $5,000.00 assessment (JTVA) imposed; Docket Call/Restitution hearing and hearing on AVAA assessment set for 11/10/2021 at 11:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 601 before District Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr.
The Court recommends that the defendant be designated to FMC Devens in Massachusetts. Deft remanded. (Court Reporter: T. Harris.)(tarm) (Main Document 57 replaced on 10/13/2021 correcting AUSA present at sentencing) (tarm, ). (Entered: 10/06/2021)

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