ELECTION 2022: Deb Rey – the giant killer – wiped out John Bohanan in 2014; says help her beat Montgomery County’s favorite delegate – Brian Crosby who is soft on crime and high on taxes

ELECTION 2022 Delegate Brian Crosby wants $100,000 of tax money to pay for new restrooms of a bar in his district

ELECTION 2022 Cuckoo Crosby Lectured His Opponent For Being Unprepared To Be Elected Delegate Since She Was Challenged By Task Of Campaign Finance Form Filings

ELECTION 2022 Bohanan campaign moola and leftist Democrat Crosby’s race hustling may push Republican Deb Rey back into the House of Delegates

MILITARY-VEHICLES BANNED FOR POLICE: The Maryland General Assembly has enacted legislation that bans the acquisition of armored vehicles that are used to save lives; Leftist Democrat Delegate Brian Crosby voted to strip police of protections

GRIDLOCK SOLOMON’S BRIDGE & GREAT MILLS: How officials have been ignoring the traffic tie-ups at the intersection of Rt. 5 and Rt. 246 for decades while Solomons Bridge may still be falling down; 301 bridge finally under

End of the Dyson-Bohanan Political Dynasty May Signal the Advent of Replacement of Steny Hoyer

Project Vote Smart: Del. John Bohanan, Democrat, St. Mary’s, Voted Yes to Boosting Gas Tax

Steny Hoyer: “I’m a tax, tax, spend, spend Democrat” – now Democrats suddenly express a fear of increasing the deficit and triggering a tax hike? Did they change their game? 

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